Top Years Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Years quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Years quotes.

Image of William H. Calvin
Even if we stop the growth, we'd still be adding a constant amount of fossil carbon to the atmosphere each year.
- William H. Calvin
Collection: Years
Image of Jesse Lauriston Livermore
It took me five years to learn to play the game intelligently enough to make big money when I was right.
- Jesse Lauriston Livermore
Collection: Years
Image of Janet Flanner
Proust has been dead since 1922, yet the annual appearance of his posthumous works has left him, to the reader, alive. Now there is nothing left to publish. Five years after his interment, Proust seems dead for the first time.
- Janet Flanner
Collection: Years
Image of Peg Bracken
It is important to remember that these are your Declining Years, in which you can jolly well decline to do what you don't feel like doing, unless not doing it would make you feel worse than doing it.
- Peg Bracken
Collection: Years
Image of David Walker
Just five years ago, it was almost impossible to waste a million dollars building a Web site.
- David Walker
Collection: Years
Image of Ian Plimer
There is no problem with global warming. It stopped in 1998. The last two years of global cooling have erased nearly 30 years of temperature increase.
- Ian Plimer
Collection: Years
Image of Dwight Howard
The NBA is not for everybody. And looking from the outside in like I did last year, it seems so easy from just watching, but on the court it is a whole different level.
- Dwight Howard
Collection: Years
Image of Dwight Howard
Playing 13 years is a long time, but I feel really good. It's not like I'm [old]. I'm just thankful.
- Dwight Howard
Collection: Years
Image of Rob Delaney
We can and should complain about certain horrors of the modern world, but when it comes to the treatment of mental illness, the advances made in the last hundred years have been far more significant than the space program, nuclear fission, or even The Wire, for so many fortunate people.
- Rob Delaney
Collection: Years
Image of Joe Lieberman
In fact, five years ago, after Saddam ejected the UN inspectors, John McCain and I gave up on containment and introduced the Iraqi Liberation Act, which, when it became law, made a change of regime in Baghdad official US policy. You might therefore say that, when it comes to Iraq, President Bush is just enforcing the McCain-Lieberman policy.
- Joe Lieberman
Collection: Years
Image of James Drummond Burns
I have been dying for twenty years, now I am going to live.
- James Drummond Burns
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Benenson
Pressure of opinion a hundred years ago brought about the emancipation of the slaves'.
- Peter Benenson
Collection: Years
Image of Tyler Hoechlin
I was trying to be an entrepreneur at seven years old.
- Tyler Hoechlin
Collection: Years
Image of Nick Hanauer
You can go back 150 years and literally find the same people saying the same thing in the same way. "If we have to pay you more, it will be bad for you." And that's because saying that is a much more polite way of saying, "I'm rich, you're poor, and I would prefer to keep it that way."
- Nick Hanauer
Collection: Years
Image of Jan Smuts
If there was to be equal manhood suffrage the whites would be swamped all over South Africa by the blacks and the whole position for which whites have striven for 200 years or more would be given up.
- Jan Smuts
Collection: Years
Image of Muhammad Ali
If you look at the world the same way when you're 50 that you did when you were 20, then you wasted 30 years.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Years
Image of Michael Uslan
There are times when you need to step back and realize that movie studios today are not necessarily the same things that they were many years ago. Many movie studios are international conglomerates now. They own everything from theme parks to toy companies to T-shirt companies to video companies. There's a lot of different wheels to be greased.
- Michael Uslan
Collection: Years
Image of Harry Secombe
Anyone who, for 25 years, has built a career on such tenuous foundations as a high-pitched giggle, a raspberry and a sprinkling of top 'Cs' needs all the friends he can get.
- Harry Secombe
Collection: Years
Image of Robert Burns
The best laid plans take 40 years to complete.
- Robert Burns
Collection: Years
Image of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Two years of close association with some of the best (as well as some of the worst) tunes in the world was a better musical education than any amount of sonatas and fugues.
- Ralph Vaughan Williams
Collection: Years
Image of Julian Casablancas
It was 100,000 years before we figured out what to do with fire. Imagine cavemen, sitting in front of a fire, eating raw meat for 100 thousand years.
- Julian Casablancas
Collection: Years
Image of Barbara Broccoli
I still love it, every day. I get up and I love going to work. I love seeing it all happen, and I admire the people that we work with. I just hope that the films will continue to entertain audiences, as they have done for 50 years.
- Barbara Broccoli
Collection: Years
Image of Leonard Read
Assume that a surgeon has discovered how to do brain surgery, that he can do only one a month, that 1,000 persons a year need such an operation if they are to survive. How is the surgeon's scarce resource to be allocated? Charge whatever price is necessary to adjust supply and demand, say $50,000! 'For shame,' some will cry. 'Your market system will save only wealthy people.' For the moment, yes. But soon there will be hundreds of surgeons who will acquire the same skill; and, as in the case of the once scarce and expensive 'miracle drugs,' the price then will be within reach of all.
