Top war Quotes Collection - Page 64

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 64 provides more war quotes.

Image of B. H. Liddell Hart
In strategy the longest way round is often the shortest way there- a direct approach to the object exhausts the attacker and hardens the resistance by compression, whereas an indirect approach loosens the defender's hold by upsetting his balance.
- B. H. Liddell Hart
Collection: War
Image of B. H. Liddell Hart
If you want peace, understand war.
- B. H. Liddell Hart
Collection: War
Image of B. H. Liddell Hart
Air Power is, above all, a psychological weapon - and only short-sighted soldiers, too battle-minded, underrate the importance of psychological factors in war.
- B. H. Liddell Hart
Collection: War
Image of B. H. Liddell Hart
I used to think that the causes of war were predominantly economic. I came to think that they were more psychological. I am now coming to think that they are decisively "personal," arising from the defects and ambitions of those who have the power to influence the currents of nations.
- B. H. Liddell Hart
Collection: War
Image of Jason Jones
I think that winning the battle in Hollywood is a necessary condition to winning the culture war.
- Jason Jones
Collection: War
Image of Etty Hillesum
All disasters stem from us. Why is there a war? Perhaps because now and then I might be inclined to snap at my neighbour. Because I and my neighbour and everyone else do not have enough love. Yet we could fight war and all its excrescences by releasing each day, the love which is shackled inside us, and giving it a chance to live.
- Etty Hillesum
Collection: War
Image of Peter Padfield
The reason territorial monarchs failed time after time against maritime powers was not that absolutist, non-consensual governments were incapable of building great fleets in peace - quite the reverse - but that they were unable to fund them in the crises of war. Mainly this was because they were forced to divert resources from the fleet to their armies, to fight territorial rivals frequently financed by their maritime enemy from the profits of sea trade.
- Peter Padfield
Collection: War
Image of Peter Padfield
Philip could not have wanted to annex England militarily, since this would have opened another costly occupation struggle, and brought France in against him. He might, however, neutralize Elizabth by supporting her internal Catholic enemies, even provoking civil war.
- Peter Padfield
Collection: War
Image of Darryl Worley
I hear people saying we don't need this war, I say there's some things worth fighting for. What about our freedom and this piece of ground, we didn't get to keep them by backing down.
- Darryl Worley
Collection: War
Image of Vincent Massey
We are not born of the passions of war or of the fervours of revolution. And we grew quietly into the realization that, set as we are in a great wide land, with all our differences, there are certain traditions and ideals which we had in common, and which could best be preserved in a distinct society of our own.
- Vincent Massey
Collection: War
Image of Seth Grahame-Smith
There are but two types of men who desire war: those who haven’t the slightest intention of fighting it themselves, and those who haven’t the slightest idea what it is. … Any man who has seen the face of death knows better than to seek him out a second time.
- Seth Grahame-Smith
Collection: War
Image of Robert Atkins
There is no better example of the weakness of our dominant medicine than its clearly ineffective War On Cancer. By the same token, there is no better example of the superiority of complementary, alternative medicine than its management of this dread disease. We are equally concerned about whether mainstream medicine's demand for proof works to maintain it at its current level of ineptitude.
- Robert Atkins
Collection: War
Image of John Day
We continue to receive reports that the morale of some elements is being damaged, .. They are being affected by the impunity with which NATO aircraft can operate over Kosovo and Serbia, the accuracy and the growing knowledge.. of deployed locations. In summary, NATO has eroded the capability of Milosevic's war machine and it is being further reduced as each day goes by.
- John Day
Collection: War
Image of Robert Asprin
When old friends get together, everything else fades to insignificance."- War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death
- Robert Asprin
Collection: War
Image of Randall Dale Adams
You cannot win a game of tug-o-war by merely standing firm.
- Randall Dale Adams
Collection: War
Image of Casey Spooner
It is impossible not to react to the current state of affairs through personal action and artistic production. We have been at war for three years. One desperately feels the need for someone to speak some sort of truth, either poetic or factual.
- Casey Spooner
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Lauder
The First World War began because one man was shot. The Second World War began because of a mad German dictator. Who knows how a third could start. There are also people who think that the war has been going for a long time.
- Ronald Lauder
Collection: War
Image of Tom Fitton
If the American people had known the truth - that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaida terrorist attack from the get-go - and yet lied and covered this fact up - Mitt Romney might very well be president. These documents also point to connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war - and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists.
- Tom Fitton
Collection: War
Image of Benton MacKaye
The problem of living is at bottom an economic one. And this alone is bad enough, even in a period of so-called "normalcy." But living has been considerably complicated of late in various ways - by war, by questions of personal liberty, and by "menaces" of one kind or another.
- Benton MacKaye
Collection: War
Image of Yair Lapid
The Arab-Israeli conflict is the biggest problem, but small problems shape the daily lives of Israelis. Unless there happens to be a war going on, the Arab-Israeli conflict is irrelevant in daily life.
- Yair Lapid
Collection: War
Image of Yair Lapid
When you look at the history of wars, they ultimately revolve around one claim: "My god is better than yours."
- Yair Lapid
Collection: War
Image of David Ayer
I'm a veteran, and I come from a family of veterans and people who served in that war. And the stories that I heard were a hell of a lot different than the movies that I was seeing, so I wanted to make a movie about the people that were really there.
- David Ayer
Collection: War
Image of Chuichi Nagumo
The success of our surprise attack on Pearl Harbor will prove to be the Waterloo of the war to follow. For this reason the Imperial Navy is massing the cream of its strength in ships and planes to assure success.
