Criss Angel

Image of Criss Angel
The first time I thought about attempting a body suspension was after watching a documentary on rites-of-passage ceremonies from other cultures. I was completely intrigued by what these people put their bodies through.
- Criss Angel
Image of Criss Angel
I've never formally trained for pain management, but I have a good understanding of how to conquer it. I just analyze the pain, feel it in the moment, and then mentally become numb to it.
- Criss Angel
Image of Criss Angel
Reality is perspective. All you have to do is Believe.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Angel
When you think like a child your imagination is free and anything is possible.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Children
Image of Criss Angel
I am the Mindfreak, there's no Reality! Just this World of Illusion that keeps on haunting me.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Reality
Image of Criss Angel
Really believe in yourself, and that no matter what anyone says to you, if you really have a dream and the passion - go for it! If you're willing to go through the rigors to get it, it will happen. It may not happen in your timeframe, but it will happen. I'm living proof of that. I was once on the other end of the spectrum, and now I'm living my dream. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Dream
Image of Criss Angel
Life is but a series of memories you make.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Memories
Image of Criss Angel
- Criss Angel
Collection: Dream
Image of Criss Angel
The American Public is who I'm interested in. Ultimately, if they think I'm good and they think I'm entertaining that's all that matters.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Criss Angel
No one has the ability, that I'm aware of, to do anything supernatural, psychic, talk to the dead.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Psychics
Image of Criss Angel
You can't please everyone and trying to do so is the kiss of death.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Kissing
Image of Criss Angel
The days of television as we knew it growing up are over. You have a bigger, wider world audience on the Internet, larger than any American television series. People don't watch television in the same context as before. Nowadays they watch their television on the Internet at their convenience. That's the whole wave, and it's now - not the future.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Criss Angel
I love develop as an artist, to push my envelope, to grow, to make mistakes, to learn from them and to try and be the very best that I can be while I'm on this earth.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Mistake
Image of Criss Angel
Pain can be a beautiful thing.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Criss Angel
A lot of the demonstrations that I do, when I get inside peoples minds, is understanding human behavior and understanding how people think and getting their patterns down so I know how to create the illusion that I get inside their brain.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Criss Angel
I would love to be fooled. The innocence of child for the first time, seeing something and being in wonder is something that I long for because I'm tainted.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Children
Image of Criss Angel
Everything that I spent my entire life dedicated to, which is this art of mentalism, of magic... I don't see it and feel it and experience it like I first did when I was getting involved in this art. I try to look at it as a spectator but unless I get amnesia I still can't overlook that. I can appreciate the performance but I would love to be fooled.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Art
Image of Criss Angel
I'm able to do my television projects and movie projects that I really want to explore. For me, it's not about the money, it's not about the fame. I love creating.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Creating
Image of Criss Angel
I would love to be fooled. The innocence of child for the first time, seeing something and being in wonder is something that I long for because I’m tainted.
- Criss Angel
Collection: Firsts