Top war Quotes Collection - Page 94

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 94 provides more war quotes.

Image of Aesop
To be well prepared for war is the best guarantee of peace.
- Aesop
Collection: War
Image of Charlie Brooker
I actually had that conversation with [Channel 4 Chief Creative Officer] Jay Hunt. We were at a bit of a crisis point. I'd written a totally different script - about war, basically - that got rejected at the last minute for various reasons. The whole of the series was in doubt. I said, "Well, there is one other idea ["National Anthem"]."
- Charlie Brooker
Collection: War
Image of Mitch Albom
I took my orders, too. But if i couldn't keep you alive, I thought I could at least keep you together. In the middle of a big war, you go looking for a small idea to believe in. When you find one, you hold it the way a soldier holds his crucifix when he's praying in a foxhole.
- Mitch Albom
Collection: War
Image of Kami Garcia
Wait, I got it. We, uh, won the battle and lost the war, or was it the other way around? 'Cause around here, it's hard to tell sometimes.
- Kami Garcia
Collection: War
Image of Ambrose Bierce
One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable. Let us have a little less of "hands across the sea," and a little more of that elemental distrust that is the security of nations. War loves to come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide the night.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: War
Image of Jim Rohn
Decision making can sometimes seem like inner civil war.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: War
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
How this feels is I'm just another task in God's daily planner: The Renaissance pencilled in for right after the Dark Ages. The Information Age is scheduled immediately after the Industrial Revolution. Then the Post-Modern Era, then The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Famine. Check. Pestilence. Check. War. Check. Death. Check. And between the big events, the earthquakes and tidal waves, God's got me squeezed in for a cameo appearance. Then maybe in thirty years, or maybe next year, God's daily planner has me finished.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: War
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The sons of all of us will pay in the future if we of the present do not do justice in the present.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, "just to keep the people frightened."
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. ... War is Peace.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of Alfred Nobel
The savants will write excellent volumes. There will be laureates. But wars will continue just the same until the forces of the circumstances render them impossible.
- Alfred Nobel
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Putin
If someone is willing to reconsider the results of World War II, let us discuss this. But then we will have to discuss not only Kaliningrad, but also the eastern lands of Germany, the city of Lvov, a former part of Poland, and so on, and so forth. There are also Hungary and Romania on the list.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
For [the corporate media president election campaign ] is a war, and for them nothing at all is out of bounds. This is a struggle for the survival of our nation, believe me. And this will be our last chance to save it on November 8th [2016], remember that.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
It was just as the 1914 War burst on me that I made the discovery that 'legends' depend on the language to which they belong; but a living language depends equally on the 'legends' which it conveys by tradition. ... Volapuk, Esperanto, Ido, Novial, &c &c are dead, far deader than ancient unused languages, because their authors never invented any Esperanto legends.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: War
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
Dead men are not friends to living men, and give them no gifts. (Ghan-buri-Ghan, of allies during war)
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: War
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
Genius unexerted is no more genius than a bushel of acorns is a forest of oaks.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: War
Image of Charlie Brooker
[British television series] Hammer House of Horror. I used to really enjoy these one-off stories where often there would be an incredibly cruel twist. A good example is the episode with Burgess Meredith and there's a nuclear war and he drops his glasses. To this day, you can show that to anyone and they'll go "Bwrrrrrrrr!" You know, sort of wander away shuddering.
- Charlie Brooker
Collection: War
Image of Charlie Brooker
I would say the thing you can still see in Black Mirror is that I was probably traumatized by the specter of nuclear war. I was born in 1971, and in the '80s I came to understand that I was inevitably going to be frazzled to death in the nuclear apocalypse.
- Charlie Brooker
Collection: War
Image of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
There is no more dangerous thing for a democracy than a foreign policy based on presidential preventive war.
- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Collection: War
Image of Kami Garcia
Everyone under the age of sixty called it the War Between the States, while everyone over sixty called it the War of Northern Aggression, as if somehow the North had baited the South into war over a bad bale of cotton.Read
- Kami Garcia
Collection: War
Image of Wendell Berry
The most alarming sign of the state of our society now is that our leaders have the courage to sacrifice the lives of young people in war but have not the courage to tell us that we must be less greedy and wasteful.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: War
Image of Richard Branson
The war on drugs has gone on for about forty-five, fifty years - and it's been a complete failure. If you had a business that was failing so badly, you would change course. And it's just incredible that governments continue along the same course.
- Richard Branson
Collection: War
Image of Richard Branson
My very first venture was a national student magazine to try to campaign against the [Vietnam] War. And so I wanted to be an editor. I wanted to bring the magazine out. And in order for the magazine to survive I had to worry about the printing and the paper manufacturing and the distribution. And, you know, I had to try to, at the end of the year, have more money coming in than going out.
