Top war Quotes Collection - Page 67

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 67 provides more war quotes.

Image of Yoshijiro Umezu
Germ warfare against the United States would escalate to war against all humanity.
- Yoshijiro Umezu
Collection: War
Image of Sadao Araki
If we have a thousand bamboo spears, there's nothing to worry about a war with the Soviet Union.
- Sadao Araki
Collection: War
Image of Hortense Powdermaker
The Hollywood atmosphere of crises and continuous anxiety is a kind of hysteria which prevents people from thinking, and is not too different from the way dictators use wars and continuous threats of war as an emotional basis for maintaining their power.
- Hortense Powdermaker
Collection: War
Image of Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
We believe US threats of an approaching World War III and their use of Iran's nuclear issue as an excuse is another form of American insanity.
- Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
Collection: War
Image of Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
The American administration is trying to achieve any gain in the shadow of the embarrassment hitting it because of its failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine after the failure of Israel's war on Lebanon and the retreat of America's project in the region.
- Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
Collection: War
Image of Margaret Case Harriman
no war really comes unexpectedly. The drums are beating long before a single shot is fired.
- Margaret Case Harriman
Collection: War
Image of Connie Zweig
I remember when the Cold War ended, how quickly the United States was swept by a nationalistic fervor and turned against Saddam Hussein. As soon as we lost our age-old enemy, the Soviet Union, we instantly created a new one.
- Connie Zweig
Collection: War
Image of Robert Kazinsky
I've played a super soldier, a doctor, a World War II fighter pilot, a professional footballer, and a meth-dealing junkie. All those things allow you to educate yourself about different worlds that you have to get familiar with.
- Robert Kazinsky
Collection: War
Image of Pietro Badoglio
When Mussolini decided on war he did not take my advice or that of any other Army chief. In August 1939 the Duce had not been so sure about the invincibility of the Germans, and he told us that he had sought to persuade Hitler not to act.
- Pietro Badoglio
Collection: War
Image of David Oderberg
A state may launch a pre-emptive strike if it has very good reason for thinking that another state is preparing for war.
- David Oderberg
Collection: War
Image of G. Frank Lawlis
War is not pretty from any angle, and the most vulnerable organ in the body is the brain.
- G. Frank Lawlis
Collection: War
Image of Max Boot
I can actually approve of some of Donald Trump's North Korea policy, the sanctions, for example, doing things that other presidents would have done. But it's impossible to imagine any other president going before the U.N. General Assembly and referring to the dictator of North Korea as "Rocket Man," or issuing this series of blustery threats, which, frankly, are terrifying, and are raising the risk of a needless war.
- Max Boot
Collection: War
Image of Max Boot
I think, of the kind of erratic behavior that many of us feared once Trump came into office. And I think you're seeing evidence of that, even though, you know, some of the worst-case scenarios that we imagined have not yet, mercifully, come to pass. I mean, for example, he has not destroyed NATO. He has not launched a trade war with China. He has not lifted sanctions on Russia. In all those cases, in part, because his hands had been tied. And of course, it's only a year in, so he's still got time to go.
- Max Boot
Collection: War
Image of Sebastian Junger
Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable.
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: War
Image of Sebastian Junger
One interesting thing I found was that if you take an affluent modern society and collapse it during a crisis, like a war or a natural disaster, people begin relating in a more ancient, organic way. They're functioning in small interdependent groups and putting others first. And another irony is that even in terrible times, cooperating makes people feel good.
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: War
Image of Sebastian Junger
Maybe the ultimate wound is the one that makes you miss the war you got it in.
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: War
Image of Sebastian Junger
Often people who live through the trauma are nostalgic when it's over. When I went back to Bosnia 20 years after the brutal civil war, even people who had been badly wounded told me they missed those times. They were missing their more courageous selves.
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: War
Image of Sebastian Junger
The negative effects of combat were nightmares, and I'd get jumpy around certain noises and stuff, but you'd have that after a car accident or a bad divorce. Life's filled with trauma. You don't need to go to war to find it it's going to find you. We all deal with it, and the effects go away after awhile. At least they did for me.
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: War
Image of Sebastian Junger
War is a lot of things and it's useless to pretend that exciting isn't one of them. (pg. 144)
- Sebastian Junger
Collection: War
Image of Elisabeth Marbury
No wars are more bitter than those undertaken in the name of religion.
- Elisabeth Marbury
Collection: War
Image of Patty Andrews
We were such a part of everybody's life in the Second World War. We represented something overseas and at home - a sort of security.
- Patty Andrews
Collection: War
Image of Randall Jarrell
most of the people in a war never fight for even a minute though they bear for years and die forever. They do not fight, but only starve, only suffer, only die: the sum of all this passive misery is that great activity, War.
- Randall Jarrell
Collection: War
Image of Lawrence Wilkerson
Edward Snowden is anything but narcissist. In fact, I wonder every day how he could come up with the courage, muster the courage to sacrifice everything just so he could do, as he said in rather eloquent speech initially, alert the American people to what was going on. Call him a traitor, call him whatever you want to. The fact is he is a symptom of the disease, and the disease is constant war and the national security state. That is what we've become. That is our raison d'ĂȘtre in the world today, to wage war.
