Alesha Dixon

Image of Alesha Dixon
In terms of the culture, you can't beat Japan. It's my favourite country. It's one of those places you never want to leave. I love the people, I love the food, and I love their fashion because they're not afraid to experiment.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
On a plane, you're in your own little bubble, so I try and enjoy it and don't get worried or frustrated about delays.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
As much as I love beach holidays, I do really like to get out and about and explore. It's why I like Los Angeles: because I can easily drive to Malibu or Santa Monica to see what they have to offer. I get itchy feet if I stay still too long in one place when I'm abroad.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I've not been anywhere in Central or South America before. The closest I've been is Cancun and Cabo in Mexico. But I think I'd love the culture, the sprit, and the energy of Brazil.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Dad's fear, especially when I was 18, was that, in the music industry in the U.K., there wasn't really anybody I would aspire to who was of black origin and who was successful. It was mainly black American musicians in the charts and, at that age, I think you look for someone you can identify with, and there wasn't really anyone.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
My friends say that at school I was quite bossy. I still am a bit bossy, but a nice bossy. I've always been very strong-minded, even as a little girl. But I'm a great friend, and I've never been in a fight in my life. I think it's nice to be nice, especially because I've never been scared to stick up for myself. I'm not a shrinking violet.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I've always had a passion for dancing, and I wasn't lucky enough to go to stage school, so when I got onto the show, I was like a kid in a sweet shop. I went into it just to have fun. The support was overwhelming, to say the least. It wasn't until the end of the show that I realised how much I really wanted to win it.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Before I got into music, I studied sport and used to run for my county.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I idolised former sprint and hurdling champion Colin Jackson.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
There still aren't many black women on prime-time TV. Times are changing, but it's interesting: we're in 2013 and still experiencing firsts... Hopefully, in the next 100 years, things will balance even more.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Sadly, I've learnt that prejudice still exists in parts of the entertainment industry - I did an interview with a magazine once, and the journalist quite openly said they wouldn't put a black person on the front cover because the magazine wouldn't sell.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
When I joined the 'Strictly Come Dancing' panel in 2009, the controller of the BBC came into my dressing room and said they were proud to have a woman of colour on their panel. It was so nice that they acknowledged it.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
One day, I would like to have my own chat show. Oprah is my idol because she uses her platform so responsibly.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I am constantly thinking of different ideas and formats for TV shows. I am in a place where anything is possible if you want to do it.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
It's rare to see a person of colour in a lead role. It does matter to a lot of people.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Not strict, no - but I've always been very conscious about just being healthy and taking care of myself.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I'm not doing a 9 to 5 job, so every week is different; one week I might be at home for three or four days, and another week it'll be busier. That's the beauty of my job.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I knew I always wanted to be my own boss. My mum would say I've been my own boss since primary school. It was probably always my destiny.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I'm not one of those regimental people who never eats certain things - that's not life. You've got to live; you've got to eat what you want and treat yourself.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I'd be lying if I did not say that being a woman of colour is something I am always mindful or aware of.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I have definitely had times in my career where I have wondered whether I have had to work a bit harder, prove myself more, but I would never want to be in a position where I am saying, 'Oh, I did not get that job because of my race.'
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I grew up in Welwyn Garden City, and when you're a woman of colour in a predominantly white area, you become aware of prejudice from a young age.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I don't worry about the future because that will take care of itself. I don't carry around past baggage because what's that going to do for me? We only have now.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Going out to eat is one of the most enjoyable things about going away, and I do like to try the local delicacies. I'm very open-minded with food, and I think, when you go abroad, that's the time to experiment and try something new.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I always take an iPod and iPod speakers so that when you're in the hotel room you can have it on, or when you're at the beach you can put it on quietly. Music can really set the tone for your holiday.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Growing up, I used to think I'd never get on a plane - I was terrified. But when I joined Mis-Teeq, being on a plane was my job. I used to scream on flights. Full-on screams.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I used to have seven dogs; now I have a more manageable four. I was in Cornwall, and one dog got swept away downstream, so my cousin dived in to get it, then her dog dived in. So I jumped in to rescue hers. Those dogs are my calm. That's how I cope with the business - I get the sanity on my woodland dog walks, being a tomboy.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I think all human beings can surprise themselves when they are in situations where they are tested. That's when you see your true character coming out, and I was definitely tested.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Dancing is one of the best ways of expressing yourself, and I definitely use it to release emotion.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
Life's easier and nicer when you let go of the past and look to the future.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
It's important to look at what you do have, not what you don't. I'm one of those people who wants a good life, so I do my best to snap out of it.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
'The Alesha Show' was done with production crew Xenomania, and this time, I've worked with a lot of upcoming new producers.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
When I was a little girl, I was a little bit of a show off.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
When women listen to my music, I want them to feel empowered.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
I do believe that men and women are different, and that should be celebrated, but at the same time, I think there's a lot of things girls can do, and do equally, as well. Whether it's fighting for equal pay or just to be treated with respect, it's something I think is really important.
- Alesha Dixon
Image of Alesha Dixon
When you are knocked down you have two choices - stay down or get back up, stronger.
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Two
Image of Alesha Dixon
It was the lowest point of my life. I just kept thinking, 'What have I done to deserve this?' I didn't see the point in living.
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alesha Dixon
Strictly has just given me a real zest for life. Life is so short. We should all grasp it.
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Real
Image of Alesha Dixon
I think people in England take things for granted, we complain about our NHS system and yes it's not perfect but believe me it's far better than what they've got here.
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Believe
Image of Alesha Dixon
By the way, dancers are not human beings. How can you be human and do what they do?
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Dancer
Image of Alesha Dixon
Obviously music is my first job.
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Jobs