Anna Deavere Smith

Image of Anna Deavere Smith
When I got out of acting school, I was lucky to have gotten any job at all. A lot of people hiring African American actresses - it was right after 'Roots,' and for society, not me, it was great. Nice richly dark-skinned people was the fashion, and I was not.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
To live your life well, and have respect for what came before or after - there's a strong respect for that in African culture.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Learning is a tunnel experience that makes us think more broadly.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
People in power have to be careful about what comes out of their mouth. They have to find exactly the right word that can't be attacked.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
The American idea is as promising, imaginative, and full of the unexpected as the land itself. The land represents freedom - the frontier, the ability to make a new future with your own bare hands.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
People who are sick, or who have been sick, or have come close to death have a lot to say - and they want you to hear it.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Probably the person who said the only color in Los Angeles is green was right.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Over time, my students have gotten richer and more educated.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Listening is not just hearing what someone tells you word for word. You have to listen with a heart. I don't want that to sound touchy-feely; it is not. It is very hard work.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
If I do three interviews in a day, I can be exhausted, because the process of hearing everyone requires that I empty out myself. While I'm listening, my own judgments and prejudices certainly come up. But I know I won't get anything unless I get those things out of the way.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
In my own life I'm frequently in predominantly white atmospheres.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
There's not a lot of flash about me.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
If you think about what acting is supposed to be, my job is to disappear.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
A lot of acting techniques are very self-oriented.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I have never been in a violent movie or television show.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Many people are afraid to talk about race because it's so emotionally loaded. We don't have the vocabulary to talk about it. Every day, our vocabulary seems more and more inadequate.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Somehow we can't live outside the politics of race. There's something very deep in all of us, that is taught to us when we are very, very little. Which is the disrespect and fear of the other.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
What you are will show, ultimately. Start now, every day, becoming, in your actions, your regular actions, what you would like to become in the bigger scheme of things.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Becoming
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Confidence is a static state. Determination is active. Determination allows for doubt and for humility - both of which are critical in the world today. There is so much that we don’t know, and so much that we know we don’t know. To be overly confident or without doubt seems silly to me. Determination, on the other hand, is a commitment to win, a commitment to fight the good fight.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Determination
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I am not myself; I am the potential of myself.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Curiosity
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Hope is when you look out the window and you go, 'It doesn't look good at all, but I'm going to go beyond what I see to give people visions of what could be.'
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: People
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Some people study a text very deeply. The people are my text. I study their words and what their words sound like, over and over again. When I was a kid, my grandfather said that "if you say a word often enough, it becomes you." Thinking of that later in life gave me this idea that I could try to become America by learning the words of people from many aspects of the country. It doesn't matter how educated they are. By living in the world and living their experiences, they bring extraordinary truths. I try to do those truths justice.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Country
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I happen to be a hopeaholic. I tend to look at problems as an opportunity to do some work.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Your desire to communicate must be bigger than your relationship with the chaotic and unfair realities.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Communication
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
You can't teach talent. You can't teach inspiration. You can teach people critical facilities. You can give them techniques. You can teach discipline. And you can teach them about the business.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Teaching
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Be more than ready. Be present in your discipline. Remember your gift. Be grateful for your gift and treat it like a gift. Cherish it, take care of it, and pass it on.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Grateful
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
You've heard that old expression from Shakespeare, 'Just speak the speech'? The words themselves will take you to the reality of the character. And so this led me to interview people.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Character
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Even jealousy is based on fantasies: a fantasy that someone else has what belongs to you.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Fantasy
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
We spend so much time bantering about the words when the real open conversations might very well be our actions. I worry about our rhetoric.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Real
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Then everyone leaves, and you are left, each night, to your own devices with a crowd of interesting people - most of whom you don't know - sitting in the dark.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Dark
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Discipline — both mental and physical — is crucial.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Discipline
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I think it's really important to give yourself a very big question that you're working on that you can come home to.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Home
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Do you want to be an artist so that the whole world will look at you, or do you want to be an artist because you would like to use your ability to attract attention, to have the world see itself through you differently?
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Artist
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Art should take what is complex and render it simply. It takes a lot of skill, human understanding, stamina, courage, energy, and heart to do that.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Art
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Poverty makes it very difficult in an already competitive world for kids to get on a straight track where they can actually love learning.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Kids
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
When I was a kid, my grandfather said that "if you say a word often enough, it becomes you." Thinking of that later in life gave me this idea that I could try to become America by learning the words of people from many aspects of the country.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Country
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I think what I am is a "convener"; I like to convene people around ideas.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I went as far away from home as possible in terms of the development of my imagination.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Home
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Commit to finding the true nature of art. Go for that thing no one can teach you.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Art
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Confidence is the mark of a hopeful disposition.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Confidence
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Each person has a literature inside them. But when people lose language, when they have to experiment with putting their thoughts together on the spot-that's what I love most. That's where character lives.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Character
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
My job in my work is not to acquire power; it's to question power.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
If you say a word often enough it becomes you.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Enough
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
People realize that we're very good at sending people to war, but we're not good at taking care of them. And people are coming back from war now; years ago, they would have been killed, now they're wounded; and they're coming back alive and with post-traumatic stress. So, I think Americans are sensible enough to know we've got to figure out a way to take care of them.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: War
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I call the language of political figures, pundits and administrators "the haute couture of language."
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Political
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Self-esteem does not come from surrounding yourself with people and things that seem to increase your value. Real self-esteem is an integration of an inner-value with things in the world around you.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Real
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
I think we can learn a lot about a person in the very moment that language fails them. In the very moment they they have to be more creative than they would have imagined in order to communicate. It's the very moment that they have to dig deeper than the surface to find words, and at the same time, it's a moment when they want to communicate very badly. They're digging deep and projecting out at the same time.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Use your time to bathe yourself in the gift. Move your hand across the canvas. Go to museums. Make this into an obsession.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: Moving
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Some people study a text very deeply. The people are my text. I study their words and what their words sound like, over and over again.
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: People