Brett Favre

Image of Brett Favre
It's been a wonderful career, I couldn't ask for anything more.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
I'm proud of everything I've done.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
I think people have all faced decisions at times where you never know.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
My intention... isn't to create controversy.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
I've been pretty fortunate.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
The way I played the game, the way I live my life, is very emotional.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
You know, I've had my ups and downs.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
You know I used to listen to music a lot more.
- Brett Favre
Image of Brett Favre
You have to believe you're great. You have to have an air about you. My success wasn't because I was a great talent, but because I wanted it more than anybody else. Every minute I step on that field, I want to prove I'm the best player in the league.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Believe
Image of Brett Favre
Most talented players don't always succeed. Some don't even make the team. It's more what's inside.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brett Favre
I've always shown up, always been prepared. Everything I do comes back to the example I want to set.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Example
Image of Brett Favre
If I were to make a list, I would include the interceptions, the sacks, the really painful losses. Those times when I've been down, when I've been kicked around, I hold on to those. In a way those are the best times I've ever had, because that's when I've found out who I am. And what I want to be.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Loss
Image of Brett Favre
It's all about chemistry. Talent alone won't get it done.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Sports
Image of Brett Favre
With each game I play, with each season I play, I'm running out of chances. You're never guaranteed next year. You're never guaranteed the next game. You have to seize the opportunity when it's there in front of you.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Running
Image of Brett Favre
The good teams are good at what they do.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Team
Image of Brett Favre
I consider adversity being good sometimes you know.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Adversity
Image of Brett Favre
I know I can still play, but it's like I told my wife, I'm just tired mentally. I'm just tired.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Tired
Image of Brett Favre
I'd like to think, eight years ago, I was pretty humble and modest. But I think, with each year, you get more modest, more humble, more appreciative. The off the field tragedies put things in better perspective, but life happens to everybody, and I think we all just try to do the best we can.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Humble
Image of Brett Favre
Yip cabbage on three!
- Brett Favre
Collection: Three
Image of Brett Favre
There wasn't a better teacher or mentor out there than Reggie White, on or off the field.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Football
Image of Brett Favre
Every day is not perfect. You have your bad days and good days just like anyone else. You do not want to talk to people sometimes. It is normal.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Bad Day
Image of Brett Favre
I didn't know what to expect coming into this year. There were a lot of question marks, and I think that's obvious now. Can we overcome it? Time will tell.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Football
Image of Brett Favre
I never thought I would see it. I’m not saying it’s not possible. I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I don’t know. There’s a lot of guys getting picked on (in the locker room). Some handle it well, some don’t handle it as well. I’m not saying it’s right, and from a locker room sense or from a team sense, I’m not saying it’s wrong. It’s just the way it is.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Team
Image of Brett Favre
I was serious about retiring the first time, but the first week I was home my wife had SO many chores to do I went back.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Home
Image of Brett Favre
I'd write over and over, 'I will not throw into coverage.'
- Brett Favre
Collection: Football
Image of Brett Favre
It’s fun leading this offense. I don’t think we’ve hit our peak.
- Brett Favre
Collection: Fun