Amy Tan

Image of Amy Tan
With each passing day, I didn't lose hope. I fought to have more.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Hope
Image of Amy Tan
We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming - well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Amy Tan
I was raised the Chinese way: I was taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people's misery, to eat my own bitterness. And even though I taught my daughter the opposite, still she came out the same way! Maybe it is because she was born to me and she was born a girl. And I was born to my mother and I was born a girl. All of us are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going the same way.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Girl
Image of Amy Tan
And I think now that fate is shaped half by expectation, half by inattention. But somehow, when you lose something you love, faith takes over. -Rose
- Amy Tan
Collection: Fate
Image of Amy Tan
My sister Kwan believes she has yin eyes. She sees those who have died and now dwell in the world of Yin, ghosts who leave the mists just to visit her kitchen on Balboa Street in San Francisco.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Believe
Image of Amy Tan
I can never remember things I didn't understand in the first place.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Understanding
Image of Amy Tan
I've always been a magnet for guilt.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Guilt
Image of Amy Tan
On the third day after someone dies, the soul comes back to settle scores. In my mother's case, this would be the first day of the lunar new year. And because it is the new year, all debts must be paid, or disaster and misfortune will follow.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
Her education only made her unhappy thinking about it - that no matter how much she changed her life, she could not change the world that surrounded her.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amy Tan
how can the world in all its chaos come up with so many coincidences, so many similarities and exact opposites?
- Amy Tan
Collection: Opposites
Image of Amy Tan
You don't care what people think. You don't see your beloved's faults, the slight stinginess, the bit of carelessness, the occasional streak of meanness. You don't mind that he is beneath you socially, educationally, financially, and morally--that's the worst, I think, deficient morals. (Saving Fish From Drowning)
- Amy Tan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amy Tan
When my daughter looks at me, she sees a small old lady. That is because she sees only with her outside eyes. She has no chuming, no inside knowing of things. If she had chuming she would see a tiger lady. And she would have careful fear.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Amy Tan
He asked if he could recite a poem he had written that morning: 'You speak,' he said, 'the language of shooting stars, more surprising than sunrise, more brilliant than the sun, as brief as sunset. I want to follow its trail to eternity.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Morning
Image of Amy Tan
I love and am loved, fully and freely, nothing expected, more than enough received.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Amy Tan
When you already believe something, how can you suddenly stop? When you are a loyal friend, how can you no longer be one?
- Amy Tan
Collection: Believe
Image of Amy Tan
Wise guy, he not go against wind. In Chinese we say, Come from South, blow with wind -- poom! -- North will follow. Strongest wind cannot be seen.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Wise
Image of Amy Tan
I learned to make things not matter, to put a seal on my hopes and place them on a high shelf, out of reach. And by telling myself that there was nothing inside those hopes anyway, I avoided the wounds of deep disappointment. The pain was no worse than the quick sting of a booster shot. And yet thinking about this makes me ache again. How is it that as a child I knew I should have been loved more? Is everyone born with a bottomless emotional resevoir?
- Amy Tan
Collection: Children
Image of Amy Tan
They know where happiness lies, not in a cave or a country, but in love and the freedom to give and take what has been there all along.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Country
Image of Amy Tan
I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you're in control.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Fate
Image of Amy Tan
She would be quiet at first. Then she would say a word about something small, something she had noticed, and then another word, and another, each one flung out like a little piece of sand, one from this direction, another form behind, more and more, until his looks, his character, his soul would have eroded away . . . I was afraid that some unseen speck of truth would fly into my eye, blur what I was seeing and transform him from the divine man I thought he was into someone quite mundane, mortally wounded with tiresome habits and irritating imperfections.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Character
Image of Amy Tan
Why do you think you are missing something you never had?
- Amy Tan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amy Tan
And for all those years, we never talked about the disaster at the recital or my terrible accusations afterward at the piano bench. All that remained unchecked, like a betrayal that was now unbreakable. So I never found a way to ask her why she had hoped something so large that failure was inevitable. And even worse, I never asked her what frightened me the most: Why had she given up hope?
