Albert Brooks

Image of Albert Brooks
If you don't succeed on your own ground, then there's no reason to succeed. Unless, of course, you really want a boat. If you're a person who feels that with a yacht, everything will be all right, then you should do whatever you have to and get the yacht.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I never, in anything I've ever done, tried to get you to like it. I was never going to succeed at that. That's not the way most entertainment is made. Most entertainment is trying to get you. It's tested, like toothpaste.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
The first act is writing, the second act is filming, the third act is releasing. If you have to partake in the third act, it hurts the first act of the next one. It's like a prizefight. You get punched.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My humor is traced with dark - I've got dark patches all over the place.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If I start a film of my own, then what I eliminate is acting in other people's movies. Because once I start, and I go raise the money, it's about two and a half or three years, and I can't stop. I have people hired. I can't say, 'Ooh there's a good part called 'Drive'; I'll see you in three months.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I probably learned, being in 'Taxi Driver' before I made my first film, I would come to the set every day just to watch how that film came about. It's like a graduate course: it's terrific. You talk to the cinematographer during the breaks. You ask the electrician why they are doing this.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I had done about 60 television shows, from 'Ed Sullivan' to 'The Hollywood Palace,' before I ever went to 'Johnny Carson.' At the time, that was the showcase for comics. And I couldn't believe it.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I attempt to create a form of seriocomic entertainment to either delight, enlighten, or disgust, whichever you'd like. In terms of making motion pictures, I write and direct and act. I guess you'd say I'm a filmmaker.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
This is a generalization, but I think women's brains are more accessible to ideas and differences. And they can accept stuff that's weirder. I think there are enough intelligent men out there who get it, but women will watch behavior that's different and process it better. In general, women are less threatened by their emotions.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
There've been a few mother-daughter movies that are somewhat realistic. But the mother-son movies are more comical than realistic: 'Throw Momma from the Train,' 'Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot.' You don't sit in the dark and go, 'Oh my God, that's my mother.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I like to do things that I want to see myself. With 'Defending Your Life,' I wanted to see some aspect of death other than angels and the thing that 'Ghost' was about, because that didn't make any sense to me. So that's the reason: it fills a hole.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I don't think the goal is, 'How big a star did you ever become?' I think the goal is, 'Were you able to express yourself?' And if you're able to say yes, in any field, you've won. If you paint, write, do mosaics, knit - if it's solving that part of your brain saying, 'I need to do this,' you've won.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Movies are an expensive business.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I was in Kashmir last weekend. Went to visit one of my sweaters.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Steven Spielberg seems to have wanted to be a director from 13. He put his dog in a certain position and made him eat at four o'clock. He liked to direct it. But, to me, directing is tedious. Especially if you're acting in it. And I'm inherently lazy.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I like the acting. It's how I started, and I sort of feel that if I don't give it a little shot now, and I go back, then I'm pretty much done with it. I mean, at what age am I going to do it at? Although, when you see Christopher Plummer and Max von Sydow doing it, I guess the answer is 80.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
When I audition, I understand what it takes and the insecurities that come with it. If I do anything, I put actors at ease. I used to tell directors who weren't actors, the best thing they could do was take an acting class for a couple of months. Just to understand.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
You know what I've always wanted to do? I've always wanted to put a lung in a suitcase and send it through an airport security check. In effect, the guard would be looking at an X-ray of a lung.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
It's funny: in the middle of making 'The Muse,' I was offered, at the time, the first 'Ice Age,' the part that Ray Romano took: I was offered the elephant. And I couldn't even stop to breathe, so I didn't do it. They've made, like, six of them. And in the animation business, for a voice actor, that's what you want. You want six, you know?
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
The idea behind 'Defending Your Life': Imagine if you had to sit in a courtroom and watch your life. I don't care who you are - if you committed a crime and you had to have all of your emails searched and made public, who on this planet could survive that? Nobody.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
It's better to be known by six people for something you're proud of than by 60 million for something you're not.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
When I was younger, I wasn't concentrating on good days. I was managing a career and trying to have a good year. It would always 'lead' to something, which never leads to anything except death, where everything leads to. And then as I got older, and then I had my kids and everything, I began to appreciate a great Wednesday.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I started on television. I had five years of network television before I ever got up on a stage. The first thing I ever did was in 1967. This guy Bill Keene had a little talk show at noon, and Gary Owens took over for a week. He knew about this dummy bit I used to do, this ventriloquist thing, and I was on 'Keene at Noon.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I'm not interesting enough on my own that you'd want to see a film about me.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Be generous and you can be the best person who ever lived.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I studied acting at Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh because I figured a good comedian certainly could act.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I just like making people laugh, and buried in that I like to bring up topics and start discussions.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If you paint, write, do mosaics, knit - if it's solving that part of your brain saying, 'I need to do this,' you've won.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Once you sign on as an actor, you know, you don't go to the editing room, you don't see how they cut, you don't see how they score, you don't see how they cast the rest of the movie.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I was offered 'Pretty Woman.' I was offered 'Big' and 'Dead Poets Society.' But what was important to me in those years was to make movies, to make these Albert Brooks movies.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Bullfights are hugely popular because you can sit comfortably with a hot dog and possibly watch a man die. It won't be me, but I can sit comfortably and watch it.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I come from the place where I am thinking 'I have put my blood on the pages.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I'd still like to see 'Survivor' minus the planned show-biz parts. That would be the purest form of show business - I want to see someone so hungry that they eat somebody else's foot.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If we had 3 million exhibitionists and only one voyeur, nobody could make any money.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
When I die, if the word 'thong' appears in the first or second sentence of my obituary, I've screwed up.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Even if you didn't see the movie, you'd see two words you'd never seen put together before - comedy and Muslim. Comedy is friendly - it's the least offensive word in our language.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
When I went to acting school, the kids that got the best grades were the kids that could cry on cue. But it didn't really translate into careers for any of them, because the external is the easy part.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I've been to many funerals of funny people, and they're some of the funniest days you'll ever have, because the emotions run high.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I guess 'The Player' was a pretty good L.A. movie. And 'Chinatown.' Was there ever a better L.A. movie about a certain period in L.A.? That was terrific.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I never wanted to be a director.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I had a very wise person tell me that he thinks marriage, when you're younger, you keep thinking you can fix things. That's what people do. And you can't really fix anything. It shouldn't be a massive difficult thing every day. Life's difficult enough.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
You know, when cameras are rolling, improvisation doesn't feel natural. The pressure is too great. You're on a time schedule. You've got 60 crewmen.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Listen, there are some movies that are set in stone and the writer or the director does not want to change, but I've never worked on a movie, including my own, that didn't take advantage of a rehearsal process.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If you look at the best-seller list for American fiction, they're all sequels to detective stories or stories about hunting serial killers. That's what's called American fiction these days.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Twitter is the Devil's playground.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
It's interesting when you're part of a group - the Jews, to be exact - that the world has had such problems with.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I, sort of, got into comedy accidentally, and it got bigger than I wanted it to.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
There's always the standard six people you can hire that have played all these villains in Hollywood. Instinctively, when they come on screen, you know what's going to happen. You don't know the story, but you know what they do.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
As an actor, if you're just sitting and staring and you don't know who you are in your own mind, it's vacant. And sometimes the camera is an X-ray machine, it can pick it up.
- Albert Brooks