- Chuichi Nagumo
Collection: War
Image of Eleanor Rathbone
the explanation of the ebb and flow of the women's movement ... is partly psychological. During those early post-war years when successes came thick and fast and were almost thrust upon us, the nation was still under the influence of the reconstruction spirit, when everything seemed possible ... A few years later the nation had reached the stage which follows a drinking bout. It was feeling ruefully in its empty pockets. It did not want to part with anything to anybody. Its head ached. Noble sentiments made it feel sick. It wanted only to be left alone.
- Eleanor Rathbone
Collection: War
Image of Cary Fukunaga
I've been wanting to make a movie about the war in Sierra Leone, specifically, for more than 15 years.
- Cary Fukunaga
Collection: War
Image of Peter Farb
An inability to communicate has little to do with international friction-as is seen in the special ferocity of wars fought between people who speak the same language.
- Peter Farb
Collection: War
Image of Keir Hardie
To claim for socialism that it is a class war is to do it an injustice and indefinitely postpone its triumph. Socialism offers a platform broad enough for all to stand upon. It makes war upon a system, not upon a class.
- Keir Hardie
Collection: War
Image of Keir Hardie
War is the mass murder of workers. When workers refuse to obey the calls of their governments, there will be no more war.
- Keir Hardie
Collection: War
Image of Fred Hampton
We understood that politics is nothing but war without bloodshed and war is nothing but politics with bloodshed.
- Fred Hampton
Collection: War
Image of Howard Warren Buffett
We had the great depression, we had two world wars, we had the flu epidemic. We had oil shock. We had all these terrible things happen. But something about the American system unleashed more and of a potential to human beings over that hundred years so that we had a seven for one improvement in - there's never been any - I mean, you have centuries where if you've got a 1 percent improvement, then it's something. So we've got a great system. And we've got more productive capacity now than we ever have.
- Howard Warren Buffett
Collection: War
Image of Sarah-Patton Boyle
... most Southerners of my parents' era were raised to feel that it wasn't respectable to be rich. We felt that all patriotic Southerners had lost everything in defense of the South, and sufficient time hadn't elapsed for respectable rebuilding of financial security in a war- impoverished region.
- Sarah-Patton Boyle
Collection: War
Image of William Halsey
Kill Japs, kill Japs, kill more Japs!
- William Halsey
Collection: War
Image of Jupiter Hammon
That liberty is a great thing we may know from our own feelings, and we may likewise judge so from the conduct of the white-people, in the late war.
- Jupiter Hammon
Collection: War
Image of Jupiter Hammon
When I was at Hartford in Connecticut, where I lived during the war, I published several pieces which were well received, not only by those of my own colour, but by a number of the white people, who thought they might do good among their servants.
- Jupiter Hammon
Collection: War
Image of Dutch Sheets
Baal-hamon, one of Baal's names, means "the lord of wealth or abundance." Chuck Pierce believes, and I agree, that this is the principality warring against the great transfer of wealth to the Church. You must war against this spirit to see your inheritance released. Claim Jeremiah 51:44 (Bel in this verse is Baal).
- Dutch Sheets
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Howard
When a nation forgets her skill in war, when her religion becomes a mockery, when the whole nation becomes a nation of money-grabbers, then the wild tribes, the barbarians drive in... Who will our invaders be? From whence will they come?
- Robert E. Howard
Collection: War
Image of Kenneth Cole
For 30 years I have used my platform in provocative ways to encourage a healthy dialogue about important issues, including HIV/AIDS, war, and homelessness. I'm well aware of the risks that come with this approach, and if this encourages further awareness and discussion about critical issues then all-the-better.
- Kenneth Cole
Collection: War
Image of Kenneth Cole
In war is it who's right, or who's left?
- Kenneth Cole
Collection: War
Image of David Ben-Gurion
The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as a war.
- David Ben-Gurion
Collection: War
Image of Kathleen Troia McFarland
It is important not to let emotions get in the way of cold, hard, calculated military planning. Emotions may win arguments, but they don't win wars.
- Kathleen Troia McFarland
Collection: War
Image of Nicholas Rodger
The common sense of the word (navy) as we use it today refers to a permanent fighting service made up of ships designed for war, manned by professionals and supported by an adminsistrative and technical infrastructure. A navy in this sense is only one possible method of making war at sea, and by some way the most difficult and the most recent. There have in the past been, and to some extent still are, many other ways of generating sea power.
- Nicholas Rodger
Collection: War
Image of Leanna Renee Hieber
Lives should never be down to mere words, but I suppose they always are. Whether declarations of war, law, or treaty... words ever determine lives.
- Leanna Renee Hieber
Collection: War
Image of Clarissa Ward
I do think that when we're looking at Putin's actions, we really need to look further into what his point is. Because I think there is a misconception that this is kind of reigniting the Cold War and Putin's a bully. And he's just, you know, sort of lashing out at Ukraine when actually I think that this goes much deeper to that.
- Clarissa Ward
Collection: War
Image of Pete Hamill
The best newspapermen I know are those most thrilled by the daily pump of city room excitements; they long fondly for a good murder; they pray that assassinations, wars, catastrophes break on their editions.
- Pete Hamill
Collection: War
Image of John Rae
War is, after all, the universal perversion ... war stories, the pornography of war.
- John Rae
Collection: War
Image of Sam Houston
I declare that civil war is inevitable and is near at hand. When it comes the descendants of the heroes of Lexington and Bunker Hill will be found equal in patriotism, courage and heroic endurance with the descendants of the heroes of Cowpens and Yorktown. For this reason I predict the civil war which is now at hand will be stubborn and of long duration.
- Sam Houston
Collection: War
Image of Sam Houston
My God, is it possible that all the people have gone mad? The civil war now being inaugurated will be as horrible as his Satanic Majesty could desire.
- Sam Houston
Collection: War