Bob Geldof

Image of Bob Geldof
Music is what I must do, business is what I need to do and politics is what I have to do
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Business
Image of Bob Geldof
It's either vilification or sanctification, and both piss me off.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Sanctification
Image of Bob Geldof
It's like you asked me about the depression thing: you grope towards an understanding of whatever it is your going through, and it's not personal, there are forces in play around you, and you seek to understand them and that way you can go on
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Play
Image of Bob Geldof
I was really lucky that I came to puberty at a time when music and politics were completely intertwined
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Lucky
Image of Bob Geldof
They thought they were Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. In fact, they were more like Tom and Jerry
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Facts
Image of Bob Geldof
What's the point in having a company of secretaries?
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Company
Image of Bob Geldof
So when I got to 50 I just thought, Hold on: I'm thin. I've got my hair. I'm well off. I survived, you know
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Hair
Image of Bob Geldof
If you were a pretty boy pop singer, it would wreck you, growing older
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Boys
Image of Bob Geldof
Because we can't comprehend it, and that's what allows us to do it again. And it is the normal, it's the average person that can do this. Again, in an imaginary other universe, maybe we'd have done it. That's the terrible truth that lies at the heart of each of us; that imponderable, 'were I not Jewish, in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, would I have gone down on the other side?'
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Lying
Image of Bob Geldof
Rock and Roll is instant coffee.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Coffee
Image of Bob Geldof
It's a tragedy that modernity has released this Ebola beast into the world. It renders humans untouchable, and that's sickening. The international response so far has been scandalous. China has delivered f**k all.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Ebola
Image of Bob Geldof
You cannot even begin to understand contemporary African politics if you have not read this fascinating book
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Book
Image of Bob Geldof
You'll think I'm off my trolley when I say this, but the Bush administration is the most radical - in a positive sense - in its approach to Africa since Kennedy.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bob Geldof
Men who are not given any voice in this because of the secret nature of the courts, what they're left with is dressing up ridiculously, but at least using humour to try and draw attention to their kids
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Kids
Image of Bob Geldof
Physically I’m tired at the end of the day and quite glad to be reading in bed by midnight.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Reading
Image of Bob Geldof
I’d always thought the Rats were good fun, but one of the very nice things about being of Saga age is that I can actually look back and think, When I was younger I was in a great band. It was always a collective thing.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Fun