Top war Quotes Collection - Page 68

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 68 provides more war quotes.

Image of Joan Baez
I went to jail for 11 days for disturbing the peace; I was trying to disturb the war.
- Joan Baez
Collection: War
Image of Alain Badiou
Love without risk is an impossibility, like war without death.
- Alain Badiou
Collection: War
Image of Frank Buckles
Some of our German passengers on the ship would be crying. The Brits were the same way. They were crying, because they realized a new war was about to break out across Europe, with Hitler at the head of the goose-stepping parade.
- Frank Buckles
Collection: War
Image of John Stevens Cabot Abbott
War is science of destruction.
- John Stevens Cabot Abbott
Collection: War
Image of John Stevens Cabot Abbott
If war has its chivalry and its pageantry, it has also its hideousness and its demoniac woe. Bullets respect not beauty. They tear out the eye, and shatter the jaw, and rend the cheek.
- John Stevens Cabot Abbott
Collection: War
Image of Willis Regier
Ralph Keyes calls quotation collectors "quotographers," the men and women who gather catchwords, watchwords, war words, winged words, maxims, mottos, sayings, and quips into books of a thousand pages. Through the centuries quotation collectors have saved quotations that would otherwise be lost.
- Willis Regier
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Yakunin
A war must be avoided at all costs. Russia is against any type of use of external force.
- Vladimir Yakunin
Collection: War
Image of Luigi Colani
Everybody in Germany was for the -German cause. But then, after the war ended, when I heard the first Glenn Miller sound on the radio and these fantastic American music makers, I turned into a jazz fanatic. They called me Benny, after Benny Goodman. So, all of a sudden, the eyes of young Germans were opened to America - everything American was absolutely at the top of the list.
- Luigi Colani
Collection: War
Image of Steve Stivers
Yes and no. Because America has only about 1 percent of the population serving in the military, it is hard for many civilians to understand the sacrifices military families make. However, my experience is that after the Vietnam War, the public learned that they should support the military whether or not they support the war. You've seen that outpouring of support for the veterans of both Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Steve Stivers
Collection: War
Image of Elias Chacour
Either we obey God's will who does not kill, or we make our own God's who allow us to make holy wars
- Elias Chacour
Collection: War
Image of Harriet Ann Jacobs
The war of my life had begun; and though one of God's most powerless creatures, I resolved never to be conquered.
- Harriet Ann Jacobs
Collection: War
Image of Kliment Voroshilov
I personally believe that war is highly unlikely.
- Kliment Voroshilov
Collection: War
Image of David D. Cole
If we are perceived by the rest of the world as employing a double standard in the way that we pursue the war on terror, if we are seen as imposing on other countries' nationals, burdens that we wouldn't be able to tolerate ourselves, then we sacrifice the legitimacy of the enterprise. And I don't think the world considers it illegitimate for the United States to seek to protect itself from another attack like the one we suffered on 9/11, but I think the world does think it is illegitimate to do so by sacrificing their citizens' rights and not our citizens' rights.
- David D. Cole
Collection: War
Image of John Cole
We are going to lose the war on terror because all of our agents are tied up investigating the GOP.
- John Cole
Collection: War
Image of Jack Cafferty
On November 7, 2006, Cafferty called Donald Rumsfeld "an obnoxious jerk and war criminal".
- Jack Cafferty
Collection: War
Image of Allan Lichtman
Our best presidents have really combined domestic leadership with heroic achievements in foreign affairs or war.
- Allan Lichtman
Collection: War
Image of Terry Jones
What really alarms me about President Bush's 'War on Terrorism' is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is 'Terrorism' going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender.
- Terry Jones
Collection: War
Image of John Bradley-West
When you boil war down or all conflict down to two people, its a great advert for humanity sometimes. People can find connections with each other, regardless of the bigger picture.
- John Bradley-West
Collection: War
Image of Richard Patrick
The problem is that corporations have way too much power in Congress and the government and they're rigging the system so that they don't pay taxes, but we do. We pay for all these crazy wars they come up with.
- Richard Patrick
Collection: War
Image of Arthur Desmond
Unfitness for war is unfitness for existence.
- Arthur Desmond
Collection: War
Image of Arthur Desmond
There is no field of activity for great men without the coming of great wars, great struggles and great revolutions.
- Arthur Desmond
Collection: War
Image of William Pfaff
The achievement of nationhood is a product not only of time and circumstance but usually of war and suffering as well.
- William Pfaff
Collection: War
Image of Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch
My opposition to war was not because of the horrors of war, not because war demands that the race offer up its very best in their full vigor, not because war means economic bankruptcy, domination of races by famine and disease, but because war is so completely ineffective, so stupid. It settles nothing.
- Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch
Collection: War
Image of Dmitry Peskov
If we're at the lowest point in history, that means we're in a new Cold War.
- Dmitry Peskov
Collection: War
Image of Seishiro Itagaki
The war will continue a long time. Chiang Kai-shek may attempt to continue hostilities throughout his ifetime and as long as Chiang continues, Japan must continue.
- Seishiro Itagaki
Collection: War
Image of Kyle Newman
I think everybody should see ('The Star Wars Holiday Special') to realize how bad something can be. There are some cool things in there, but it's two hours long, and you could probably cut it down to about two minutes and twelve seconds of cool material. The animated Boba Fett sequence is great, and there's some cool stuff, but overall, the whole format of a variety show in the 'Star Wars' universe is just a train wreck.
- Kyle Newman
Collection: War
Image of Kyle Newman
If you don't love all the Star Wars movies, you're not a true fan.