- Leonard Read
Collection: Years
Image of Thomas Haynes Bayly
O give me new figures! I can't go on dancing The same that were taught me ten seasons ago; The schoolmaster over the land is advancing, Then why is the master of dancing so slow? It is such a bore to be always caught tripping In dull uniformity year after year; Invent something new, and you'll set me a skipping: I want a new figure to dance with my Dear!
- Thomas Haynes Bayly
Collection: Years
Image of Scott Caan
When I was 17 years old, I was in the music business.
- Scott Caan
Collection: Years
Image of Clarence Page
Most African Americans, if given a chance, would have chosen to be 'just Americans' ever since the first of us was brought here to Jamestown colony in 1619, a year before the Mayflower landed. But that choice has never been left up to us.
- Clarence Page
Collection: Years
Image of Juice Newton
I'll see you again in a thousand years.
- Juice Newton
Collection: Years
Image of Dennis Wolfberg
After ten years in therapy, my psychologist told me something very touching, he said, “no hablo ingles.”
- Dennis Wolfberg
Collection: Years
Image of Rene Auberjonois
I came out of repertory theater, where I worked 50 weeks a year, and I loved working with a team.
- Rene Auberjonois
Collection: Years
Image of Franklin Graham
God’s word is the same, yesterday and today and a million years from now.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Years
Image of Franklin Graham
As we enter this election year, let’s not forget the most important decision anyone can make-choosing Christ.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Years
Image of M. King Hubbert
Growth, growth, growth -- that's all we've known . . . World automobile production is doubling every 10 years; human population growth is like nothing that has happened in all of geologic history. The world will only tolerate so many doublings of anything -- whether it's power plants or grasshoppers.
- M. King Hubbert
Collection: Years
Image of Harry Blackstone, Jr.
Nothing I do can't be done by a ten-year-old...with fifteen years of practice.
- Harry Blackstone, Jr.
Collection: Years
Image of Julius Streicher
Who are the moneylenders? They are those who were driven out of the Temple by Christ Himself 2000 years ago. They are those who never work but live on fraud.
- Julius Streicher
Collection: Years
Image of Frederick Winslow Taylor
In the early stages of wealth, up to 10 years after individuals became very rich, they display a bit of reluctance to spend money. It's a lot easier rationalizing spending a lot for a house.
- Frederick Winslow Taylor
Collection: Years
Image of Rei Kawakubo
You can tell if it's a good collection if people are afraid of it. In ten years, everyone will love it.
- Rei Kawakubo
Collection: Years
Image of W. C. Sellar
British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone spent his declining years trying to guess the answer to the Irish Question; unfortunately, whenever he was getting warm, the Irish secretly changed the Question.
- W. C. Sellar
Collection: Years
Image of Eustace Mullins
In fact, I point out that all the conspiracies in history - especially during the last 5000 years - are actually different aspects of the same conspiracy. Some people fixed on one aspect of the conspiracy, and say this is the problem, others say another thing, but the thing is all the conspirators work together. All the conspirators are part of the same operation. And this is what people find very reluctant.
- Eustace Mullins
Collection: Years
Image of Eustace Mullins
Some years ago, someone had come up with the idea that the State should hold all Titles to vehicles, mailing a Certificate of Title to the 'owners'. This created a legal fiction that the State owned the vehicles. Drivers were thus driving a State owned vehicle, mandating drivers must have a license to drive a State vehicle, which was false. The State reaped many millions with its drivers license scam, and began issuing heavy fines for not having a State license.
- Eustace Mullins
Collection: Years
Image of Blaine Wilson
I'm not letting any 17 year old beat me tonight
- Blaine Wilson
Collection: Years
Image of Stephen Stills
After about a year or so, I was in L.A.; I'd decided to try to get a band together out there
- Stephen Stills
Collection: Years
Image of Evelle J. Younger
An incompetent lawyer can delay a trial for months or years. A competent lawyer can delay one even longer.
- Evelle J. Younger
Collection: Years
Image of Phil Mickelson
Well, you know, I don't really want to trade next year. I certainly enjoyed having the jacket put on me rather than putting it on.
- Phil Mickelson
Collection: Years
Image of Nicolas Cage
I always add a year to myself, so I'm prepared for my next birthday. So when I was 39, I was already 40.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Years
Image of Tia Carrere
No, I always wanted to be a singer. It was kind of funny that I took this road, started acting, then-almost ten years later-in Wayne's World people finally got to see me sing. And everyone thought it was dubbed in.
- Tia Carrere
Collection: Years
Image of Margaret Cavendish
Indeed I had not much wit, yet I was not an idiot - my wit was according to my years.
- Margaret Cavendish
Collection: Years
Image of William Lilly
After that his Majesty was beheaded, the Parliament for some years effected nothing either for the publick peace or tranquillity of the nation, or settling religion as they had formerly promised.
- William Lilly
Collection: Years
Image of William Lilly
In this year 1634, I purchased the moiety of thirteen houses in the Strand for five hundred and thirty pounds.
- William Lilly
Collection: Years
Image of Henry Blodget
People have been predicting the death of television for 20 years now, and so far it's been entirely wrong. But it does seem viewership habits are starting to change.
- Henry Blodget
Collection: Years