Avril Lavigne

Image of Avril Lavigne
It's been really fun to see with each album when I change to see the fans of the show emulate my style and with the first record a lot of the kids in the crowd were wearing neck ties like I was and now you'll see a lot of girls with pink hair. It's cool, it's actually really neat.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Cool
Image of Avril Lavigne
Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Life
Image of Avril Lavigne
I'm very comfortable with how I look. I always have been. I think I look pretty good. There's nothing I want to change. I'm pretty happy with what I've got.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Change
Image of Avril Lavigne
I created Punk for this day and age. Do you see Britney walking around wearing ties and singing punk? Hell no. That's what I do. I'm like a Sid Vicious for a new generation.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Age
Image of Avril Lavigne
I was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Food
Image of Avril Lavigne
I don't want to have kids for like 10 years. I still have a lot to do. I don't even know if I could handle a dog right now. I'm so not ready. Someday I'll be a mom but not until I'm in my 30s.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Mom
Image of Avril Lavigne
To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
No one really knows what I'm really like, and you won't unless you spend a day with me, or if you're my friend. No one ever knows what anyone is really like. Read all the interviews you want on them, it's just the media talking and you can't really get to know someone that way, obviously.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
People are like, 'Well, she doesn't know the Sex Pistols.' Why would I know that stuff? Look how young I am. That stuff's old, right?
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
We have parties at my house. My girlfriends and I play our iPods, with all of our favorite songs. We pick our songs and jump up on the counter and dance, and do runway stuff, and we take video with my camera. When I'm with my girlfriends, I act like I'm 19.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I started singing in church and I was probably around seven and I started singing anywhere that I could. I used to sing at my school. I was in musicals and then it kind of got to a point where I started to - wanted to do my own songs.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I don't fight. I don't believe in it.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
You can't complain about the pressures, the paparazzi, the madness. Because that is the job. I've always understood that's the deal.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I think I would probably die without my eyeliner, but besides that I'm pretty basic.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
You get built up and put on a pedestal and then people want to bring you down. It can be hurtful. Some people try to make me look bad or not a nice person but it's completely false.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I'm the kind of person who always likes to be doing something.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I have to fight to keep my image really me... I rejected some gorgeous publicity shots because they just didn't look like me.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
Inspiration for my music just comes from, you know, my life experiences.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I liked being a minor because you can't get into trouble. Now I just have to try and behave myself.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
When I tour, I stuff fridges full of organic food and stick to that.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
The mall tour was right off of my second record, before it came out. It was very different. I did an acoustic performance every day in a different mall! One interesting thing I remember is playing 'My Happy Ending' a lot, and that song was so new that I remember getting emotional.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I don't believe war is a way to solve problems. I think it's wrong. I don't have respect for the people that made the decisions to go on with war. I don't have that much respect for Bush. He's about war, I'm not about war - a lot of people aren't about war.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I have always looked for ways to give back because I think it's a responsibility we all share.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
Well, a lot of people don't know this about me, but I'm actually shy around people I don't know. I would just say with my first concert, my first tour, I didn't really talk onstage. I was like, 'Thank you, I love you guys,' or whatever. But now I've just kind of learned to work a crowd.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
My songs aren't bubble gum pop dance songs and I don't have background dancers on every single song.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I lost my voice for the first time. I was so bummed out, but it happens to every singer at some point in their career. I don't think most people understand, but I sing every night and sometimes we do five shows in a row, which is really bad for your voice.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I was signed by L.A. Reid on Arista Records when I was 16. He understood me and believed in me. Arista folded and I got put on RCA or whatever, then there were new people there, and every six months it changes and more new people come in.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
When people come to a concert, they wanna hear the hits, the big radio songs, and they wanna hear them how they're used to hearing them. I like playing them how they were recorded.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I'm very free-spirited and crazy. I love to have fun, and I like doing stupid things. At the same time, I'm like a 35-year-old. I have a house. I have a car. I have a steady job. I have a business, and I have to make serious decisions.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
On my first album I was wearing a lot of guys pants, baggy clothes and stuff like that. I was 17 and I was a little tomboy. And you would never see me wearing a dress or heels on my first record.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
It's so different now coming out as a new artist today than it was when I came out almost ten years ago. Now, it's all about singles, it's really quick, it's online. I came out when people sold records and they still do today but - I don't know what the key is.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
I decorated my house like a medieval gothic castle, European-style. Chandeliers and red velvet curtains. My bedroom is pink and black, my bathroom is totally Hello Kitty, I have a massive pink couch and a big antique gold cross.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
It's so easy for me to do a boy-bashing pop song, but to sit down and write honestly about something that's really close to me, something I've been through, it's a totally different thing.
- Avril Lavigne
Image of Avril Lavigne
When things are very real and honest, they don't go away.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Real
Image of Avril Lavigne
Every person faces their own unique challenges and you may not always know what others around you are going through.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Unique
Image of Avril Lavigne
I'm a little fighter and I stand up for what I believe in.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Believe
Image of Avril Lavigne
Love is more than a word to me. It's something that I see and feel in the people around me that makes me believe it and feel loved. It's nurturing and unconditional. It is consistent and reliable.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Believe
Image of Avril Lavigne
I won't change anything because I think the most important thing is being yourself and that's what I'm going to continue to do.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Change
Image of Avril Lavigne
You're who you are and if people don't like who you are, all they're going to get is who you are.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: People
Image of Avril Lavigne
I appreciate everything that I have, versus taking it for granted.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Avril Lavigne
It's hard to be stuck with people that you love, when nobody trusts
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: People
Image of Avril Lavigne
I can be very shy...but when I'm around people I know, I can be extremely loud.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: People
Image of Avril Lavigne
It's important to be thankful, even if you're poor. I mean, come on, we all have clean water—well OK, not people in the developing world.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Mean
Image of Avril Lavigne
Let the rain falling on your face run into your eyes. Can you see the rainbow now through the stormy skies?
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Running
Image of Avril Lavigne
People like Shakira shouldnt have record contracts. She cant even speak English.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Speak English
Image of Avril Lavigne
Being able to express myself through music and art has always been when I feel the most alive.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Art
Image of Avril Lavigne
You can't see the world through a mirror.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Avril Lavigne
I think it's important to find a line that suits your body, your body type, that you're comfortable in.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Thinking
Image of Avril Lavigne
She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space.
- Avril Lavigne
Collection: Art