Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 81

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 81 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of John Caples
You can write a 1st paragraph that continues the same thought you expressed in your headline. If you stop a reader with a headline about house paint, you can be sure of at least one thing about that reader: He wants more info about house paint. You will not lose him as long as you continue to give him what he wants.
- John Caples
Collection: Writing
Image of Vilem Flusser
He who writes must master the rules of grammar. He who shoots photographs needs only to follow the instructions as given by the camera.... This leads to the paradox that the more people shoot photographs, the less they are capable of deciphering them.
- Vilem Flusser
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Wuerl
Gods revelation has always been in deeds. Gods interventions in history have always been in deeds, in actions. Then there are those who interpret the actions, and then there are those who write down the interpretations of the actions.
- Donald Wuerl
Collection: Writing
Image of Caryl Rivers
I enjoy the process of writing. The torment comes in getting my bottom on the chair and in front of the typewriter.
- Caryl Rivers
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Hass
It's hell writing and it's hell not writing. The only tolerable state is having just written.
- Robert Hass
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul J. Meyer
Writing crystallizes thought and thought produces action.
- Paul J. Meyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Damian Kulash
David Foster Wallace is a big idol of mine. His writing is so clear that for years I'd read him and think, My God, he is actually writing the way I think. He's describing the thoughts in my head. And then I realized, No, wait. He's just such a good writer, so transparent and articulate, that when he describes his thoughts, I think they're my own.
- Damian Kulash
Collection: Writing
Image of Emayatzy E. Corinealdi
I have visions and ideas about different things. Other actors just inspire you, so writing is something I would love to do more of. I would really be interested in doing something in that vein, writing something for myself or someone else and directing for sure.
- Emayatzy E. Corinealdi
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Holloway Scott
I'm such a history-nerd that, with time for research, I could probably enjoy writing in just about any time period.
- Susan Holloway Scott
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederic G. Kenyon
It is from the graves and ruins and rubbish-heaps of Egypt that writings have been restored to us in great numbers.
- Frederic G. Kenyon
Collection: Writing
Image of David Javerbaum
I spent 11 years at 'The Daily Show,' and I learned everything there about how to write funny, how to write funny on topic.
- David Javerbaum
Collection: Writing
Image of Linda Bradford Raschke
Writing down your trades is the best exercise in the world.
- Linda Bradford Raschke
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Carmody
If you look around at the news industry, there are more and more sites clamoring for that kind of writing, whether it's an Ideas section or personal essay series or longform. Readers are hungry for it. It's like prestige TV, though; it's execution-dependent. You have to figure out the right advertiser or sponsor, and you have to deliver, you can't just feed the beast.
- Tim Carmody
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Carmody
I'm bullish on writing. Movies, radio, television, and now digital media - everything was supposed to push us away from text, to video or "back" to speech. First, there's no going back. We're always stumbling forward. Second, writing is invincible. Thirty years ago, we thought we'd all be talking to our computers; instead, we're all typing on our phones.
- Tim Carmody
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Carmody
We live in such a hyperliterate world, soaked and saturated in writing: on our machines, on the streets, on our television screens. It's just that writing doesn't live in the boxes that it used to. The genie is out of the bottle. But that just means that the magic could be anywhere.
- Tim Carmody
Collection: Writing
Image of L. Ron Hubbard
You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.
- L. Ron Hubbard
Collection: Writing
Image of Oren Moverman
I enjoy the process of writing collaboration so there's some stuff that already that may happen and then some stuff that I'm initiating that I may write on my own.
- Oren Moverman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ann Hood
No one can write like Cheryl Strayed.
- Ann Hood
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Anne Radmacher
At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Collection: Writing
Image of Archie Carr
I am asking you all not to be nettled with me for not answering your letter in spanish I read spanish very well but I don't write it. The image of Stanley Dixon sitting and pondering is one of the rewards of sea turtle research, and a thing I shall often sit and ponder.
- Archie Carr
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Hastert
One way we gave small businesses more money to invest was by extending tax provisions on expensing. This allows businesses to immediately write off things like equipment, without being burdened by depreciation requirements.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt Schlapp
I think where conservatives were wary of Trump is he had not advocated for conservative positions for decades. He had been more meandering in his politics, including being a Democrat, including writing checks to Democrats. I have said that it's impossible to say what a candidate is until they get to office, especially someone who has never been in office before.
- Matt Schlapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Rian Johnson
Writing in a lot of ways feels more like excavation than construction. It feels like you're uncovering this thing bit by bit, discovering what it is, instead of constructing it upwards.
- Rian Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Rian Johnson
When you're writing is when the "god should I just drop this" feeling can hit. When you're editing is when the "god this is awful and I've wasted everyone's time and money and will be revealed as a fraud" feeling can hit.
