Cindy Margolis

Image of Cindy Margolis
Nine million Americans a year, that we know of, struggle with infertility.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Struggle
Image of Cindy Margolis
I have my loyal cyber-buddies out there, and I really do answer my e-mail. I'm in my pajamas at 3 in the morning with my zit medicine on. I owe everything to them.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Morning
Image of Cindy Margolis
I gained 80 pounds for my pregnancy so this is like my coming out party.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Party
Image of Cindy Margolis
You check the pregnancy test every month, and when it comes up negative it can start to wear on you
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Cindy Margolis
I am the celebrity spokesperson for Resolve, the national infertility association, and my three precious children were born through infertility procedures. I struggled for many years trying to have children. My beautiful son was born through in vitro fertilization. I had my beautiful twins via a surrogate. So I wanted to give back.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Cindy Margolis
I felt proud of myself. I worked out really hard, and the reason I wanted to do it the most is because I am posing for a purpose: a portion of the proceeds from each issue sold is going to go to my charity.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Issues
Image of Cindy Margolis
I made my career off posing in swimsuits and doing all the swimsuit issues and posters.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Careers
Image of Cindy Margolis
When I got the call from [Hugh] Hefner... I thought, "Wow - at 40, they still want me?" And I thought it's almost an inspiration - like a "you go, girl" moment. I feel empowered that you can be married and and have three children and still be sexy and confident and look great.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Girl
Image of Cindy Margolis
Every couple years when Mr. [Hugh] Hefner would call, I would very graciously decline, because my mom would kill me, and I thought it was more mysterious keeping my clothes on.
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Mom
Image of Cindy Margolis
Back in '96, I was on "The Price Is Right" pointing at refrigerators, and "Extra," the TV show, came down. They were the first entertainment entity that put people up on the Internet, so they put my picture up, and America Online called the next day and said I got a zillion or whatever downloads. I didn't know what a download was!
- Cindy Margolis
Collection: Next Day