Andrew Luck

Image of Andrew Luck
I stay away from straight bench; all the work I do is with dumbbells to protect my rotator cuffs. Then I'll do a bunch of different pull moves like inverted rows before finishing with some simple internal or external rotations with a band to strengthen my shoulder.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
Make working out the centre band of core and hips a priority during any training session. As a sportsman, it's the key to any movement and the source of most of your power.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
I have an irrational fear that something bad is going to happen to me when I'm drinking out of a water fountain. I have no idea why.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
I think there's a lot to be learned from your teammates and older guys around you. And there are many ways to lead. You don't have to change your personality to be a leader.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
I was always impressed by how much my dad went out in the yard and played with me and my siblings when we were kids. I'm sure he was tired coming back from work, since he traveled a lot. But he always took time out of his day to go out in the yard.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
I don't like candy bars. I eat the big rectangular bars. You know - anything between 85 and 50 percent cocoa.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
I think chocolate in moderation is not bad for you, but I eat way too much. I tell myself I'm going to eat two squares, and then I end up eating half a big bar.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
I figure it's a European thing to eat cheese and crackers before a meal - that's my afternoon snack, or I do it before dinner.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
Breakfast is so important, so I'll make an omelet with cheese and deli meats, and then I'll eat muesli and yogurt mixed with fruit or oatmeal with fruit - and then a side of baked beans.
- Andrew Luck
Image of Andrew Luck
Football is what you do, but it's not who you are. It's a big part of who you are. Part of who you are is you're a football player. It's your profession. It's a game you love to play. It's a game I love to play.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Football
Image of Andrew Luck
No one prepares to lose ... we prepare to win.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Winning
Image of Andrew Luck
For better or worse, a lot of people's images are based on the first things that are written about them. You can't control what people write about you, so - good or bad - I have never lost sleep about it.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Luck
Hopefully one day I can be up there with Peyton in terms of history.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Nfl
Image of Andrew Luck
My dad hasn't said much about his college days. Oh, a few times, he might start telling stories. And I've seen some highlight film of him from college. I remember thinking he looked really small. Which is funny, because growing up, I thought he was a pretty big guy.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Dad
Image of Andrew Luck
The victories are what I judge things on.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Nfl
Image of Andrew Luck
I've been lucky enough to be around some great coaches, all the way from Pop Warner to now.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Nfl
Image of Andrew Luck
I think the preseason helps a lot, just to feel a little bit about the speed of the game.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Andrew Luck
It's fun to learn a new playbook.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrew Luck
Peyton was the best, my favorite quarterback growing up.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Growing Up