Tom Fitton

Image of Tom Fitton
Why would the Obama campaign officials oppose any effort to ensure the legitimacy of a campaign contribution? It's the same reason they oppose voter ID laws. The Obama campaign evidently believes that election fraud and campaign finance fraud are permissible tools for the purpose of retaining power.
- Tom Fitton
Collection: Finance
Image of Tom Fitton
Our intelligence agencies have vast powers, and Obama used them illegally to spy on political opponents. This can't be allowed to stand.
- Tom Fitton
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Tom Fitton
The consequences of turning a blind eye to government corruption go far beyond simply letting some corrupt politicians and bureaucrats walk free.
- Tom Fitton
Collection: Government
Image of Tom Fitton
Wray's FBI is stonewalling on Clinton email investigatory materials, Strzok-Page texts, Comey records, McCabe records, FISA court abuse records, Spygate records.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Clinton's problem was that many Americans didn't trust her because she was caught telling untruths - repeatedly - about her email system. She first told us it was simply a matter of convenience to use her unsecure, non-government email system. That wasn't true.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
In Washington, the ostensible story is rarely the real story.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
It is no surprise that neither Hillary Clinton nor the Obama State Department agrees with our request to depose Mrs. Clinton concerning her exclusive use of her email account to house and send tens of thousands of official emails throughout her entire tenure as secretary of state.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
There is the bipartisan pretense that the FBI is the only government agency in Washington that is above reproach. Yet, this is the agency that collaborated with Lois Lerner and the IRS in an effort to criminally prosecute opponents of Barack Obama.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
I think the I.R.S. is a Sword of Damocles over the First Amendment, and I think it is a menace.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
The left patronizes minorities, pretends they don't know how to vote correctly, pretends they don't have IDs, when in fact they want their votes to count, and participate in greater numbers when you assure them their votes will count.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
People should show up and vote at the polls, unless there's an extraordinary reason not to do so.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
CPAC brings together thousands of conservative leaders and organizations. Regularly seen on C-SPAN and other national news networks, CPAC has been the premier event for any major elected official or public personality seeking to discuss issues of the day with conservatives.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Rising leftists openly call for open borders and seek to erase the distinction between citizens and non-citizens. I tell you what, if you erase our borders, you erase our country.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch has a massive project to force states and counties across the nation to clean up their voter rolls.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
We rely on our voter registration studies to warn states that they are failing to comply with the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires states to make reasonable efforts to clean their voter rolls. We can and have sued to enforce compliance with federal law.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Americans weren't generally aware of Joe and Hunter Biden's shenanigans in Ukraine, but Obama's State Department certainly was, as was Ukraine, its pro-Russian newspaper sardonically referring to the soon to be then-Vice President Joe Biden showing up to protect his son's business in Ukraine.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Susan Rice has as much trouble with her memory as Hillary Clinton.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, is in the news often because of her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views, including her support for a terrorist front group.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
President Barack Obama's decision to provide amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens under the DACA program was unlawful, and the court interfered with President Trump's duty and absolute right to rescind it.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Threats to the rule of law come not only from rioters and looters in the streets, but also from activist judges on the bench.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Only Congress can amend the law, not President Obama nor the courts.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Voter confidence depends on the clean elections.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
The targeting of General Flynn was a key part of the Obama/Clinton/Deep State coup against President Trump.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
You can be sure that Judicial Watch is investigating and monitoring the responses of our government to the coronavirus threat.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
The Mueller investigation failed to find any evidence to support the big lie that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government and failed miserably to prove any obstruction.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Neither Mueller, the Obama FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, nor the Deep State ever had a good-faith basis to pursue President Trump on Russia collusion.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch has long called for the shutdown of the Mueller special counsel operation and have pursued dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits in connection with the illicit targeting and other abuses of President Trump.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch's FOIA lawsuits have already shown the Obama State Department was corruptly targeting President Trump.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
There clearly was an Obama administration no-holds-barred attempt to clear the path to the presidency for Hillary Clinton.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
It's hard for people who obey and respect the law to keep their heads from exploding in the face of affronts to common sense and the rule of law.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Cheap labor explains why there is so much resistance to protecting America's border.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch will continue its various independent lawsuits and investigations, on behalf of the public interest, into the Clinton Foundation and the related Clinton email scandal.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
The Obama administration excelled at pushing its radical agenda through any means necessary. Since its gun-control agenda was not going anywhere, it decided to control ammunition, which would have had the same effect.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch is pleased that Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement from the Supreme Court will provide President Trump another opportunity to nominate a constitutional conservative who will honor the Constitution and the rule of law, rather than legislate from the bench.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch has taken the lead nationwide in defending state voter ID laws and other commonsense election integrity measures, filing amicus briefs in the Supreme Court and in several circuit courts of appeal and trial courts.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Over the years, Judicial Watch reported on the many times Hillary and Bill Clinton used her position as secretary of state to reward their friends and line the coffers of their own foundation.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Leftist law breaking, rule breaking, violence, and disruption have already marred the public Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
There may be no better way to keep on eye on our leaders' penchant for pretending to royalty than to tally the cost of their travel and accommodations.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Our nation has granted its presidents exquisite transport because we need our leaders to be efficient and safe. However, we don't need for them to luxuriate on our tax dollars.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
For eight long years, the Obamas spent our tax dollars for a lavish jet-setting lifestyle.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Clearly, dirty election rolls can mean dirty elections.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Veterans Affairs (VA) is a mess of a government agency and too often abuses the rights and interests of veterans it is supposed to protect.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Corruption in government is an overwhelming problem.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
When karma lands, it lands hard.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
The more that is learned about Comey's involvement in the deep state's illicit targeting of President Trump, the more reason the American people must question both Comey's motives and his management as director of the FBI, the now-disgraced agency he headed before Trump fired him.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Michael Cohen is a criminal and Michael Cohen is a political prop.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
One reason George Soros has been able to be so active in the political arena is that he has received a considerable amount of our tax dollars to fund his activities.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
Michael Cohen is the furthest thing from a victim.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
The president can take steps to make sure the American public knows what its Justice Department and FBI have been up to.
- Tom Fitton
Image of Tom Fitton
You know, when you have a million plus names on the rolls, people who aren't voting or are inactive, dead, people who have moved away, that's a massive pool of potential voter fraud opportunities for those who want to be able to steal elections.
- Tom Fitton