Top war Quotes Collection - Page 76

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 76 provides more war quotes.

Image of Bryce Pinkham
I have been exposed to a great deal of the issues surrounding PTSD, but what I have learned that is most relevant to my work on Mercy Street is that this illness is timeless. We didn't have a diagnosis for PTSD in the Civil War like we do today, but those men and women definitely suffered from similar psychological wounds as our men and women in uniform do today.
- Bryce Pinkham
Collection: War
Image of Yanar Mohammed
I would like to see the Iraqi government guarantee social insurance for the Yazidi women who were enslaved and to recognise their status as prisoners of war.
- Yanar Mohammed
Collection: War
Image of Yanar Mohammed
In Iraq, we did have dictators, we did have times of war but it never reached the point where one person, or a group, would be attacking another group and would be enslaving all the women of that group.
- Yanar Mohammed
Collection: War
Image of Norman Mailer
Any war that requires the suspension of reason as a necessity for support is a bad war.
- Norman Mailer
Collection: War
Image of Cynthia McKinney
The situation in the United States is becoming more dire for average ordinary Americans, and the last thing we need to do is to spend money on death, destruction and war.
- Cynthia McKinney
Collection: War
Image of Hassan Blasim
The Iran-Iraq war began the same year that I went to primary school, at the age of six.
- Hassan Blasim
Collection: War
Image of Emmanuel Macron
What we learn from the past is that you cannot make peace against people by interfering and - and just launching a war and trying to change a regime without any political solution. So my role is first to avoid any war and try to - to frame the discussion in order to create peace and have a comprehensive peace process and preserve unintelligible and especially in this Middle East region. That's what I tried to do in Lebanon, for instance, by negotiating both with M.B.S., with the Lebanese government.
- Emmanuel Macron
Collection: War
Image of William McKinley
We go to war only to make peace. We never went to war with any other design. We carry the national conscience wherever we go.
- William McKinley
Collection: War
Image of Christine Jennings
I worry that I may have overstated the impact of Civil War on the utopians. By the time the Civil War comes, most of the communities were quite separated from the wider American society. Their rhetoric is still about transforming the world, but they're not having that much traffic with their neighbors.
- Christine Jennings
Collection: War
Image of Christine Jennings
The thing that had fueled these utopian communities was a literal belief, and not just a general sense of optimism, that the earth was about to become a paradise. That idea cannot hold water after the war.
- Christine Jennings
Collection: War
Image of Charles K. Armstrong
Obviously, the US does not want a shooting war with North Korea. But there has to be some path out of this situation that is also presented that is peaceful. We have sanctions, we have deterrence, but the third leg of any resolution to this problem has to be dialogue. It seems prudent for the US to not only threaten North Korea, but to also offer a way forward.
- Charles K. Armstrong
Collection: War
Image of Mary McCarthy
In violence, we forget who we are
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: War
Image of Heinrich August Winkler
During the Cold War, the West was extremely careful not to allow the gap between the rich and poor to widen too far, first and foremost to counter communist depictions of the squalid masses in the West. But the same remains true today: If the West does nothing about the growing social inequities, it endangers its internal legitimacy.
- Heinrich August Winkler
Collection: War
Image of Bui Diem
I would say that the Vietnamese should remember that they didn't have exactly the same mobility the way the Americans have. They didn't have the same kind of equipment that the Americans have and that they have to fight their own war.
- Bui Diem
Collection: War
Image of Alison Lurie
Other wars end eventually in victory, defeat or exhaustion, but the war between men and women goes on forever.
- Alison Lurie
Collection: War
Image of Anthony Joshua
People pay to see blood, they pay to see war and that's why people are supporting my journey because I deliver every time I step in the ring.
- Anthony Joshua
Collection: War
Image of Pierre Sprey
9/11 was not an act of war. It was a criminal act. It was a simple. Criminal act by a bunch of lunatic fanatic violent people who needed to be tracked down and apprehended and tried exactly as you would with any other lunatic violent person, like we do with our own domestic terrorists, like the guy who bombed the Oklahoma federal building.
- Pierre Sprey
Collection: War
Image of Bob Barr
I supported the Iraq resolution, but that was not an approval of war in Iraq and certainly was not approval for an occupation of Iraq.
- Bob Barr
Collection: War
Image of Bob Barr
A critical component of White House Scandal Defense 101 is rallying the partisan base. This keeps approval ratings in territory where the wheels don't start falling off. The way to achieve this goal is you go negative and you don't let up. If you're always attacking your accusers, the debate becomes one of Democrat vs. Republican, rather than right vs. wrong. Anyone who questions the legality of the decision to wiretap thousands of Americans unlawfully is attacked, as either an enabler of terrorists or a bitter partisan trying to distract a president at war.
- Bob Barr
Collection: War
Image of Thurgood Marshall
To the contrary, the government they devised was defective from the start, requiring several amendments, a civil war and momentous social transformation to attain the system of constitutional government, and its respect for the individual freedoms and human rights, we hold as fundamental today.
- Thurgood Marshall
Collection: War
Image of David Roediger
The pioneer labor historian John Commons was not wrong when he wrote around World War One that exploiting and deepening such tensions as outpacing scientific management among U.S. innovations where bossing was concerned. Amidst the general miseries of proletarianization, workers also learned that one source of meager benefits and protections could lie in claiming a white skin.
