Top war Quotes Collection - Page 70

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 70 provides more war quotes.

Image of Alfred Korzybski
If all people learned to think in the non Aristotelian manner of quantum mechanics, the world would change so radically that most of what we call "stupidity" and even a great deal of what we consider "insanity" might disappear, and the "intractable" problems of war, poverty and injustice would suddenly seem a great deal closer to solution.
- Alfred Korzybski
Collection: War
Image of Gaspar Noe
War, sometimes you have to go for it, you know?
- Gaspar Noe
Collection: War
Image of Curtis LeMay
If we'd lost the war, we'd all have been prosecuted as war criminals.
- Curtis LeMay
Collection: War
Image of Curtis LeMay
We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, someway or another, and some in South Korea too. Over a period of three years or so, we killed off - what - twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure?
- Curtis LeMay
Collection: War
Image of Curtis LeMay
We're at war with Japan. We were attacked by Japan. Do you want to kill Japanese, or would you rather have Americans killed?
- Curtis LeMay
Collection: War
Image of Curtis LeMay
Today, shooting wars are won or lost before they start. If they are fought at all, they would be fought principally to confirm which side had won at the outset.
- Curtis LeMay
Collection: War
Image of Aleksander Kwasniewski
In the wake of winning the war, Poland wants to help win peace with Iraq. I believe that the international community cannot leave Iraq without support.
- Aleksander Kwasniewski
Collection: War
Image of Patrick Leahy
She [Justice sandra Day O'Connor] wrote - and this is one we should all remember - she wrote that even war is not a blank check for the president when it comes to the rights of the nation's citizens. She held that even this president is not above the law.
- Patrick Leahy
Collection: War
Image of Ruben Gallego
There is an undeniable economic and cultural disconnect between many of those who volunteer to serve and those who choose to remain civilians. But what is more concerning to me is the disconnect between our political leadership that applauds our soldiers and veterans, but then won't provide funding to properly armored vehicles or health care when our servicemen and women come home. You can't send men and women to war without being prepared to take care of them abroad and give them the services they need when they return home.
- Ruben Gallego
Collection: War
Image of Veena Sud
Before I write anything, before I create any assumption in my mind about what it's like to be in that world, I go out there first. I'm very drawn to darkness and light, very drawn to cop drama, because there are very few places besides war and murder and a homicide investigation where you see the extremes of human nature - the darkest crevices and cracks in what people do to one another.
- Veena Sud
Collection: War
Image of Roger Hilsman
I had been a guerrilla leader in World War II. And I used to say that the way to fight the guerrilla was with guerrillas. And I disbelieved that you could by bombing, ah, have any effect on the supplies coming down through the Ho Chi Minh trails.
- Roger Hilsman
Collection: War
Image of Roger Hilsman
I had done a guerrilla in World War II, so I had some knowledge of, of the the village life, and the way guerrillas worked.
- Roger Hilsman
Collection: War
Image of Ron Kind
In a time of serious budget deficits, immense war costs and a sluggish economy, we cannot afford to grant such outlandish subsidies to some of our Nations largest corporations.
- Ron Kind
Collection: War
Image of Stefan Heym
I was in psychological warfare in World War II, so I know psychological warfare when I see it.
- Stefan Heym
Collection: War
Image of Stefan Heym
In the question of peace, people spoke up and demonstrated for peace and against the threat of war, the threat of atomic war.
- Stefan Heym
Collection: War
Image of Mabel Cheung
I have always wanted to make a film about my parents' generation, which tried every way to escape from the deadly shadow of war and finally settled down in Hong Kong in the '50s to build a home from nothing. Arguably, they are the first generation of Hong Kong people to turn this remote island into a modern city.
- Mabel Cheung
Collection: War
Image of Mabel Cheung
"A Tale of Three Cities" is a tribute to our parents' generation, who escaped from city to city in search of their loved ones and in search of a place to build a better home. The story is set during the turbulent war years in China in the '40s and '50s.
- Mabel Cheung
Collection: War
Image of William Lyon Mackenzie King
From the outset of the war, the Canadian people have clearly shown that it is their desire to help in every way to make Canadas war effort as effective as possible.
- William Lyon Mackenzie King
Collection: War
Image of Meat Loaf
In the early 1980s, I got into a war with my management - they just kept on sueing me and I lost everything. So I had to go out on tour to make sure the electricity stayed on.
- Meat Loaf
Collection: War
Image of Kevin Gutzman
In fact, we haven't ever really recalibrated our foreign policy commitments since the end of the Cold War. We still have alliances throughout Asia and across Europe that were devised to tame the Soviet Union, which, last time I checked, ceased to exist more than 20 years ago. Today, of course, we have a commitment to go to nuclear war with Russia in case Russia invades Latvia. To me, that's complete and utter nonsense. There ought to be a reconsideration of our posture in every region of the world.
- Kevin Gutzman
Collection: War
Image of Jon Spaihts
I grew up a really nerdy kid. I read science fiction and fantasy voraciously, for the first 16 years of my life. I read a lot of classic Cold War science fiction, which is much of the best science fiction, so I speak the language well, which is a commodity that's not easy to come by in Hollywood.
- Jon Spaihts
Collection: War
Image of Gavriel David Rosenfeld
What's interesting is that when you get into the post-war period, many of the narratives in books and movies conclude that if you killed Hitler, you're actually going to make history worse.
- Gavriel David Rosenfeld
Collection: War
Image of Gavriel David Rosenfeld
Most people experience history as one damn fact after another in high school. But if you can wonder, "Wow, what if the US hadn't gotten involved in World War II?", you can become enthralled by the imaginary possibilities.
