Top war Quotes Collection - Page 83

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 83 provides more war quotes.

Image of Pete Seeger
If you love this land of the free, bring them home, bring them home, Bring them back from overseas.
- Pete Seeger
Collection: War
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
The cosy glow which had been enveloping the Duke became shot through by a sudden chill. It was as if he had been luxuriating in a warm shower bath, and some hidden hand had turned on the cold tap.
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: War
Image of Leo Tolstoy
You consider war to be inevitable? Very good. Let everyone who advocates war be enrolled in a special regiment of advance-guards, for the front of every storm, of every attack, to lead them all!
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: War
Image of Walter E. Williams
It was not until the Abraham Lincoln administration that an income tax was imposed on Americans. Its stated purpose was to finance the war, but it took until 1872 for it to be repealed. During the Grover Cleveland administration, Congress enacted the Income Tax Act of 1894. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1895. It took the Sixteenth Amendment (1913) to make permanent what the Framers feared -- today's income tax.
- Walter E. Williams
Collection: War
Image of Walter E. Williams
Recent school shootings have lured ill-informed Americans into a war on our Second Amendment guarantees, led by the nation's tyrants and their useful idiots. ... The Second Amendment was given to us as protection against tyranny by the federal government and the Congress of the United States.
- Walter E. Williams
Collection: War
Image of James W. Loewen
We still have to realize that if you are say a historian of the Civil War, you don’t know anything special about say Columbus or for that matter the 20th century. You are a consumer of that information, especially if it’s stuff like Columbus and the American Indians. That information isn’t even in history, much of it. Much of it is in anthropology or archeology.
- James W. Loewen
Collection: War
Image of James W. Loewen
Nobody would ever want to read a textbook about the Civil War and then interrupt that for two pages about water rights in the west.
- James W. Loewen
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
We will send an additional 475 service members to Iraq. As I have said before, these American forces will not have a combat mission - we will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq. But they are needed to support Iraqi and Kurdish forces with training, intelligence and equipment.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
There live not three good men unhanged in England; and one of them is fat and grows old.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
A man can die but once.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
Go, bid the soldiers shoot.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of Gregory David Roberts
There is no man, and no place, without war. The only thing we can do is choose a side, and fight. That is the only choice we get - who we fight for, who we fight against. That is life.
- Gregory David Roberts
Collection: War
Image of Bertolt Brecht
Writers can't write as fast as governments make wars; because to write demands thinking.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: War
Image of Tucker Max
It [eBook] is like introducing the machine gun to a revolutionary war. It changes everything. If you can reach your fans directly without having to go through a middle man, the entire economics of the publishing business changes.
- Tucker Max
Collection: War
Image of Jon Stewart
And then you've got Lieberman, who is for the war. And thinks the tax cuts could really help. He's basically for people who want to vote for Bush but don't think Bush is Jewish enough.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: War
Image of Jon Stewart
In my head, thought, I would love to do an interview where it's just sort of de-constructed - the talking points of Iraq - sort of the idea of, is this really the conversation we're having about this war? That if we don't defeat Al Qaeda in Iraq, they'll follow us home? That to support the troops means not to question that the surge could work. That, what we're really seeing in Iraq is not a terrible war, but in fact, just the media's portrayal of it.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: War
Image of Reinhold Niebuhr
Not only in America but in Germany, in France since the war, in Germany after the First World War, the Germany of Adenauer, these are the creative relationships of Catholicism to a free society that the average American doesn't fully appreciate.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Collection: War
Image of Dejan Stojanovic
Even if you are alone you wage war with yourself.
- Dejan Stojanovic
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
Nowadays wars are not declared. They simply start.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
World War II was fought for the abolition of racial exclusiveness, equality of nations and the integrity of their territories, liberation of enslaved nations and restoration of their sovereign rights, the right of every nation to arrange its affairs as it wishes, economic aid to nations that have suffered and assistance to them in attaining their material welfare, restoration of democratic liberties, and destruction of the Hitlerite regime.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
Remember how the first world war broke out. It broke out as a result of the desire to redivide the world.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
In war I would deal with the Devil and his grandmother
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
The news today about 'Atomic bombs' is so horrifying one is stunned. The utter folly of these lunatic physicists to consent to do such work for war-purposes: calmly plotting the destruction of the world! Such explosives in men's hands, while their moral and intellectual status is declining, is about as useful as giving out firearms to all inmates of a gaol and then saying that you hope 'this will ensure peace'. But one good thing may arise out of it, I suppose, if the write-ups are not overheated: Japan ought to cave in. Well we're in God's hands. But He does not look kindly on Babel-builders.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: War
Image of Lemmy Kilmister
People lose their lives in the drug wars and you don't have to prove it to yourself because others have proved it for you.
