Brian Jacques

Image of Brian Jacques
your lives be as full and happy as ours,and may the seasons be kind to you and your friends. The door of our Abbey is always open to any travellers roaming the dusty path between the woodlands and the plains.
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Doors
Image of Brian Jacques
If y'can't see with yore own two eyes what's in front of them, then y'better off closin' 'em an' goin' t'sleep, 'tis far more restful! —Gerul
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Sleep
Image of Brian Jacques
Fate is fickle, and the company of unwilling friends short lived.
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Fate
Image of Brian Jacques
Death comes to us all sooner or later. We cannot escape it.
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Sooner Or Later
Image of Brian Jacques
It's a long hard road ahead for you, little warrior. Enjoy a happy day while you can. —Boldred
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Warrior
Image of Brian Jacques
The more 'otter it is, the more 'otter otters likes it
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Otters
Image of Brian Jacques
Pick-a-lock, Pick-a-lock, you'll regret the day, When you took a mouse thief and locked him away, Silly cat, look at that, it's two for one, A thief and a warrior, by dawn will be gone.
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Regret
Image of Brian Jacques
In our imaginations we can go anywhere. Travel with me to Redwall in Mossflower country.
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Country
Image of Brian Jacques
He came with death held in his paw Which no rat born could face Oh woe to those who break the law Of Sunflash and his mace!
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Law
Image of Brian Jacques
I will not stand here to be insulted by you, hedgepig," Mangiz fumed. "Then stand somewhere else and I'll insult you there, featherbag!!
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Somewhere Else