Clive Cussler

Image of Clive Cussler
The culinary scene in Phoenix is incredible.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I've always liked Mexican food.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
NUMA is basically trying to preserve our maritime heritage by finding lost shipwrecks of historical significance before they are gone.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I honestly thought I probably did sell 100 million books. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I'm always interested in something that's missing.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I was always a history buff.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I can appreciate other writers' works.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I have a large collection of town cars because when I was just a snipe in the gutter, growing up in Los Angeles, a town car drove by. I remember running in the house to get my mother so she could see it. It was utterly magnificent.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I was driving by an auto auction one day, and they were auctioning off a beautiful Hispano-Suiza. I started bidding even though I hadn't even signed up with the officials. The last bid was $50,000, and it was mine. And I thought, 'My God, what have I done? I've never spent more than $500 in my life.' That was the first one.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
When we find a ship, we turn it over to the state or federal government. It's purely historical. I've never made a dime on any of it.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
If you have some natural talent and really want to write, you should read the books of someone who's very successful in your genre. You don't want to plagiarize, but you want to learn from that author.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I love doing the research for the novels. For me, the writing is hard work.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I get up in the morning, get to the office, and write until about six o'clock in the evening.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I collect vintage cars, so you always find them in my books.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
My son's name is Dirk - I named Dirk Pitt after him when he was about three years old.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I suppose, because I've been able to make a very good living writing books, that going out and finding another million dollars under the sea is not the fascination. The fascination is in finding the ship.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
I was born about 80 years too late. If you were a kid in 1910, the Fourth of July was a big deal. You knew all about the Revolution, and you still had Civil War veterans.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
If I were to say I'm looking for treasure, people would come up with the money. When I say I'm looking for a historic wreck, they're not interested.
- Clive Cussler
Image of Clive Cussler
To those of you who seek lost objects of history, I wish you the best of luck. They're out there, and they're whispering.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Clive Cussler
I plot as I go. Many novelists write an outline that has almost as many pages as their ultimate book. Others knock out a brief synopsis... Do what is comfortable. If you have to plot out every move your characters make, so be it. Just make sure there is a plausible purpose behind their machinations. A good reader can smell a phony plot a block away.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Block
Image of Clive Cussler
To create something you want to sell, you first study and research the market, then you develop the product to the best of your ability.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Research
Image of Clive Cussler
Sometimes my plot lines are so convoluted, I get calls from friends at 3 am saying; you SOB, you'll never pull this one off.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Writing
Image of Clive Cussler
I must say one thing about southern down-home brewed coffee with chicory. If you have worms, you'll never have them again.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Coffee
Image of Clive Cussler
Giordino...simply sighed in resignation. "Who else," he asked no one in particular, "but Dirk Pitt could tramp off into a blizzard on an uninhabited backwater island in the Antarctic and discover a beautiful girl?
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Clive Cussler
She was a Privately funded spy ship owned by the corporation and headed by Juan Cabtillo. The Oregon was his brain child and his one true love.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Children