Daphne Zuniga

Image of Daphne Zuniga
I started dating older men, and I would fall in love with them. I thought they could teach me about life.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Dating
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I have learned the art of filling in your lines with your visuals and your movies and your imagination.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Imagination
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I stopped dating for six months a year ago. Dating requires a lot of energy and focus.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Dating
Image of Daphne Zuniga
You don't have to save the world, but you can be in the world-that's where the beauty comes from.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
You feel touched and honored and alive when you give to someone.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Endangered forests are being slaughtered for toilet paper.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
One out of six women are toxic with mercury. Mercury comes out of coal plants and chlorine plants. I am toxic, I deal with symptoms, children are born with, you know, autism - there is an epidemic in this country. This is like, the air that we breath.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I usually get recognized for Spaceballs.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
To play a bag woman is brave for any woman.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I've been on shows that go for shock value.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I cannot tell you how happy and in love I am with everything.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I'm a late bloomer. Being a late bloomer is a problem when you decide at 40 you want to have children.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
People can be so apathetic. They continue to ignore the real people trapped in poverty and homelessness. It's almost maddening.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
People feel powerless and useless in the world. But they can buy something. It can give them a sense of value, of power.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Before I do a movie, I watch Meryl Streep movies over and over. It's not to mimic her. It's to remind myself to be more committed.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
The planet does nothing but support us, and we are constantly committing crimes against nature.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
When you face your fears, you are free of them. There's nothing in the world I need to hide from again.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
When I was in high school I moved from the big city to a tiny village of 500 people in Vermont. It was like The Waltons!
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
People go to movies or listen to music because they want to be inspired.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I love men in bed when they are sleeping. But then they have to go and wake up.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Tim Robbins had real confidence in college. He literally stole actors from the theater department at UCLA to be in his plays. The department heads got so mad at him.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
My mom was sarcastic about men. She would tell me Adam was the rough draft and Eve was the final product. She was a feminist minister, an earth mom who wore a bra only on Sundays.
- Daphne Zuniga
Image of Daphne Zuniga
You don't have to save the world, but you can be in the world-that's where the beauty comes from
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Beauty
Image of Daphne Zuniga
When you face your fears, you are free of them. There's nothing in the world I need to hide from again
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Needs
Image of Daphne Zuniga
There's a feeling that feels like what I've been told is love. It has to do with what Louis Schwartzberg said today about beauty, love, whether it's squirrels outside my door, the rabbits, or the birds. They're not trying to impress me or anything, and me watching them isn't getting me or advancing me in anything. It's just beautiful. When I think of the relationship I'm in, there's a feeling that comes over me sometimes.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Think about how long it took for the mountains to get there and look so beautiful. Think about how long it takes for this tree over us to grow. We're so impatient. Think about it. This leaf here took forever to become that perfect leaf. We're that. We're work in progress. That's actually being alive.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Daphne Zuniga
People can be so apathetic. They continue to ignore the real people trapped in poverty and homelessness. It's almost maddening
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Real
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Start to become active in what u love DOING. People admire action, courageā„œ happiness far more than they admire a size 2
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Real
Image of Daphne Zuniga
The one that I really call love is when I feel like everything's okay. That state of, it's all right here. I spent most of my adult life looking for romantic love. I've been in therapy since '87. What I learned was, that connection that I was looking for that I thought was really romantic love, my therapist literally said, "Well, when you feel that next, you probably shouldn't go towards that for a partner."
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Romantic Love
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Hey! I don't have to put up with this! I'm rich!
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Money
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Without vulnerability, you're not really alive.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Alive
Image of Daphne Zuniga
People feel powerless and useless in the world. But they can buy something. It can give them a sense of value, of power
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Power
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Tim Robbins had real confidence in college. He literally stole actors from the theater department at UCLA to be in his plays. The department heads got so mad at him
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Confidence
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Your vulnerability is your power.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Vulnerability
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Endangered forests are being slaughtered for toilet paper
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Paper
Image of Daphne Zuniga
The one that I really call love is when I feel like everything's okay. That state of, it's all right here.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Love Is
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I've been on shows that go for shock value
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Shock
Image of Daphne Zuniga
The planet does nothing but support us, and we are constantly committing crimes against nature
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Nature
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I cannot tell you how happy and in love I am with everything
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Love
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I have learned the art of filling in your lines with your visuals and your movies and your imagination
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Art
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I'm a late bloomer. Being a late bloomer is a problem when you decide at 40 you want to have children
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Children
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I get really excited when I have moments where my head - my mind - disappears, and I get this moment where I start to tingle, and maybe sweat a little bit, when I'm in that space of feeling real connected with everything, every living thing. I first started feeling this probably as a child, but again when I started meditating.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Children
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I love men in bed when they are sleeping. But then they have to go and wake up
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Love
Image of Daphne Zuniga
You feel touched and honored and alive when you give to someone
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Giving
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I spent most of my adult life looking for romantic love.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Romantic Love
Image of Daphne Zuniga
This leaf here took forever to become that perfect leaf. We're that. We're work in progress. That's actually being alive.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Perfect
Image of Daphne Zuniga
She's a real adventurer, my mother.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Mother
Image of Daphne Zuniga
Early on, my emotional work had to do with feeling unheard and invisible.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Emotional
Image of Daphne Zuniga
That's what meditation is. You just sit with yourself.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Meditation
Image of Daphne Zuniga
I've been acting since I was a little kid. It was my escape from my day which had to do with a father leaving, and a mother not being home, and her struggling and doing her best and all that. But it wasn't fun. I would go into theater class. If she were a stay-at-home mom, I wouldn't have that discomfort inside that kept me pushing.
- Daphne Zuniga
Collection: Mom