- David Roediger
Collection: War
Image of George McGovern
It is a modern tragedy that one of the Soviet Union's most intelligent and realistic leaders has served and died during the administration of the most ill-informed and dangerous man ever to occupy the White House.
- George McGovern
Collection: War
Image of Malcolm Wrightson Nance
ISIS is going to devolve from physical political emirate, into what Al Qaeda was, which is a covert organization which will go completely underground. But to communicate and to keep propagating their propaganda, after everyone is dead, all their fanboys and whatever surviving leadership that has been operating outside the war or operates in Somalia, Yemen, and Afghanistan, they will form what we call a "ghost caliphate."
- Malcolm Wrightson Nance
Collection: War
Image of David Rolf
Today, the gap between productivity and compensation for the typical worker is larger than at any time since World War II.
- David Rolf
Collection: War
Image of Sean Garrett
Music is magic. Music does s**t that money could never do. Music unites nations and stops wars.
- Sean Garrett
Collection: War
Image of Arseniy Yatsenyuk
We are not only facing economic disaster and the question of peace and war. Ukrainians are traumatized by this Moscow-led aggression that has cost the lives of 5,000 people.
- Arseniy Yatsenyuk
Collection: War
Image of Jon Stewart
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean was all smiles, well smirks, after picking up the endorsement of former Vice President Al Gore at a rally in Harlem ... Gore went on to praise Dean for taking a tough anti-war stance before the invasion of Iraq and he praised Dean supporters in hopes that will ease his concerns over lack of foreign policy experience, and his lack of support among blacks and Latinos, and his hot temperament, and perceived arrogance, and policy flip-flops, and campaign glitches. Well, there's a lot going on here.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: War
Image of Sarah Palin
We need a commander in chief not a professor of law standing at a lectern - the lectern.
- Sarah Palin
Collection: War
Image of Barbara Tuchman
More than a code of manners in war and love, Chivalry was a moral system, governing the whole of noble life.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
Most people think the Iraq war has increased the probability of an attack. However, it's difficult to put this aspect into financial terms.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: War
Image of John Steinbeck
I am happy to report that in the war between reality and romance, reality is not the stronger.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: War
Image of David R. Brower
While the death of young men in war is unfortunate, it is no more serious than the touching of mountains and wilderness areas by humankind.
- David R. Brower
Collection: War
Image of Eckhart Tolle
Can you feel that there is something in you that is at war, something that feels threatened and wants to survive at all cost, that needs the drama in order to assert its identity as the victorious character within that theatrical production? Can you feel there is something in you that would rather be right than at peace?
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: War
Image of Virginia Woolf
war is a man's game ... the killing machine has a gender and it is male.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: War
Image of Virginia Woolf
We read Charlotte Bronte not for exquisite observation of character - her characters are vigorous and elementary; not for comedy - hers is grim and crude; not for a philosophic view of life - hers is that of a country parson's daughter; but for her poetry. Probably that is so with all writers who have, as she has, an overpowering personality, so that, as we say in real life, they have only to open the door to make themselves felt.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: War
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
While the Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: War
Image of Will Rogers
When you have helped to raise the standard of cooking, you have helped to raise the only thing in the world that really matters. We only have one or two wars in a lifetime, but we have three meals a day -- there's nothing in the world that we do as much as we do eating.
- Will Rogers
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
If it be honor in your wars to seem The same you are not,--which, for your best ends, You adopt your policy--how is it less or worse, That it shall hold companionship in peace With honour, as in war: since that to both It stands in like request?
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of Eddie Vedder
If you're anti-war it doesn't mean you are 'Pro' one side or the other in a conflict. However, it does make you 'Pro' many thingsPro-Peace, Pro-Human, Pro-Evolution, it makes you Pro-Communication, Pro-Diplomacy, Pro-Love, Pro-Understanding, Pro-Forgiveness.
- Eddie Vedder
Collection: War
Image of Harry S. Truman
If we do not abolish war on this earth, then surely one day war will abolish us from the earth.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: War
Image of Harry S. Truman
Ignorance and its hand-maidens, prejudice, intolerance, suspicion of our fellowman, breed dictators and breed wars.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: War
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
One simple change - seeking and finding peace within - could, if it were undertaken by everyone, end all wars, eliminate conflict and prevent injustice. World peace is a personal thing. What is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: War
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Only the defeated and deserters go to war.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: War
Image of Joe Biden
War should always be the absolute last resort.
- Joe Biden
Collection: War
Image of Saul Bellow
Certain blood will be given for half certain reasons, as in all wars.
- Saul Bellow
Collection: War
Image of Bernie Sanders
Not only did I vote against that war, I helped lead the opposition, and if you go to my website,, you will see the statement that I made in 2002. And it gives me no pleasure to tell you that much of what I feared would happen the day after Saddam Hussein was overthrown, in fact, did happen.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: War
Image of Bayard Rustin
Conscription for war is inconsistent with freedom of conscience, which is not merely the right to believe but to act on the degree of truth that one receives, to follow a vocation which is God-inspired and God-directed.
- Bayard Rustin
Collection: War
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
The nicest veterans in Schenectady, I thought, the kindest and funniest ones, the ones who hated war the most, were the ones who'd really fought.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: War
Image of Alexis de Tocqueville
The character of Anglo-American civilization . . . is the product . . . of two perfectly distinct elements that elsewhere have often made war with each other, but which, in America, they have succeeded in incorporating somehow into one another and combining marvelously. I mean to speak of the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom.
- Alexis de Tocqueville
Collection: War