Brian McKnight

Image of Brian McKnight
My fans are the best in the world! They've grown up with me and stayed with me through this entire journey.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Journey
Image of Brian McKnight
I just want to be as creative as I possibly can.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Creative
Image of Brian McKnight
I've been a jazz artist playing pop and R&B my entire career.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Artist
Image of Brian McKnight
I grew up in a time where anything was possible.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Grew Up
Image of Brian McKnight
I hope at some point in my career when my name is mentioned, someone will say "Oh yeah he has a good song!" I'd be happy with that.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Song
Image of Brian McKnight
I wanted to put jazz on the record, all the loves of music that I had on the record, so I could show people I was ahead of my 19 years. It may have been over the heads of some people.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Years
Image of Brian McKnight
Everything I have now is so real, so vivid.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Real
Image of Brian McKnight
Back in college, when I got kicked out of school, I was still in school, I'd just written the song that got me my record deal. If I hadn't gotten kicked out of school I wouldn't be where I am now. Three months after that, I got my record deal and the rest is history.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Song
Image of Brian McKnight
You'd hear Willie Nelson, then Earth, Wind & Fire, then Chicago, then Billy Joel on the same radio station. Nowadays, everything is compartmentalized.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Fire
Image of Brian McKnight
I started as a writer and when I sent my demos out everyone wanted to know who was singing and if that person wanted a record deal.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Singing
Image of Brian McKnight
I'm constantly being courted by labels and their backing. Obviously the market is there when you talk about the economics and the numbers, but it's hard to give up the freedom of being able to do whatever you want.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Brian McKnight
I used to play pianos in bars. You know in hotels, you'd see guys playing piano with a snifter? That was me, with a painted-on mustache. I was about 15.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Play
Image of Brian McKnight
It is great to have your own label; you can cultivate your own artists I've worked with pretty much everyone I wanted to.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Artist
Image of Brian McKnight
This year I've really decided to get into the best shape of my life, and I've gotten there by changing not only what I eat but when I eat and how often, as well as my usual workout routine. The combination has made such a big difference, and I finally feel in the best shape of my life.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Workout
Image of Brian McKnight
I'm never satisfied with what I do.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Satisfied
Image of Brian McKnight
I think I've tried to stay true to my music since the beginning. It's kind of hard because of the access and technology but I just do what I do.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brian McKnight
I've always been serious about music. After you've done it for so many years, you get back to the basics.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Years
Image of Brian McKnight
I hate the pigeonholing that's happened in the music business in the last 30 years.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Hate
Image of Brian McKnight
For me able to do the records I want to do and not have to worry about this producer or that producer or that trend, I'm not really interested in that.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Worry
Image of Brian McKnight
You know, most of my career I wrote about moments in time. All of us have felt one thing or another and it didn't last very long. Now I'm drawing from real experience. It's a huge difference.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Real
Image of Brian McKnight
The hardest thing to do in this business is to still be around. When music changes, when labels' resources have dried up, it becomes harder and harder to continue to make a living at this.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Labels
Image of Brian McKnight
It feels really great to be popular.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Really Great
Image of Brian McKnight
Being a musician, you want to be able to do the hardest stuff there is. People would think it's classical, but in classical, it's all on the page and the difficulty is keeping up with the music.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brian McKnight
By 17, I had a whole band that would go in and play. It was called Spontaneous Inventions, after a Bobby McFerrin album.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Play
Image of Brian McKnight
As I've gotten older, now I've really got to back that up with record sales. Anytime showed me that I could still have some of those elements I wanted, but you still have to come with hit after hit after hit.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Elements
Image of Brian McKnight
I just do what I do and hope it's accepted by the public at large. It's different from when Marvin Gaye and Stevie revolutionized what music was 25 years ago. Now there's all this technology that's available to everyone. It's tough to be ahead of anyone.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Technology
Image of Brian McKnight
I'm not like a legend that - so I'm sort of in the middle in this sort of gray area where, you know, I'm creating music and I'm not saying there isn't an audience because there is because all of those people go out and spend $80 to $150 on a concert ticket.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Creating