David Eddings

Image of David Eddings
Any time there's something so ridiculously dangerous that no rational human being would try it, they send for me.' --Garion
- David Eddings
Collection: Trying
Image of David Eddings
Its a perfectly good face, Sparhawk." "It covers the front of my head. What else can you expect from a face?
- David Eddings
Collection: Perfectly Good
Image of David Eddings
It's one of the advantages of being a woman. I get to do all sorts of unfair things, and you have to accept them because you're too polite not to. --Polgara
- David Eddings
Collection: Being A Woman
Image of David Eddings
Zakath's face grew thoughtful. "You know something, Garion?" he said. "Man thinks he owns the world, but we share it with all sorts of creatures who are indifferent to our overlordship. They have their own societies, and I supposed even their own cultures. They don't even pay attention to us, do you?" "Only when we inconvenience them...It teaches us humility," Garion agreed.
- David Eddings
Collection: Humility
Image of David Eddings
If you're going to maintain any kind of self-respect, you're going to have to keep secrets from yourself.
- David Eddings
Collection: Self
Image of David Eddings
Isn't it easier to forgive than to hate? -Eriond
- David Eddings
Collection: Hate
Image of David Eddings
Exaggerating?" Silk sounded shocked. "You don't mean to say that horses can actually lie, do you? Hettar shrugged. "Of course. They lie all the time. They're very good at it." For a moment Silk looked outraged at the thought, and then he suddenly laughed. "Somehow that restores my faith in the order of the universe," he declared. Wolf looked pained. "Silk," he said pointedly, "you're a very evil man. Did you know that?" "One does one's best," Silk replied mockingly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Horse
Image of David Eddings
Nothing that's really worthwhile should be easy, Belgarion. If it's easy, we don't value it.
- David Eddings
Collection: Easy
Image of David Eddings
Ce'Nedra returned, frowning and a little angry. "They won't give me their eggs, Lady Polgara," she complained. "They're sitting one them." "You have to reach under them and take the eggs, dear." "Won't that make them angry?" "Are you afraid of a chicken?
- David Eddings
Collection: Eggs
Image of David Eddings
Water....I'm thirsty not dirty.
- David Eddings
Collection: Dirty
Image of David Eddings
When you get down to the bottom of it, only about half of what we remember really happened. We tend to modify things to make ourselves look better in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. Then, if what we did wasn't really very admirable, we tend to forget that it ever happened. A normal human being's grasp on reality is very tenuous at best. Our imaginary lives are usually much nicer.
- David Eddings
Collection: Eye
Image of David Eddings
The dullest man in the world is charming beyond belief when he's pouring gold coins from one hand to the other.
- David Eddings
Collection: Men
Image of David Eddings
...If there's a noise in the woods, and there's nobody around to hear it, is it really a noise?" "Of course it is," she replied calmly. "How did you reach that conclusion?" Beldin demanded. "Because there's no such thing as an empty place, uncle. There are always creatures around --wild animals, mice, insects, birds --and they can all hear." "But what if there weren't? What if the woods are truly empty?" "Why waste your time talking about an impossibility?
- David Eddings
Collection: Uncles
Image of David Eddings
Heroes aren't allowed to be nervous." "Who made up that rule?" "It's a known fact.
- David Eddings
Collection: Hero
Image of David Eddings
Contemporary fantasists all bow politely to Lord Tennyson and Papa Tolkien, then step around them to go back to the original texts for inspiration--and there are a lot of those texts. We have King Arthur and his gang in English; we've got Siegfried and Brunhild in German; Charlemagne and Roland in French; El Cid in Spanish; Sigurd the Volsung in Icelandic; and assorted 'myghtiest Knights on lyfe' in a half-dozen other cultures. Without shame, we pillage medieval romance for all we're worth.
- David Eddings
Collection: Kings
Image of David Eddings
...Zedar was gone...As an owl, though, I was able to drift silently from tree to tree until I caught up with him...He wasn't really hard to follow, since he'd conjured up a dim, greenish light to see by --and to hold off the boogiemen. Did I ever tell you that Zedar's afraid of the dark? That adds another dimension to his present situation, doesn't it? He was bundled to the ears in furs, and he was muttering to himself as he floundered along through the snow. Zedar talks to himself a lot. He always has. ...I drifted to a nearby tree and watched him --owlishly. Sorry. I couldn't resist that.
- David Eddings
Collection: Sorry
Image of David Eddings
...it's as empty as a merchant's soul. Sorry, Kheldar, it's just an old expression." "That's all right, Beldin," Silk forgave him grandly. "These little slips of the tongue are common in the very elderly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Sorry
Image of David Eddings
Start early and work hard. A writer's apprenticeship usually involves writing a million words (which are then discarded) before he's almost ready to begin. That takes a while.
- David Eddings
Collection: Hard Work
Image of David Eddings
I thought you said you were the one in charge!" Ce'Nedra exclaimed. I lied." Silk said. "It's a vice I have.
- David Eddings
Collection: Vices
Image of David Eddings
Vanity's ridiculous, but we all fall prey to it from time to time.
- David Eddings
Collection: Fall
Image of David Eddings
The whole world is beautiful, Belgarion' Eriond assured him in response to that unspoken thought. 'You just have to know how to look at it
- David Eddings
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Eddings
Now what?” Urgit warily asked his bride-to-be. “Am I disturbing your Majesty?” Prala asked. “…You always disturb me, my beloved,” he answered her question, spreading his arms extravagantly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Arms
Image of David Eddings
Nobles and peasants marry early. Businessmen tend to wait.
- David Eddings
Collection: Waiting
Image of David Eddings
Belgarath turned back to Senji. “All right,” he said. “The Sardion came to Zamad. How?” “It’s said to have fallen out of the sky.” “They always do,” Beldin said. “Someday I’d like to see something rise up out of the earth –just for the sake of variety.
