Bernard Malamud

Image of Bernard Malamud
All my life I wanted to accomplish something worthwhile-a thing people will say took a little something.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: People
Image of Bernard Malamud
A man had to learn, it was his nature.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Learning
Image of Bernard Malamud
The short story packs a self in a few pages predicating a lifetime
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Self
Image of Bernard Malamud
Overnight business could go down enough to hurt; yet as a rule it slowly recovered-sometimes it seemed to take forever-went up, not high enough to be really up, only not down.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Hurt
Image of Bernard Malamud
Space plus whatever you feel equals more whatever you feel, marvelous for happiness, God save you otherwise.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Happiness
Image of Bernard Malamud
Some men are by nature explorers; my nature is to stay under the same moon and stars, and if the weather is wet, under the same roof. It's a strange world, why make it stranger?
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Stars
Image of Bernard Malamud
The whole history of baseball has the quality of mythology.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Baseball
Image of Bernard Malamud
I sometimes confuse myself with the little I know.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Bernard Malamud
Children were strangers you loved because you could love. If they gave back love when they were grown you were ahead of the game.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Children
Image of Bernard Malamud
How can we be strangers if we both believe in God?
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Believe
Image of Bernard Malamud
I love metaphor. It provides two loaves where there seems to be one. Sometimes it throws in a load of fish.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Two
Image of Bernard Malamud
We can't all be friends and relatives as the world is; most of us have to be strangers.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: World
Image of Bernard Malamud
The past exudes legend: one can't make pure clay of time's mud. There is no life that can be recaptured wholly; as it was.Which is to say that all biography is ultimately fiction.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Time
Image of Bernard Malamud
If you ever forget you are a Jew a goy will remind you.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Forget You
Image of Bernard Malamud
Nationality isn't soul.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Soul
Image of Bernard Malamud
It's one thing for a man not to know, not to have learned; it's another not to be able to live by what one does know.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Men
Image of Bernard Malamud
... it's possible to let love fly by like a cloud in a windy sky if one is too timid, or perhaps unable to believe he is entitled to good fortune.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Believe
Image of Bernard Malamud
Writers who can't invent stories often substitute style for narrative. They remind me of the painter who couldn't paint people, so he painted chairs.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: People
Image of Bernard Malamud
(Clothes) cannot change a man's nature. He's either kind or he isn't, with or without clothes.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Men
Image of Bernard Malamud
If the stories come, you get them written, you're on the right track. Eventually everyone learns his or her own best way. The real mystery to crack is you.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Real
Image of Bernard Malamud
There is in the darkness a unity, if you will, that cannot be achieved in any other environment, a blending of self with what the self perceives, and exquisite mystical experience.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Dark
Image of Bernard Malamud
As long as a man stays alive he can't tell what chances will pop up next. But a dead man signs no checks.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Bernard Malamud
I am somewhat of a meliorist. That is to say, I act as an optimist because I find I cannot act at all, as a pessimist. One often feels helpless in the face of the confusion of these times, such a mass of apparently uncontrollable events and experiences to live through, attempt to understand, and if at all possible, give order to; but one must not withdraw from the task if he has some small things to offer - he does so at the risk of diminishing his humanity.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Order
Image of Bernard Malamud
Ithink Isaid'All menare Jews excepttheydon't know it.'I doubt I expected anyone to take the statement literally. But I think it's an understandable statement and a metaphoric way of indicating how history, sooner or later, treats all men.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Men
Image of Bernard Malamud
We didn't starve but nobody ate chicken unless we were sick or the chicken was.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Sick
Image of Bernard Malamud
We have in my country (Russia) a quotation: "It is impossible to make out of apology a fur coat.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Country
Image of Bernard Malamud
Where to look if you've lost your mind?
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Mind
Image of Bernard Malamud
If you don't hear His voice so let Him hear yours. When prayers go up blessings descend.
- Bernard Malamud
Collection: Prayer