Danny Gregory

Image of Danny Gregory
Please DO waste art materials. Use paper. Empty paint jars. Deplete pens. if it's teaching you stuff, it's not being wasted.
- Danny Gregory
Collection: Art
Image of Danny Gregory
Every day matters. I think so. I do. But I really have to work to force myself to see its value sometimes.
- Danny Gregory
Collection: Thinking
Image of Danny Gregory
Sure, you need enormous amounts of technical expertise to be the best in the world. But to accomplish mindfulness, you just need something you already have: the willingness to quiet down, clear the crap and trust yourself.
- Danny Gregory
Collection: Mindfulness
Image of Danny Gregory
My drawing began as a way to count my blessings. To study, capture, catalog the things that, despite it all, make my life rich.
- Danny Gregory
Collection: Art
Image of Danny Gregory
Follow your passion and the rest will straighten itself out.
- Danny Gregory
Collection: Passion
Image of Danny Gregory
Travel opens different eyes to different things, shows things we've never seen before, shows the world from entirely different angles. That's the power of drawing and the power of travel. They both make the familiar unfamiliar and vice versa. They show what we all have in common and what we may have missed thanks to preconceptions that may have marred our vision.
- Danny Gregory
Collection: Eye