- Kyle Newman
Collection: War
Image of Brad Willis
I was charging forward too hard, into too many war zones, working too long, drinking too heavily, pushing forward, pushing forward. And who knows, had this not happened, maybe I would have been one of the casualties as a journalist covering the war. Who knows, maybe I would have been captured and tortured somewhere along the line, because I always pushed things to the limit.
- Brad Willis
Collection: War
Image of Hugh Hardy
During the Second World War, nobody built any concert halls or theaters. After the war, Lincoln Center was a very brave project because all those architects had never built a theater before. We've learned a lot since then about the nature of materials and the isolation that's required.
- Hugh Hardy
Collection: War
Image of Evadne Price
If the submarines, the aerial torpedoes, the poison gas, the liquid fire, the long-distance guns, the hand grenades, the trench mortars, and all the other things injure without killing them, they are sent back again and again after being patched up until they are killed.
- Evadne Price
Collection: War
Image of Evadne Price
All the ideals and beliefs you ever had have crashed about your gun-deafened ears - you don't believe in God or them or the infallibility of England or anything but bloody war and wounds and foul smells and smutty stories and smoke and bombs and lice and filth and noise, noise, noise - you live in a world of cold sick fear, a dirty world of darkness and despair - you want to crawl ignominiously home away from these painful writhing things that once were men, these shattered, tortured faces that dumbly demand what it's all about in Christ's name.
- Evadne Price
Collection: War
Image of Evadne Price
war made by age and fought by youth while age looked on and applauded and encored.
- Evadne Price
Collection: War
Image of Sheena Iyengar
I mean we might even go to war as to whether we love Coke or Pepsi and our whole identity is wrapped up in that choice. You know, for the Russians they felt that these minor differences between these various sodas was just hyped up and irrelevant.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: War
Image of David Icke
We fear the past, present and future. We fear the unknown, we fear not having enough, losing what we have, not having what we want. We fear what will become of us and those that we care for. We fear what others think of us and what they don't think of us. We fear, fear, fear and therefore we are controllable through the manipulation of all that we fear. The present War on Terror is the War of Fear. No Fear, no control.
- David Icke
Collection: War
Image of Jack Kemp
We must win the war on poverty by enlisting the greatest weapon ever invented - free enterprise
- Jack Kemp
Collection: War
Image of Slavenka Drakulic
Europe has another meaning for me. Every time I mention that word, I see the Bosnian family in front of me, living far away from whatever they call home and eating their own wonderful food because that's all that is left for them. The fact remains that after fifty years, it was possible to have another war in Europe; that it was possible to change borders; that genocide is still possible even today.
- Slavenka Drakulic
Collection: War
Image of James Inhofe
If the choice is go to war or end up with an American city hit by weapon of mass destruction, then the choice is easy.
- James Inhofe
Collection: War
Image of Tim Buck
In the course of waging that war, the people of Canada had shown that it was possible for them to maintain nearly a million men in uniform and at the same time expand all the facilities for production within Canada at an unprecedented speed, including building industries which had never existed in Canada before... and by and large the cost of production in Canada compared favourable with the cost of production anywhere else among the Allies... All of this was accomplished without any foreign investment, without and foreign loans... We were quite capable of self-development.
- Tim Buck
Collection: War
Image of John Kasich
I’m concerned about the fact there seems to be a war on the poor - that if you’re poor, somehow you’re shiftless and lazy.
- John Kasich
Collection: War
Image of John Kasich
We've just let too many things happen. And now, try to turn around and fix it. Getting involved in a [Syria] civil war directly was never something I thought made sense.
- John Kasich
Collection: War
Image of John Kasich
The foreign policy, you have to know how to pick and choose. There's no way, if Saddam [Hussein] had not had weapons of mass destruction, I would have gone, because I don't believe that the U.S. should be involved directly in civil wars.
- John Kasich
Collection: War
Image of Kirby Page
Tragic experience indicates that the most sacred obligations are utterly disregarded when their observance means losing the war.
- Kirby Page
Collection: War
Image of Kirby Page
In war, force is used by the belligerents themselves, no effort being made to bring evildoers before a judicial body, each army acting as judge, jury and executioner.
- Kirby Page
Collection: War
Image of Kirby Page
Once war consisted of individual combats between armed men. Later it was waged between lines of men in opposing trenches. Now it is organized slaughter of whole populations.
- Kirby Page
Collection: War
Image of Daniel Inouye
I've always felt that if I am deserving of the Medal of Honor, there are many, many others who are. I felt a little bad receiving it, so I received it on behalf of the fellows, because there's no such thing as a single-handed war. There's always a support group, and if you didn't have people who supported you, you couldn't fight a war.
- Daniel Inouye
Collection: War
Image of Daniel Inouye
I'm supposed to be a normal, sane type person, but after you go through war and such, you become superstitious. I am convinced that somebody is looking after me.
- Daniel Inouye
Collection: War
Image of Daniel Inouye
Most people may not think about it, but the aftermath of war is very costly. Costly not just in lives, but the treatment. Because of the efficiency of our transportation system, the efficiency of our medical technicians, people are surviving.
- Daniel Inouye
Collection: War
Image of Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor
Burma evoked the lost Kenyan soldiers who served in the war. You never hear about them. There were a significant number of casualties, men who never came back home. But they're never commemorated.
- Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor
Collection: War
Image of Ahmed Rashid
The West would be well advised to change its approach towards failing states. At present, no major power can find the correct ways and means - and the numbers of failing states are increasing. This year we watched the collapse of Mali, a consequence of the Libyan civil war. The south of Libya and Mali, and Niger too, are well on the way to becoming a no-man's land. After 9/11, George W. Bush and Tony Blair made the promise that they would not tolerate failed states because they could become a haven for terrorists. And today? The number increases.
- Ahmed Rashid
Collection: War