- David Eddings
Collection: Sky
Image of David Eddings
What happened to your foot?" "I had a little disagreement with an eagle --stupid birds, eagles. He couldn't tell the difference between a hawk and a pigeon. I had to educate him. He bit me while I was tearing out a sizable number of his wing feathers." "Uncle," Polgara said reproachfully. "He started it.
- David Eddings
Collection: Uncles
Image of David Eddings
I'm truly amazed at you, Garion," Polgara said. "I didn't think you had the faintest idea of how to speak a civilized language." "Thank you," he said, "I think.
- David Eddings
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Eddings
Young people, however, tend to ignore the customs of their elders. Adolescent rebellion has been responsible for all manner of absurd costumes. The more ridiculous a certain fashion is, the more adolescents will cling to it.
- David Eddings
Collection: Fashion
Image of David Eddings
Someday I’d like to see something rise up out of the earth –just for the sake of variety.
- David Eddings
Collection: Earth
Image of David Eddings
Isn't it easier to forgive than to hate? Until we learn how to forgive, that sort of thing is going to keep on happening." He pointed at the tall pillars of smoke rising to the north. "Hate is a sterile thing, Belgarion.
- David Eddings
Collection: Hate
Image of David Eddings
The real world out there isn't nearly as nice as some people prefer it to be, so don't swallow everything your high-born teachers tell you without takinga long hard look at it yourselves.
- David Eddings
Collection: Teacher
Image of David Eddings
I must admit that I haven't heard of the Duchess of Erat before." "You're a fortunate man," Wolf said. "She's a great beauty," the man said admiringly. "And has a temper to match," Wolf told him. "I noticed that," the guard said. "We noticed you noticing," Silk told him slyly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Men
Image of David Eddings
Who owns a man, Durnik?” the blond young man asked sadly. “The one who rules him, or the one who pays him?
- David Eddings
Collection: Men
Image of David Eddings
It's the nature of man to ask questions. --Belgarath
- David Eddings
Collection: Men
Image of David Eddings
I want a sword not a knitting needle -Kalen
- David Eddings
Collection: Knitting
Image of David Eddings
Impatience is a poor substitute for a well-considered plan.
- David Eddings
Collection: Poor
Image of David Eddings
The first thing the boy Garion remembered was the kitchen at Faldor's farm. For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home. No matter how high Garion rose in life, he never forgot that all his memories began in that kitchen.
- David Eddings
Collection: Memories
Image of David Eddings
Misty Sendaria," Silk said ironically. "Sometimes I'm amazed that the entire kingdom doesn't rust shut.
- David Eddings
Collection: Rust
Image of David Eddings
If you'd just try, I'm sure you'd be able to fly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Trying
Image of David Eddings
Women are almost always angry with men for one reason or another. It's one of things you'll have to get used to, as you get older.
- David Eddings
Collection: Men
Image of David Eddings
Belgarath and Garion effortlessly hurdled over the driftwood and loped off into the fog. "It's going to be a wet day," Garion noted soundlessly as he ran alongside the great silver wolf. "Your fur won't melt." "I know, but my paws get cold when they're wet." "I'll have Durnik make you some little booties." "That would be absolutely ridiculous, Grandfather," Garion said indignantly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Fog
Image of David Eddings
I'd really like to go with you, Agachak. Truly I would...but I just can't." "I don't understand. Why not?" "I'm not allowed to leave home. My mother'd punish me something awful if I did..." "But you're the king." "That doesn't change a thing. I still do what mother says. She tells everybody that I'm the best boy ever when it comes to that." Agachak resisted a powerful urge to change this half-wit into a toad or perhaps a jellyfish.
- David Eddings
Collection: Mother
Image of David Eddings
...I know that in your heart you miss all those wonderful moments you spent with my father --watching him gnaw on the furniture, listening to his insane gibbering, and enjoying all those playful blows to the stomach and kicks to the head with which he demonstrated his affection for his wives. --King Urgit
- David Eddings
Collection: Kings
Image of David Eddings
Behold Vo Mimbre," Mandorallen proclaimed with pride, "queen of cities. Upon that rock the tide of Angarak crashed and recoiled and crashed again. Upon this field met they their ruin. The soul and pride of Arendia doth reside within that fortress and the power of the Dark One may not prevail against it." "We've been here before, Mendorallen," Mister Wolf said sourly.
- David Eddings
Collection: Queens
Image of David Eddings
You're a cynic," Urgit accused. Silk shook his head. "No, Your Majesty. I'm a realist.
- David Eddings
Collection: Majesty
Image of David Eddings
Whatever happened to him?" Silk asked. "He went swimming in the Nedrane." "I didn't know that Thulls swam all that well." "They don't–particularly not with large rocks tied to their feet.
- David Eddings
Collection: Swimming
Image of David Eddings
Isn't it odd how the little things can change a man's entire life?
- David Eddings
Collection: Men
Image of David Eddings
Why do you persist in being so frivolous, Urgit?" "Why don't we just call it a symptom of my incipient madness?" "You're not going to go mad," she said firmly. "Of course I'm going to go mad, mother. I'm rather looking forward to it.
- David Eddings
Collection: Mother
Image of David Eddings
The notion that any one person can describe 'what really happened' is an absurdity. If ten - or a hundred - people witness an event, there will be ten - or a hundred - different versions of what took place. What we see and how we interpret it depends entirely upon our individual past experience.
- David Eddings
Collection: Wisdom
Image of David Eddings
It's all very well to put the government in the hands of the perfect man, but what do you do when the perfect man gets a bellyache?
- David Eddings
Collection: Men