Chris Tomlin

Image of Chris Tomlin
Worship: Where God isn't moved by the quality of our voice but by the condition of our hearts.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Heart
Image of Chris Tomlin
Don't chase accomplishments , people or positions to find your worth. You're already loved as you are by the Father.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Father
Image of Chris Tomlin
Worship isn't a feeling you wait for, it's a choice you make.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Choices
Image of Chris Tomlin
Remember: In the end, you're not living to impress your friends or your relatives or your coworkers. All of life is for Jesus.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Life
Image of Chris Tomlin
Isn't it interesting that in Acts 11, at the end of verse 26, it says, "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." What I find interesting is the simple thought that the Christians didn't name themselves. But rather, they were called (or named) "Christians" by those watching their lives. I wonder if it would be the same today. Could someone look at your life or look at my life and name me a Christian? A humbling thought for sure.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Chris Tomlin
I lift my hands to believe again. You are my refuge. You are my strength. As I pour out my heart, these things I remember, You are faithful, God, forever.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Believe
Image of Chris Tomlin
Humility is the key characteristic of a worship leader. Actually, the key for any great leader.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Humility
Image of Chris Tomlin
Worship comes from a thankful heart.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Heart
Image of Chris Tomlin
True worship, worship in spirit and truth, has never been and will never be a trend. This style of music may be a trend, but that's because God's blowing a fresh Wind of His Spirit in so many people who are coming to realize that anything that just builds us up as people isn't worth much. What gives God the spotlight is important. And that's all we're about.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Wind
Image of Chris Tomlin
I am Loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing!
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Kings
Image of Chris Tomlin
You lead me and keep me from falling. You carry me close to Your heart. And surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Fall
Image of Chris Tomlin
Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger, God, you are Higher than any other, Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God,Our God.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Stronger
Image of Chris Tomlin
And If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us, and if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Godly
Image of Chris Tomlin
Music connects with the soul. I think it's the quickest art form to the soul.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Art
Image of Chris Tomlin
When I write songs, I try to write in a way to reach as many people as I can, to be a lighthouse versus a flashlight.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Song
Image of Chris Tomlin
And nothing formed against me shall stand. You hold the whole world in Your hands. I'm holding onto Your promises. You are faithful. You are faithful. You are faithful. I know Who goes before me. I know Who stands behind. The God of angel armies is always by my side. The One who reigns forever, He is a Friend of mine. The God of angel armies Is always by my side.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Angel
Image of Chris Tomlin
The worship leader God is after is the one whose heart is captured by Him.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Heart
Image of Chris Tomlin
Could someone look at your life or look at my life and name me a Christian? A humbling thought for sure.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Chris Tomlin
I remember being in church. We would do the live nativity in my little town and I remember pulling the sheep. I was the shepherd, so I was pulling the sheep around town, down Main Street. I thought that was the most awesome, coolest thing ever.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Sheep
Image of Chris Tomlin
Jesus Messiah, name above all names, blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel, the rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven, Jesus Messiah, Lord of all.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Chris Tomlin
I think there are a lot of people that lead worship don't really understand the weight of what they do. But I think it is all about leadership. It's how you lead people into understanding what this is about. But also the wind of God, the fresh Spirit of God has been amazing, and that is what has caused people to turn their hearts towards it. Worship music is the most popular thing in Christian music.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Chris Tomlin
Could've come like a mighty storm. With all the strength of a hurricane. You could've come like a forest fire with the power of Heaven in Your flame. But You came like a winter snow, quiet and soft and slow. Falling from the sky in the night to the earth below.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Fall
Image of Chris Tomlin
I think that deep inside, all of humanity knows there's truth here, whether they want to admit it or not. There's a joy that comes in Christmas. There's a season of giving, so people feel this generosity.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Chris Tomlin
I absolutely love everything about Christmas music.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Christmas Music
Image of Chris Tomlin
The band and I were leading at a Youth Specialties convention. We were asked to back up Matt Maher for one of the sessions. Matt handed us the chord charts and, with less than 5 minutes of practice, we were playing it live. I fell in love with this song immediately. You can't hear the message of God's sufficient grace too many times. Matt is a great lead worshiper and is a part of Life Teen, a growing worship movement in the Catholic Church.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Song
Image of Chris Tomlin
I played at my church every once in a while, but that's not a good gauge, because everybody loves you at your church.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Love You
Image of Chris Tomlin
My dad taught me to play the guitar. We grew up with country music. We had every Willie Nelson record (laughs). I was saved at a young age and had a great desire to follow God. I was really focused on that through my whole life, even as a kid and through high school.
- Chris Tomlin
Collection: Country