Barney Frank

Image of Barney Frank
There were a lot of Romneys. There's the Romney who was going to be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy; now there's a Romney who checks with Rick Santorum on that issue.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Gay
Image of Barney Frank
In the West everybody recognizes the need for a private sector, pretty much, even the one Socialist group understands this now, and so there tends to be debate about how much public sector intervention you think is needed for a variety of reasons, and there are very important differences on party lines that should be fought out.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Party
Image of Barney Frank
I am not aware of any specific provision that mandates any tightening of lending to small business other than a requirement that people who lend and then sell that loan be prepared to take a part of the risk. And I'm proud of that.
- Barney Frank
Collection: People
Image of Barney Frank
Trying to avert foreclosures, once you can't just force the banks to do it as a condition of getting aid, means that you have to put some public money into it or you have to do other things that are politically unpopular. From the macroeconomic standpoint there is overwhelming need to help people reduce what they owe so that we don't get the foreclosures and we don't get people kicked out of their homes. On the other hand, there is great resistance politically to helping people, not all of whom would be worth recipients of the help.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Home
Image of Barney Frank
Going before an audience of people who expect you to be funny is tough. Going before an audience that expect you to be boring, and then being a little funny, is much easier. I prefer easier.
- Barney Frank
Collection: People
Image of Barney Frank
I don't think Donald Trump is the right person because I very much disagree with him.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barney Frank
The public is ready now for a safety net for the middle class, something not just for the poor, but for everyone who will need help, from time to time, in order to own a home, educate their kids, keep themselves healthy or have something to retire on.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Home
Image of Barney Frank
We don't get ourselves dry cleaned.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Dry
Image of Barney Frank
The rights of the people who have done terrible things are hard to defend. You have to keep pointing out, the question is the process to determine whether they've done the terrible things.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Rights
Image of Barney Frank
We all have the right to call each other names. Rudeness is a deeply held constitutional value.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Names
Image of Barney Frank
The issue is not that morals be applied to public policy, it's that conservatives bring public policy to spheres of our lives where it should not enter.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Issues
Image of Barney Frank
I wouldn't want [gay marriage] to go to the United States Supreme Court now because that homophobe Antonin Scalia has too many votes on this current court.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Gay
Image of Barney Frank
One of the striking things and Donald Trump is right, he gets no Democratic votes. It`s interesting there were Democrats from states some of them more conservative states that voted him, Indiana, Missouri, West Virginia, Montana, North Dakota. They`re not afraid of Donald Trump those Democratic Senators because they know more than he knows and know what the people want.
- Barney Frank
Collection: People
Image of Barney Frank
There is parallels these two great men John McCain and Ted Kennedy of great impact in the Senate, you don`t agree with everything they did but certainly they had major impacts as senators. Their one major political failure not to be elected president but that didn`t stop them from having enormous impact and at roughly the same age, exactly the same disease. It`s kind of a poignant sad parallel.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Men
Image of Barney Frank
Alec Baldwin has done this great Donald Trump. I wish somebody would hire Leslie Jordan to play Jeff Sessions. The only way is to put the two of them out there. it is the most bizarre, pathetic silliness I can imagine at what should be the most serious deliberations in the American government.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Wish
Image of Barney Frank
Can I say one other thing that`s very important? I`m indebted to Donald Trump for a long time, we`ve had this problem that people disliked government. And the health care bill has shown reminded people and Donald Trump has shown people there is something a lot worse than government. It`s not government. That as bad as they might have thought the government was on health care, it`s now created people that the absence of government healthcare is even worse.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Long
Image of Barney Frank
I think there were two criticisms you can make of Donald Trump`s involvement in the Health Care Bill. First of all, there were times when he wasn`t being helpful. Secondly, there were times when he was trying to be helpful. I`m not sure which one did more damage.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barney Frank
Ronald Reagan got a lot of democrats. I wish he hadn`t. I got to Congress with Reagan coming to the Whitehouse. The Reagan Program, a very radical one, a very drastic one passed because he had a lot of democrats. He worked at it personally and also because Reagan retained a popularity.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Wish
Image of Barney Frank
I can tell you about health care and also about the financial reform bill. The Barack Obama, the President personally and his administration officials at his direction were very much involved.
- Barney Frank
Collection: President
Image of Barney Frank
The people who started the American government, the founders of the Constitution, didn't like political parties but they were forced to start them. Nobody ever created political parties in England, they evolved. And there do tend to be two general tendencies that focus around how much government you think you need.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Party
Image of Barney Frank
NATO was a wonderful idea. It was formed in 1949. We are as far away from NATO as NATO was when it was done in time from the presidency of Grover Cleveland.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Ideas
Image of Barney Frank
There was a degree of interventionism in American foreign policy, the notion that we must be the superpower and we have to intervene everywhere, that I think makes no sense.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barney Frank
A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Country
Image of Barney Frank
Excessive partisanship is the problem. There has never been a democracy in the history of the world in a polity of any size where you didn't have political parties. Even sometimes over the objections of the people who started it.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Party