Alexa Von Tobel

Image of Alexa Von Tobel
We all have pretty much similar dreams, and at the root of all those dreams is being able to be in control of your money.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
Growing up in a family of doctors, I wanted to be a brain surgeon for a while. But ultimately, I get most excited about creating things, which is why I decided to become an entrepreneur.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
When I was planning LearnVest, everyone told me I had to talk to Ann Kaplan, one of the first female partners at Goldman Sachs. Within five minutes of our meeting, she totally got the idea - and by the time I left, she was a seed investor.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
I go to bed at 2 A.M. and get up at 7 A.M. - I've never been a sleeper. But I definitely get sick every month-and-a-half.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
When everyone zigs, zag. Life is all about trying to get somewhere first.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Trying
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
As an entrepreneur, you have to be OK with failure. If you're not failing, you're likely not pushing yourself hard enough.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Entrepreneur
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
Get up, dress up, and show up.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Dresses
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
Learning how to face fear really makes you invincible because you stop being scared.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Faces
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
Start a business plan for yourself, not for anyone else.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Plans
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
The best advice that I can offer is that being proactive and a careful planner is key. Think about the major things that could shake up your financial life, and Ill bet there are some great ways to protect yourself.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
Money shouldn't be worshiped and it shouldn't be ignored.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Ignored
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
Before you take the leap, before you jump, really make sure it's going to be something you want to get out of bed [to do] everyday, because it is so hard. So you want to make sure that you're really committed.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Everyday
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
You should go to work every day a little bit nervous.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
My ultimate goal is to create operating systems for myself that allow me to think as little as possible about the silly decisions you can make all day long - like what to eat or where we should meet - so I can focus on making real decisions.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Real
Image of Alexa Von Tobel
As a wife, daughter, friend, and the founder and CEO of LearnVest, my schedule is anything but simple. But I learned early on how to meticulously manage my time.
- Alexa Von Tobel
Collection: Daughter