- Richard Branson
Collection: War
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
It [the Civil War] was a heroic struggle; and, as is inevitable with all such struggles, it had also a dark and terrible side. Very much was done of good, and much also of evil; and, as was inevitable in such a period of revolution, often the same man did both good and evil. For our great good fortune as a nation, we, the people of the United States as a whole, can now afford to forget the evil, or, at least, to remember it without bitterness, and to fix our eyes with pride only on the good that was accomplished.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
The organizing principal for any culture is War.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
...the consciousness of being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the handing-over of all power to a small caste seem the natural, unavoidable condition of survival.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. There are therefore two great problems which the Party is concerned to solve. One is how to discover, against his will, what another human being is thinking, and the other is how to kill several hundred million people in a few seconds without giving warning beforehand.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of James Howard Kunstler
I generally avoid over-population arguments. But there's no question we're in population overshoot. The catch is we're not going to do anything about it. There will be no policy. The usual suspects: starvation, war, disease, will drive the population down. There's little more to say about that really, and it's certainly an unappetizing discussion, but it's probably the truth. In any case, we're in overshoot and we face vast resource scarcities.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: War
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
The war made me poignantly aware of the beauty of the world.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: War
Image of Veronica Roth
So, the thing we’re all not talking about,” he says. He gestures to me. “You almost died, a sadistic pansycake saved you, and now we’re all waging some serious war with the factionless as allies.” “Pansycake?” says Christina. “Dauntless slang.” Lynn smirks. “Supposed to be a huge insult, only no one uses it anymore.” “Because it’s so offensive,” says Uriah, nodding. “No. Because it’s so stupid no Dauntless with any sense would speak it, let alone think it. Pansycake. What are you, twelve?” “And a half,” he says.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Addison
My voice is still for war.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
Iraq is sort of a situation where you've got a guy who drove the bus into the ditch. You obviously have to get the bus out of the ditch, and that's not easy to do, although you probably should fire the driver.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
When we send our young men and women into harm's way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they're going, to care for their families while they're gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Arundhati Roy
There is a war that makes us adore our conquerors and despise ourselves.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: War
Image of Arundhati Roy
People rarely win wars, governments rarely lose them. People get killed. Governments moult and regroup, hydra-headed. They use flags first to shrink-wrap people's minds and smother thought, and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury their willing dead.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: War
Image of John Stuart Mill
The triumph of the Confederacy... would be a victory for the powers of evil which would give courage to the enemies of progress and damp the sprits of its friends all over the civilized world... [The American Civil War] is destined to be a turning point, for good or evil, of the course of human affairs.
- John Stuart Mill
Collection: War
Image of Eleanor Roosevelt
There is a widespread understanding among the people of this nation, and probably among the people of the world, that there is no safety except through the prevention of war.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
My grandfather died in the war, my family went through the war, and it affected my parents in really profound ways. I've always wanted to write about that period - in some ways to digest it for myself, something that defined me but that I didn't go through.
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Collection: War
Image of Dennis Miller
Think of Iraq as "East Korea," because it was a shoot the cuffs war for the edification of Kim Jong Il to let him know we've now circled the SUVs. Iraq was about breaking adhesions, getting lean, staying frosty - in short, getting ready for the big Doug MacArthur Memorial Cage Match to come.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: War
Image of Bill Vaughan
Official intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs was flawed, but even with its flaws, it was not what led to the war.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: War
Image of Terry Pratchett
Once upon a time the plural of 'wizard' was 'war'.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: War
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
When we seek reconciliation with our enemies, it is commonly out of a desire to better our own condition, a being harassed and tired out with a state of war, and a fear of some ill accident which we are willing to prevent.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: War
Image of Kevin Rudd
John Howard's credibility on the entire Iraq war has been torpedoed by John Howard's own intelligence agency.
- Kevin Rudd
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
He [John McCain] hit me - he`s not a war hero.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Mark Ruffalo
That was an interesting aspect: to go to war with the Church to fight for the very thing that the Church was meant to give to people.
- Mark Ruffalo
Collection: War
Image of Leo Tolstoy
War is not courtesy but the most horrible thing in life; and we ought to understand that, and not play at war. We ought to accept this terrible necessity sternly and seriously. It all lies in that: get rid of falsehood and let war be war and not a game.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: War
Image of Walter Scott
Hail to the Chief who in triumph advances!
- Walter Scott
Collection: War
Image of Leo Tolstoy
Patriotism in its simplest, clearest, and most indubitable meaning is nothing but an instrument for the attainment of the government's ambitious and mercenary aims, and a renunciation of human dignity, common sense, and conscience by the governed, and a slavish submission to those who hold power. That is what is really preached wherever patriotism is championed. Patriotism is slavery.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: War
Image of Benito Mussolini
Speeches made to the people are essential to the arousing of enthusiasm for a war.
- Benito Mussolini
Collection: War