Carter G. Woodson

Image of Carter G. Woodson
This assumption of Negro leadership in the ghetto, then, must not be confined to matters of religion, education, and social uplift; it must deal with such fundamental forces in life as make these things possible.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Education
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Let us banish fear.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Fear
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If Liberia has failed, then, it is no evidence of the failure of the Negro in government. It is merely evidence of the failure of slavery.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Failure
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The mere imparting of information is not education.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Education
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: History
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: History
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The so-called modern education, with all its defects, however, does others so much more good than it does the Negro, because it has been worked out in conformity to the needs of those who have enslaved and oppressed weaker peoples.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Education
Image of Carter G. Woodson
In fact, the confidence of the people is worth more than money.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Money
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
They still have some money, and they have needs to supply. They must begin immediately to pool their earnings and organize industries to participate in supplying social and economic demands.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The large majority of the Negroes who have put on the finishing touches of our best colleges are all but worthless in the development of their people.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
I am ready to act, if I can find brave men to help me.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The thought of' the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
We do not show the Negro how to overcome segregation, but we teach him how to accept it as final and just.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If the Negroes are to remain forever removed from the producing atmosphere, and the present discrimination continues, there will be nothing left for them to do.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
This crusade is much more important than the anti- lynching movement, because there would be no lynching if it did not start in the schoolroom.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
As another has well said, to handicap a student by teaching him that his black face is a curse and that his struggle to change his condition is hopeless is the worst sort of lynching.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
In the long run, there is not much discrimination against superior talent.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
I am a radical.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
One can cite cases of Negroes who opposed emancipation and denounced the abolitionists.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
And thus goes segregation which is the most far-reaching development in the history of the Negro since the enslavement of the race.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The different ness of races, moreover, is no evidence of superiority or of inferiority. This merely indicates that each race has certain gifts which the others do not possess.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Negro banks, as a rule, have failed because the people, taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere, withdrew their deposits.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If the white man wants to hold on to it, let him do so; but the Negro, so far as he is able, should develop and carry out a program of his own.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The strongest bank in the United States will last only so long as the people will have sufficient confidence in it to keep their money there.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The Negroes are facing the alternative of rising in the sphere of production to supply their proportion of the manufacturers and merchants or of going down to the graves of paupers.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
I am not afraid of being sued by white businessmen. In fact, I should welcome such a law suit.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The author takes the position that the consumer pays the tax, and as such every individual of the social order should be given unlimited opportunity to make the most of himself.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Negroes who have been so long inconvenienced and denied opportunities for development are naturally afraid of anything that sounds like discrimination.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Even schools for Negroes, then, are places where they must be convinced of their inferiority.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Our most widely known scholars have been trained in universities outside of the South.
- Carter G. Woodson
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Nature
Image of Carter G. Woodson
For me, education means to inspire people to live more abundantly, to learn to begin with life as they find it and make it better.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Mean
Image of Carter G. Woodson
History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Rights
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The mere imparting of information is not education. Above all things, the effort must result in making a man think and do for himself.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Education
Image of Carter G. Woodson
We should emphasize not Negro History, but the Negro in history. What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world, void of national bias, race, hate, and religious prejudice. There should be no indulgence in undue eulogy of the Negro. The case of the Negro is well taken care of when it is shown how he has far influenced the development of civilization.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Religious
Image of Carter G. Woodson
You must give your own story to the world.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Giving
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Philosophers have long conceded, however, that every man has two educators: 'that which is given to him, and the other that which he gives himself. Of the two kinds the latter is by far the more desirable. Indeed all that is most worthy in man he must work out and conquer for himself. It is that which constitutes our real and best nourishment. What we are merely taught seldom nourishes the mind like that which we teach ourselves.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Real
Image of Carter G. Woodson
No man knows what he can do until he tries.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Life
Image of Carter G. Woodson
We have a wonderful history behind us. ... If you are unable to demonstrate to the world that you have this record, the world will say to you, 'You are not worthy to enjoy the blessings of democracy or anything else'.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Blessing
Image of Carter G. Woodson
When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his 'proper place' and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The real servant of the people must live among them, think with them, feel for them, and die for them.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Real
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The same educational process which inspires and stimulates the oppressor with the thought that he is everything and has accomplished everything worth while, depresses and crushes at the same time the spark of genius in the Negro by making him feel that his race does not amount to much and never will measure up to the standards of other peoples.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Crush
Image of Carter G. Woodson
If you teach the Negro that he has accomplished as much good as any other race he will aspire to equality and justice without regard to race. Such an effort would upset the program of the oppressor in Africa and America. Play up before the Negro, then, his crimes and shortcomings. Let him learn to admire the Hebrew, the Greek, the Latin and the Teuton. Lead the Negro to detest the man of African blood--to hate himself.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Hate
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Truth must be dug up from the past and presented to the circle of scholastics in scientific form and then through stories and dramatizations that will permeate our educational system.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Educational
Image of Carter G. Woodson
What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world void of national bias, race hate, and religious prejudice.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Religious
Image of Carter G. Woodson
Truth comes to us from the past, then, like gold washed down from the mountains.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Past
Image of Carter G. Woodson
The oppressor has always indoctrinated the weak with his interpretation of the crimes of the strong.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Strong