- Rian Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerard Manley Hopkins
I do not write for the public. You are my public and I hope to convert you.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Heidecker
Most of the time, we write something and then figure out who would be best to do it.
- Tim Heidecker
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessica Abel
Cartooning is completely different from other media: it is closely related to film and prose, other narrative forms, but the skills needed to realize a story are very different, and include not only drawing and writing dialogue and narration, but graphic design and the ability to depict time passing visually. It's a whole suite of skills that has to go into making a comics page, skills that are quite distinct from those that go into writing a page of prose, or making a film.
- Jessica Abel
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessica Abel
I can certainly be surprised by turns a story takes, but usually not once I'm actually in the writing/drawing stage. In the plotting stage, anything can happen. That's why I try to finish that part before I start writing. I may be exaggerating here - I'm sure there are times when I think of something part-way through that changes the story, but the ultimate outcome doesn't change. Or not yet. It could always happen.
- Jessica Abel
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Fletcher
Here's the secret of writing: there is no secret.
- Ralph Fletcher
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Fletcher
It's misleading to think of writers as special creatures, word sorcerers who possess some sort of magical knowledge hidden from everyone else. Writers are ordinary people who like to write. They feel the urge to write, and they scratch that itch every chance they get.
- Ralph Fletcher
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Fletcher
When students write from experience, they can breathe those specifics into their writing- dialect, odd smells, precise names of plants- that can animate even the most tired and tedious text.
- Ralph Fletcher
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Fletcher
Good writing happens when human beings follow particular steps to take control of their sentences-to make their words do what they want them to do.
- Ralph Fletcher
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucy Calkins
Teach the writer, not the writing.
- Lucy Calkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucy Calkins
Writing well has everything to do with being able to read one's own work with an eye toward the unmet possibilities that are there.
- Lucy Calkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucy Calkins
Write about just one thing, I have said, and there is wisdom in this advice...And yet, there is wisdom also in William Sloanes contrary observation: Almost all effective writing above the level of the soup can turns out to be about quite a lot of things fused or laced or linked together.
- Lucy Calkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Leigh Newman
I didn't write the memoir with any sort of intention of feeling better. I wrote the memoir because I had a weird need to write a good story. But once I was done, I did feel better about myself. Not better, just calmer. Because a tremendous onus had been lifted off my day-to-day.
- Leigh Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Howard Shore
I have to feel something emotionally on the story to be able to write for it. I turn things down if I don't feel I'm really right to tell that particular story.
- Howard Shore
Collection: Writing
Image of Howard Shore
I've been writing music since I was 9. I took harmony and counterpoint classes when I was studying the clarinet. So, I've been writing for an awfully long time. It just became part of everyday life.
- Howard Shore
Collection: Writing
Image of Sonja Sohn
I loved to write; in my late teens I had a 'zine. But it wasn't until I went back to school, later on in my 20s, that I actually saw that I had writing talent.
- Sonja Sohn
Collection: Writing
Image of A. P. Herbert
For I must write to The Times tonight, and save the world from sin.
- A. P. Herbert
Collection: Writing
Image of Joanne Harris
If you can still write in spite of the fact that you're not getting paid, that nobody cares about what you're writing, that nobody wants to publish it, that everybody is telling you to do something else, and you still want to and you still enjoy it and you can't stop doing it...then you're a writer.
- Joanne Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Joanne Harris
You don't write because someone sets assignments! You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen or because writing will mend something broken inside you or bring something back to life.
- Joanne Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Ari Graynor
In stand up every joke is thought about so meticulously, and one word can completely change how the audience responds. You're up there with no safety net; you can't shirk responsibility. It's your thoughts; it's your voice. You can't blame it on the writing, you can't blame it on the editor. You are just up there completely naked.
- Ari Graynor
Collection: Writing
Image of John Orloff
I love to tell stories and I love to work with directors and I think I write really visually, which I think directors like, and I love making movies, so I found something that I'm good at and I'm really happy doing.
- John Orloff
Collection: Writing
Image of David Roochnik
If you want to understand what it means to be afraid, what fear as experienced by human beings is, then your focus must shift. No longer will you be satisfied with mechanical, physiological, neurological accounts. For this inquiry will require you to observe closely what human beings feel, sing, think, write and say to one another.
- David Roochnik
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Morabito
Letters are meaningless unless put together correctly. Words are worthless unless backed by truth. Sentences are handed out and judged accordingly, but only genuinely honest men or women can create writings that change the world forever.
- Paul Morabito
Collection: Writing
Image of Patrice Pavis
New dramatic writing has banished conversational dialogue from the stage as a relic of dramaturgy based on conflict and exchange: any story, intrigue or plot that is too neatly tied up is suspect.
- Patrice Pavis
Collection: Writing
Image of O. Henry
I'll give you the whole secret to short story writing. Here it is. Rule 1: Write stories that please yourself. There is no Rule 2.
- O. Henry
Collection: Writing