B. C. Forbes

Image of B. C. Forbes
He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Courage
Image of B. C. Forbes
Jealousy... is a mental cancer.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Jealousy
Image of B. C. Forbes
It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Gardening
Image of B. C. Forbes
Real riches are the riches possessed inside.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Money
Image of B. C. Forbes
If you don't drive your business, you will be driven out of business.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Business
Image of B. C. Forbes
History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: History
Image of B. C. Forbes
Christmas is a tonic for our souls. It moves us to think of others rather than of ourselves. It directs our thoughts to giving.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Christmas
Image of B. C. Forbes
A shady business never yields a sunny life.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Business
Image of B. C. Forbes
He best keeps from anger who remembers that God is always looking upon him.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Anger
Image of B. C. Forbes
The man who is intent on making the most of his opportunities is too busy to bother about luck.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Chance
Image of B. C. Forbes
The man who has done his level best... is a success, even though the world may write him down a failure.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Success
Image of B. C. Forbes
The man who has won millions at the cost of his conscience is a failure.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Failure
Image of B. C. Forbes
Books are like a mirror. If an ass looks in, you can't expect an angel to look out.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Difficulties should act as a tonic. They should spur us to greater exertion.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
The truth doesn't hurt unless it ought to.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Golf without bunkers and hazards would be tame and monotonous. So would life.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
The bargain that yields mutual satisfaction is the only one that is apt to be repeated.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Many a man thinks he is patient when, in reality, he is indifferent.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
There is more credit and satisfaction in being a first-rate truck driver than a tenth-rate executive.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
A business like an automobile, has to be driven, in order to get results.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
To make headway, improve your head.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Better to be occasionally cheated than perpetually suspicious.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
What you have outside you counts less than what you have inside you.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Turn resolutely to work, to recreation, or in any case to physical exercise till you are so tired you can't help going to sleep, and when you wake up you won't want to worry.
- B. C. Forbes
Image of B. C. Forbes
Opportunity rarely knocks on your door. Knock rather on opportunity's door if you ardently wish to enter.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Inspirational
Image of B. C. Forbes
Honesty pays dividends both in dollars and in peace of mind.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Inspirational
Image of B. C. Forbes
If you do the best and the most you can today, don't worry about tomorrow.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Worry
Image of B. C. Forbes
Plan your work - work your plan
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Plans
Image of B. C. Forbes
The Bible says, 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.' Have you a vision? And are you undeviatingly pressing and pushing toward its accomplishment? Dreaming alone will not get you there. Mix your dreams with determination and action.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Dream
Image of B. C. Forbes
Our future and our fate lie in our wills more than in our hands, for our hands are but the instruments of our wills.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Determination
Image of B. C. Forbes
Triumph often is nearest when defeat seems inescapable.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Motivational
Image of B. C. Forbes
Acting without thinking is like shooting without aiming.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Thinking
Image of B. C. Forbes
How you start is important, but it is how you finish that counts. In the race for success, speed is less important than stamina. The sticker outlasts the sprinter.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Persistence
Image of B. C. Forbes
Cheerfulness is among the most laudable virtues. It gains you the good will and friendship of others. It blesses those who practice it and those upon whom it is bestowed.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Practice
Image of B. C. Forbes
A word of appreciation often can accomplish what nothing else could accomplish.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Appreciation
Image of B. C. Forbes
In the race for success, speed is less important than stamina.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Race
Image of B. C. Forbes
The most profitless things to manufacture are excuses.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Excuse
Image of B. C. Forbes
Timing is everything. Tell me how a young man spends his evenings and I will tell you how far he is likely to go in the world. The popular notion is that a youth's progress depends upon how he acts during his working hours. It doesn't. It depends far more upon how he utilizes his leisure...If he spends it in harmless idleness, he is likely to be kept on the payroll, but that will be about all. If he diligently utilizes his own time...to fit himself for more responsible duties, then the greater responsibilities - and greater rewards - are almost certain to come to him.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Time
Image of B. C. Forbes
You have no idea how big the other fellow's troubles are.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Ideas
Image of B. C. Forbes
It's so much easier to do good than to be good.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Goodness
Image of B. C. Forbes
Many of the most successful men I have known have never grown up. Youthfulness of spirit is the twin brother of optimism... Resist growing up!
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Brother
Image of B. C. Forbes
The men who have done big things are those who were not afraid to attempt big things, who were not afraid to risk failure in order to gain success.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Success
Image of B. C. Forbes
Bragging often precedes begging.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Bragging
Image of B. C. Forbes
Success is sweetest to one who has known failure.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Sweetest
Image of B. C. Forbes
The majority of America's colossal fortunes have been made by entering industries in their early stages and developing leadership in them.... Think of what opportunities the present and the future contain in such fields as ship-building and ship-owning, aircraft, electrical development, the oil industry, different branches of the automotive industry, foreign trade, international banking, invention, the chemical industry, moving pictures, color photography, and, one night add, labor leadership.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Photography
Image of B. C. Forbes
It is a great mistake for presidents and other leading executives of organizations having branches throughout the country to chain themselves to their desks at headquarters and send out rigid instructions to those in charge of distant branches and offices. Because a man sits in a palatial office in New York or Chicago or Philadelphia or Detroit and draws a big salary, it does not necessarily follow that he knows better than the man on the spot what ought to be done.... Paul, Caesar, Napoleon did not merely sit at home and issue long-range instructions.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Country
Image of B. C. Forbes
Uncertainty hurts business. It annoys individuals. Why keep the whole country, including business and individuals, in uncertainty over the extent of the tax burdens to be placed upon us? How many of those who voted for Calvin Coolidge imagined for a moment that would do nothing to bring about tax relief before 1926?.... But if the Administration persists in opposing a special session then it will inevitably be 1926 before action is taken.... Coolidge and Congress should ease our minds and grease our activities by reforming and reducing taxation as soon as feasible after March 4.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Country
Image of B. C. Forbes
Ugliness, squalor are breeding grounds for revolution. Beauty is conducive to tranquillity, happiness. Beautifying of homes and places of worship began with the dawn of civilization. Beautifying of workplaces is only in its infancy. Yet, since men normally spend more than half of their waking hours at work, surely it is important that adequate attention be devoted to elevating their working environment, whether office or factory, foundry or machine shop, mine or warehouse. Beautiful surroundings subtly encourage beautiful living. Drab surroundings, bad air, bad light, evoke bad reactions.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Beautiful
Image of B. C. Forbes
Accuse American businessmen of being responsible for radicalism and they would indignantly deny the accusation. Yet, in one fundamental sense, they are responsible. They are responsible in the sense that they have utterly neglected to take part in the work and the organization which precede the choosing of candidates for political office. Local political organizations all over the land are conducted and controlled, as a rule, by politicians.... Businessmen have shirked such responsibilities, leaving an untrammeled field to others less capable of carrying on the administration of government.
- B. C. Forbes
Collection: Responsibility