- Lawrence Wilkerson
Collection: War
Image of Lawrence Wilkerson
Snowden is not the disease. We don't have traitors or whistleblowers blooming all over because they are some sort of malady. The disease is war. We've been at war now and with no end in sight for over a dozen years, the longest in our history. War breeds tyranny. War breeds people who want to prosecute and persecute those who reveal that tyranny. So what we have is the government becoming more draconian - clearly understandable. It always does in a period of war. And as it becomes more draconian, more and more whistleblowers coming.
- Lawrence Wilkerson
Collection: War
Image of Simi Linton
I was hitchhiking to Washington to an anti-war demonstration in 1971, and I was in an accident, and that's how I became disabled; that's how I came into disability, in a sense.
- Simi Linton
Collection: War
Image of Elizabeth Blair Lee
The Sound of battle fell upon my ear & heart all day yesterday - even after dark the cannon's insatiate roar continued.
- Elizabeth Blair Lee
Collection: War
Image of Elizabeth Blair Lee
"Bolshoi Babylon" is the work of filmmakers Mark Franchetti and Nicholas Read. Franchetti has been a Moscow-based journalist for 18 years. He won a British Press Award for his coverage of the 2002 Moscow theater siege in which 130 hostages were killed. He's covered Russian politics and the war in Ukraine.
- Elizabeth Blair Lee
Collection: War
Image of Jeremy Hunt
Now that we've made that decision, everyone is thinking about the practical consequences and I think Theresa May could be the most challenging prime ministership since the Suez Crisis, possibly since the Second World War.
- Jeremy Hunt
Collection: War
Image of Philippe Falardeau
Sometimes it's about the economic situation and sometimes it's about the fear of others. Sometimes it's about protecting the generally accepted values. If you look at history, history is just a succession of people meeting other people, either through commerce, voyages or wars.
- Philippe Falardeau
Collection: War
Image of Edward Jenks
But we remember that it was just precisely in the reign of Richard II that the Peasants' War, following upon the changes wrought by the visitations of the Great Plague, virtually destroyed serfdom as a personal status.
- Edward Jenks
Collection: War
Image of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Education is necessary to unlearn privilege, unlearn exclusion, unlearn discrimination, unlearn prejudice, unlearn war.
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Collection: War
Image of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
The United Nations is the best hope to spare humanity from the barbarity of war, from the senseless death, destruction and dislocation it brings about.
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Collection: War
Image of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Attention must be given to the penal consequences of violations of the right to peace, including the punishment by domestic courts or in due time by the International Criminal Court of those who have engaged in aggression and propaganda for war.
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Collection: War
Image of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
It is the responsibility of all of us to remind governments of their commitments to settle disputes by peaceful means and to negotiate in good faith under the UN Charter, and to denounce war agitation particularly by the media.
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Collection: War
Image of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
The Independent Expert is persuaded that recognition of peace as a human right will promote a democratic and equitable international order and that national and international democratization will reduce conflict, since peoples want peace. It is Governments that stumble into war.
- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Collection: War
Image of Paul Johnson
The Second World War took place not so much because no one won the First, but because the Versailles Treaty did not acknowledge this truth.
- Paul Johnson
Collection: War
Image of Kenneth Kaunda
War is just like bush-clearing-the moment you stop, the jungle comes back even thicker, but for a little while you can plant and grow a crop in the ground you have won at such a terrible cost.
- Kenneth Kaunda
Collection: War
Image of Kenneth Kaunda
The drama can only be brought to its climax in one of two ways -- through the selective brutality of terrorism or the impartial horrors of war.
- Kenneth Kaunda
Collection: War
Image of John Keegan
The written history of the world is largely a history of warfare, because the states within which we live came into existence largely through conquest, civil strife, or struggles for independence.
- John Keegan
Collection: War
Image of John Keegan
The Second World War is the largest single event in human history, fought across six of the world's seven continents and all it oceans. It killed 50 million human beings, left hundreds of millions of others wounded in mind or body and materially devastated much of the heartland of civilization.
- John Keegan
Collection: War
Image of Fatima Bhutto
I think it's perfectly possible for us to stay outside of power politics, or parliamentary politics, and speak about things like the American hegemony in the region or speak about the unjust war on terror that's been brought to our borders.
- Fatima Bhutto
Collection: War
Image of Fatima Bhutto
I have to say I like Obama a lot. His record is the best. He's always been vocal about his opposition to the war in Iraq. Frankly, he seems very good in a lot of ways.
- Fatima Bhutto
Collection: War
Image of Andrew Thomas
Ideas that are at odds with the inherited collective wisdom of antiquity are always, on their face suspect.
- Andrew Thomas
Collection: War
Image of Alan Caruba
If we remain determined to shape a new and better world of separate, sovereign nations, this new century will be a happier one.
- Alan Caruba
Collection: War
Image of Anthony Kiedis
Every true artist is at war with the world.
- Anthony Kiedis
Collection: War
Image of Etgar Keret
According to Gur's theory of boredom, everything that happens in the world today is because of boredom: love, war, inventions, fake fireplaces - ninety-five percent of all that is pure boredom.
- Etgar Keret
Collection: War
Image of Mumia Abu-Jamal
The media, itself an arm of mega-corporate power, feeds the fear industry, so that people are primed like pumps to support wars on rumor, innuendo, legends, and lies.
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
Collection: War
Image of Kori Schake
It's a welcome development that the president is paying attention to the war crimes that are being committed by the Assad regime and by their supporters in Iran and in Russia.
- Kori Schake
Collection: War
Image of Henrik Ibsen
To live is to war with trolls.
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: War