- Amy Tan
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Amy Tan
That is the saddest part when you lose someone you love - that person keeps changing. And later you wonder, Is this the same person I lost? Maybe you lost more maybe less, then thousand different things that come from your memory or imagination - and you do not know which is which, which was true, which is false.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Memories
Image of Amy Tan
People there only dream that it is China, because if you are Chinese you can never let go of China in your mind.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Amy Tan
For unlike my mother, I did not believe I could be anything I wanted to be. I could only be me.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
And after I played them both a few times, I realized they were two halves of the same song.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Song
Image of Amy Tan
Yet part of me also thinks the whole idea makes perfect sense. The three of us, leaving our differences behind, stepping on the plane together, sitting side by side, lifting off, moving West to reach the East.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Moving
Image of Amy Tan
A mother is always the beggining. She is how things begin.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
I think Kwan intended to show me the world is not a place but the vastness of the sou. And the soul is nothing more than love, limitless, endless, all that moves us toward knowing what is true....If people we love die, then they are lost only to our ordinary senses. If we remember, we can find them anytime with our hundred secret senses.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Moving
Image of Amy Tan
Now you see,' said the turtle, drifting back into the pond, 'why it is useless to cry. Your tears do not wash away your sorrows. They feed someone else's joy. And that is why you must learn to swallow your own tears.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Turtles
Image of Amy Tan
Even if I had expected it, even if I had known what I was going to do with my life, it would have knocked the wind out of me. When something that violent hits you, you can't help but lose your balance and fall. And after you pick yourself up, you realize you can't trust anybody to save you- not your husband, not your mother, not God. So what can you do to stop yourself from tilting and falling all over again?
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
And when I say that is certainly true, that our marriage is over. I know what else she will say: "Then you must save it." And even though I know it's hopeless- there's absolutely nothing left to save-I'm afraid if I tell her that, she'll still persuade me to try.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Trying
Image of Amy Tan
And below the heimongmong, all along the ground, were weeds already spilling out over the edges, running wild in every direction.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Running
Image of Amy Tan
I had always assumed we had an unspoken understanding about these things: that she didn't really mean I was a failure, and I really meant I would try to respect her opinions more. But listening to Auntie Lin tonight reminds me once agian: My mother and I never really understood one another. We translated each other's meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more. No doubt she told Auntie Lin I was going back to school to get a doctorate.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
Each person is made of five different elements, she told me. Too much fire and you had a bad temper. That was like my father, whom my mother always critized for his cigarette habit and who always shouted back that she should feel guilty that he didn't let my mother speak her mind. Too little wood and you bent too quickly to listen to other people's ideas, unable to stand on your own. This was like my Auntie An-mei. Too much water and you flowed in too many different directions. like myself.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
I once sacrificed my life to keep my parents' promiise. This means nothing to you, because to you promises mean nothing... But later, she will forget her promise. She will forget she had a grandmother.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mean
Image of Amy Tan
My mother had a look on her face that I'll never forget. It was one of complete despair and horror, for losing Bing, for being so foolish as to think she could use faith to change fate.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
We are lost, she and I, unseen and not seeing, unheard and not hearing, unknown by others.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Unseen
Image of Amy Tan
I saw a girl complaining that the pain of not being seen was unbearable... Now I have perfect understanding. I have already experienced the worst. After this, there is no worse possible thing.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Girl
Image of Amy Tan
Whenever I'm with my mother, I feel as though I have to spend the whole time avoiding land mines.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mom
Image of Amy Tan
Yet some of my friends tell me they understand 50 percent of what my mother says. Some say they understand 80 to 90 percent. Some say they understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese. But to me, my mother's English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It's my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world
- Amy Tan
Collection: Mother
Image of Amy Tan
Seeing her this last time, I threw myself on her body. And she opened her eyes slowly. I was not scared. I knew she could see me and what she had finally done. So i shut her eyes with my fingers and told her with my heart: I cah see the truth, too. I am strong, too.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Strong
Image of Amy Tan
Language is the tool of my trade -and I use them all - all the Englishes I grew up with
- Amy Tan
Collection: Tools
Image of Amy Tan
But later that day, the streets of Kweilin were strewn with newspapers reporting great Kuomintang victories, and on top of these papers, like fresh fish from a butcher, lay rows of people - men, women and children who had never lost hope, but had lost their lives instead.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Children
Image of Amy Tan
Only you pick that crab. Nobody else take it. I already know this. Everyone else want best quality. You thinking different.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Amy Tan
I thought this man had long ago drained everything from my heart. But now something strong and bitter flowed and made me feel another emptiness in a place I didn't know was there. I cursed this man aloud so he could hear. You had dog eyes. You jumped and followed whoever called you. Now you chase your own tail.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Dog
Image of Amy Tan
So much of history is mystery. We don't know what is lost forever, what will surface again. All objects exist in a moment of time. And that fragment of time is preserved or lost or found in mysterious ways. Mystery is a wonderful part of life.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Forever
Image of Amy Tan
Yesterday my daughter said to me, 'My marriage is falling apart.' And now all she can do is watch it falling.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Amy Tan
I saw what I had been fighting for: It was for me, a scared child, who had run away a long time ago to what I had imagined was a safer place. And hiding in this place, behind my invisible barriers, I knew what lay on the other side: Her side attacks. Her secret weapons. Her uncanny ability to find my weakest spots. But in the brief instant that I had peered over the barriers I could finally see what was finally there: an old woman, a wok for her armor, a knitting needle for her sword, getting a little crabby as she waited patiently for her daughter to invite her in.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Running