Austin Carlile

Image of Austin Carlile
If I'm not writing songs about things I've actually been through, it ruins the idea of making music to me.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
I'm not going to be like a rapper and mention the people I'm talking about in my songs by name.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
I'm actually at home when I'm not on tour, and I have a lot of downtime.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
It's disheartening to read the really negative stuff, but at the same time, I know who I am, and I'm comfortable with myself.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
I had actually hurt my neck, and because I went a while without getting it taken care of - it was pushing up against the back of my heart - and because I have heart issues, they thought it was this whole big deal. So I spent a good three days in the hospital, two nights in the ICU.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
The 'rock world' is a lot smaller than it used to be. It's doing a lot less things than it used to be. From Woodstock back in the day and Rage Against the Machine, no one sells millions of records anymore.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
Linkin Park has been a band for such a long time, for me, in my eyes. I was 16 years old when I first heard them. I heard 'Hybrid Theory,' and I was floored at what I was listening to. It was angry yet melodic, it had hip-hop and it had - it was just different, good. Good songwriting.
- Austin Carlile
Image of Austin Carlile
You have many options in life, never make giving up one of them
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Austin Carlile
Your uniqueness is your strength. Remember that. Don't mold yourself to others or to what others think. You're an individual. You're special.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Thinking
Image of Austin Carlile
Wake up and create a purpose for yourself. Don't ask the meaning of life, ask yourself the meaning of each given day.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Meaning Of Life
Image of Austin Carlile
Never give up. There is always hope, there is always life. You've just gotta open your heart to it. Live in love.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Austin Carlile
Never understood a lot about the world... music is one of the only things that makes any sense.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: World
Image of Austin Carlile
Happiness isn't a destination; its a journey.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Journey
Image of Austin Carlile
Be your own person because no one can take that away from you.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Away From You
Image of Austin Carlile
To me, music is emotion and if when you're listening to it and it doesn't make you feel that, then it's not music.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Listening
Image of Austin Carlile
People can say what they want but it doesn't stop me from doing what I'm crazy about doing.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Crazy
Image of Austin Carlile
LOVE WHAT YOU DO! Whatever that is, put your entire heart & soul into it, or don't do it at all.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Heart
Image of Austin Carlile
If you have enough strength to help yourself, you have enough strength to help those in need. Never pass up an opportunity.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Austin Carlile
If you're a fan of hurting others, talking down to, or trying to bring others down, then never call yourself a fan of mine.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Hurt
Image of Austin Carlile
I don't know why people have to categorize things in music under music. It's music and it's music and it's music. When you start putting genres on things, I think it's completely ridiculous, and I hate that.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Hate
Image of Austin Carlile
Its disheartening to read the really negative stuff, but at the same time, I know who I am, and Im comfortable with myself.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Austin Carlile
What I think of when I think of nu-metal: structured, heavy music that has a point. It's angry just like all the other music, but the bigger parts are bigger and the powerful parts are more powerful and the slow parts slower.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Powerful
Image of Austin Carlile
We'll have a part and it's clearing up, so you think something is going to happen and it totally stops and does something completely different and then the part you thought was going to happen comes out of completely nowhere.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Thinking
Image of Austin Carlile
I want to be the band everyone knows that goes hardest. Plays the hardest, parties the hardest, lives the hardest, loves the hardest, does everything the hardest, harder than anybody else.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Party
Image of Austin Carlile
When I think of nu-metal, I think of Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot and even Chevelle - those types of bands.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Thinking
Image of Austin Carlile
I think that the people who put caps and the people who put genres on music are the people who are killing our music industry.
- Austin Carlile
Collection: Thinking