- Gavriel David Rosenfeld
Collection: War
Image of Loretta Napoleoni
It is not possible to starve an organised terrorist group because it is number one a state, so it levies taxation inside the territory that is controlled by Islamic State. But also the activity, for example the smuggling of oil, is taking place in an area which is a war zone. So of course people will buy that oil because they don't have any alternative. So even if we wanted to stop that kind of trade, it will be very, very difficult to do that.
- Loretta Napoleoni
Collection: War
Image of Lawrence Lessig
The war against illegal file-sharing is like the church's age-old war against masturbation. It's a war you just can't win.
- Lawrence Lessig
Collection: War
Image of Ken Livingstone
Every year the international finance system kills more people than the Second World War. But at least Hitler was mad, you know.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: War
Image of Matt Blaze
So, in 1993, in what was probably the first salvo of the first Crypto War, there was concern coming from the National Security Agency and the FBI that encryption would soon be incorporated into lots of communications devices, and that that would cause wiretaps to go dark. There was not that much commercial use of encryption at that point. Encryption, particularly for communications traffic, was mostly something done by the government.
- Matt Blaze
Collection: War
Image of Lucia Puenzo
Much more than trying to focus on the battlefield of the war, it was the central place that German doctors occupied within Nazism, the omnipotent and insane idea of wanting to generically modify an entire nation. This idea was not on the outskirts of Nazi ideology, it was the heart of movement, that's what intrigued me. Mengele is the most extreme expression of this idea.
- Lucia Puenzo
Collection: War
Image of Guido Westerwelle
The fact that someone didn't experience the war itself doesn't mean that he doesn't perceive its consequences.
- Guido Westerwelle
Collection: War
Image of Heidi Klum
We have a saying in Germany. It is better to have loved and lost than to engage in a land war with Russia in the winter.
- Heidi Klum
Collection: War
Image of Cate Shortland
Kathryn Bigelow is a really good example of somebody that has maintained her truth and she makes the films she wants to make and she hasn't let other people affect her too much. Her last film is to me so inspiring and the way she sees war, the way she set up those really intimate relationships in and amongst this carnage.
- Cate Shortland
Collection: War
Image of James Rosen
In F-111, I question the collusion between the Vietnam War, income taxes, consumerism, and advertising.
- James Rosen
Collection: War
Image of Ashton Carter
I came up during the cold war, and during the cold war it was always possible with the then Soviet Union - the Russian leaders behaved carefully and predictably. They didn't engage in nuclear saber rattling. They were able to work with us and align their interests where possible.
- Ashton Carter
Collection: War
Image of Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Whoever thinks war allows for lasting victories should take a look at European history books and learn their lesson.
- Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Lenin
As an ultimate objective, "peace" simply means communist world control.
- Vladimir Lenin
Collection: War
Image of Chris Barrie
We simply argue that climate change consequences was one of the impacts, but interestingly enough, even though a major effort was made in 2008 to try and resurrect the problem over food, now the consequences of the civil war are making the situation even worse.
- Chris Barrie
Collection: War
Image of Vincent Paronnaud
I love Apocalypse Now because it's a war movie, but yet it's not really a movie about war.
- Vincent Paronnaud
Collection: War
Image of John Locke
Whoever uses force without Right ... puts himself into a state of War with those, against whom he uses it, and in that state all former Ties are canceled, all other Rights cease, and every one has a Right to defend himself, and to resist the Aggressor.
- John Locke
Collection: War
Image of Richard Shepard
When you see what goes on in Iraq on a daily basis - more people dying in car bombings - you almost brush it aside after a while. To actually comprehend the human tragedy of these events is overwhelming. We see so many images, but there's always the sense, for Americans, that it's not in our backyard. That's another reason why the war in Bosnia was so fascinating; because it really was in Europe's backyard. It was in Europe. And they didn't do anything about it for years. It took the Americans to end that war, really. That's a shame.
- Richard Shepard
Collection: War
Image of Chris Kyle
Great way to fight a war - be prepared to defend yourself for winning.
- Chris Kyle
Collection: War
Image of Chris Kyle
But in that backroom or whatever it is when God confronts me with my sins, I do not believe any of the kills I had during the war will be among them. Everyone I shot was evil. I had good cause on every shot. They all deserved to die.
- Chris Kyle
Collection: War
Image of John A. Logan
A major of colored troops is here with his party capturing negroes, with or without their consent....They are being conscripted.
- John A. Logan
Collection: War
Image of John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
It may be true that every necessary war must also really be a just war; but it does not absolutely follow that every just war is a necessary war.
- John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
Collection: War
Image of John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
I really think that the Liberal Party is dead and that one will simply have to think of men and policies after the war - not of parties.
- John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Lee
So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that Slavery is abolished. I believe it will be greatly for the interest of the South. So fully am I satisfied of this that I would have cheerfully lost all that I have lost by the war, and have suffered all that I have suffered to have this object attained.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Lee
Mr. Blair, I look upon secession as anarchy. If I owned the four millions of slaves in the South, I would sacrifice them all to the Union; but how can I draw my sword upon Virginia, my native State?
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Lee
All I ever wanted was a Virginia farm, no end of cream and fresh butter and fried chicken - not one fried chicken, or two, but unlimited fried chicken.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Lee
So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that slavery is abolished.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Joe Klein
The two-war strategy was a product of the cold war, when we had to have the ability to fight the Russians on the plains of Europe and fight the Chinese on the Korean peninsula at the same time. That costs an awful lot of money.
- Joe Klein
Collection: War