- Lemmy Kilmister
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
Weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Walt Whitman
Strange, (is it not?) that battles, martyrs, blood, even assassination should so condense - perhaps only really lastingly condense - a Nationality.
- Walt Whitman
Collection: War
Image of Benjamin Tucker
It is because peaceful agitation and passive resistance are effective that I uphold them, and it is because force strengthens tyranny that I condemn it. War and Authority are companions; Peace and Liberty are companions. It is foolish in the extreme not only to resort to force before necessity compels, but especially to madly create the conditions that will lead to this necessity.
- Benjamin Tucker
Collection: War
Image of Benjamin Tucker
Monopoly and privilege must be destroyed, opportunity afforded, and competition encouraged. This is Liberty's work, and Down with Authority her war-cry.
- Benjamin Tucker
Collection: War
Image of Benjamin Tucker
It is foolish in the extreme not only to resort to force before necessity compels, but especially to madly create the conditions that will lead to this necessity.
- Benjamin Tucker
Collection: War
Image of Bernie Sanders
In terms of the nature of the continuation of the Cold War, which has gone on so long between Cuba and the United States, I applaud the president for aggressively trying to end it and I hope we will have not only full diplomatic relations, but that the trade embargo will end.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: War
Image of Bernie Sanders
Republicans drove us into debt with two wars and the Bush tax cuts. Now they want to pay for that debt with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This is not only immoral it is bad economics. Why do Republicans always have money for war but not for those in need?
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: War
Image of Wendell Berry
We seem to know that international wars tend not to stop with their formal "peace treaties." We seem not to have thought enough about the difference between the large official events of political and military history and their overflow both into recognized effects and into the lives of unofficial people who suffer them.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: War
Image of Walter Mosley
Readers no longer need novelists to tell us what it's like to cross the world on a ship or fight a war. In the twenty-first century, we get that information in other ways. The thing that's still a mystery to us is the human heart. What we want is to understand people, what they're doing, and why they're doing it.
- Walter Mosley
Collection: War
Image of Frank Sinatra
I firmly believe that nuclear war is absolutely impossible. I don't think anyone in the world wants a nuclear war - not even the Russians.
- Frank Sinatra
Collection: War
Image of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Fortunately, war in Latin America is usually waged only with words. The tongue is our most dangerous weapon. We talk too much!
- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Collection: War
Image of Maya Banks
Tis a well-known fact that a man is either skilled in matters of loving or matters of war. ’Tis obvious that fighting is your skill.
- Maya Banks
Collection: War
Image of Marianne Williamson
Our kingdom is our life, and our life is our kingdom. We are all meant to rule from a glorious place. When God is on the throne, then so are we. When God is in exile, our lands are at war and our kingdoms are in chaos.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: War
Image of Jodi Picoult
History tells us that six million Jews disappeared during that war. If there was no Holocaust, where did they go?' She shakes her head. 'All of that, and the world didn't learn anything. Look around. There's still ethnic cleansing. There's discrimination.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: War
Image of Rob Zombie
People would always say horror movies always thrive during times of war; that's just what people would say. And I don't know if they thrived during World War II or Vietnam, but I thought that's kind of strange, why would that happen. I don't know if people rearrange their priorities; in good times, they freak out and start pointing the fingers at video games and TV, but when horrible things are happening in the world, a horror movie just seems a little ridiculous.
- Rob Zombie
Collection: War
Image of Jonathan Swift
I will venture to affirm, that the three seasons wherein our corn has miscarried did no more contribute to our present misery, than one spoonful of water thrown upon a rat already drowned would contribute to his death; and that the present plentiful harvest, although it should be followed by a dozen ensuing, would no more restore us, than it would the rat aforesaid to put him near the fire, which might indeed warm his fur-coat, but never bring him back to life.
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
The first quality of a soldier is constancy in enduring fatigue and hardship. Courage is only the second. Poverty privation and want are the school of the good soldier.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
That man made me miss my destiny.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
The object of war is victory, the object of victory is conquest, and the object of conquest is occupation.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
War justifies everything.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
Intellect is invisible to the man who has none.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: War
Image of Rand Paul
I do not yet know if I will find a Romney presidency more acceptable on foreign policy. But I do know that I must oppose the most recent statements made by Mitt Romney in which he says he, as president, could take us to war unilaterally with Iran, without any approval from Congress.
- Rand Paul
Collection: War
Image of Teresa of Avila
For, as I said a little way back, perfect souls are in no way repelled by trials, but rather desire them and pray for them and love them. They are like soldiers: the more wars there are, the better they are pleased, because they hope to emerge from them with the greater riches.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: War