Top war Quotes Collection - Page 62

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 62 provides more war quotes.

Image of Ethan Nadelmann
We won't win until the average parent believes drug reform protects kids better than the war on drugs.
- Ethan Nadelmann
Collection: War
Image of Jason Sellards
I can't be on the side of any sort of war and I'm not going to be. I am against the war and I am very vocal about it.
- Jason Sellards
Collection: War
Image of John Mearsheimer
The German air offensives against British cities in World Wars I and II not only failed to coerce the United Kingdom to surrender, but Germany also lost both wars.
- John Mearsheimer
Collection: War
Image of John Mearsheimer
When World War II started on September 1, 1939, the German army contained 3.74 million soldiers and 103 divisions.
- John Mearsheimer
Collection: War
Image of Chuck Pierce
If you will move now, within the next three years the land you find yourself in will be producing great treasures. In the third year, the War of the Kingdoms will begin, and Kingdom will rise against kingdoms. The kingdoms of this world will also come into great conflict. I have a Kingdom that I am preparing. I will remember this Kingdom and the Seed and the Seed's seed of this Kingdom. I have a Kingdom that will triumph! Shout that the kingdoms of this earth are becoming My Kingdoms!
- Chuck Pierce
Collection: War
Image of Maurice Cowling
If there is a class war - and there is - it is important that it should be handled with subtlety and skill. ... it is not freedom that Conservatives want; what they want is the sort of freedom that will maintain existing inequalities or restore lost ones.
- Maurice Cowling
Collection: War
Image of Maurice Cowling
It seemed to me singularly ill-contrived for the British government to be going to war with Hitler when Hitler might have been about to attack the Russians, and even more ill-contrived that, when Hitler did attack the Russians, he had already defeated the French army. What I'm saying is that the war shouldn't have been started in September 1939...from the point of view of Britain, the war was really not a good thing and I would regard it as, in effect, a defeat.
- Maurice Cowling
Collection: War
Image of Maurice Cowling
From Britain's point of view the 1939 war had been a liberal war which had been entered into in a condition of moral indignation without the resources to fight it, that it had been providential good fortune which had placed the burden of fighting on the Russians and the Americans.
- Maurice Cowling
Collection: War
Image of John R. Allen
None of us wants any more war.
- John R. Allen
Collection: War
Image of Husain Haqqani
The United States initially poured money and arms into Pakistan in the hope of building a major fighting force that could assist in defending Asia against communism. Pakistan repeatedly failed to live up to its promises to provide troops for any of the wars the United States fought against communist forces, instead using American weapons in its wars with India.
- Husain Haqqani
Collection: War
Image of Husain Haqqani
Throughout the Arab and Islamic world the feeling is that we are now in top gear for a war of civilizations, a clash of civilizations. Support for the United States is very low and there are no voices within the Muslim world, except for a very few.
- Husain Haqqani
Collection: War
Image of Jed Babbin
You know frankly, going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. You just leave a lot of useless noisy baggage behind.
- Jed Babbin
Collection: War
Image of Sergei Ivanov
Moscow has been helping the Northern Alliance because "the Taliban was openly supported by Pakistan... until last week, Pakistani servicemen had taken part in war operations on the Taliban side.
- Sergei Ivanov
Collection: War
Image of Sergei Ivanov
We have put the Cold War behind us. We no longer count our divisions and our warheads. And I am Russia's first civilian defense minister in many centuries. We have become more pragmatic.
- Sergei Ivanov
Collection: War
Image of Millie
You may hate the war, but never hate the ones that fight. For they do not choose when or where to fight. All they chose was to protect who they love and even the people they don't know.
- Millie
Collection: War
Image of Osman Baydemir
In Turkey, we have lived almost everything that could be lived; war and torture... The war concept was consumed to its limits. But there is only one way we have not tried: negotiations, peace, and talking.
- Osman Baydemir
Collection: War
Image of Charles Kimball
[M]ore wars have been waged, more people killed, and more evil perpetrated in the name of religion than by any other institutional force in human history. The sad truth continues in our present day.
- Charles Kimball
Collection: War
Image of Robert Henryson
Louers be war and tak gude heid about Quhome that ye lufe, for quhome ye suffer paine. I lat yow wit, thair is richt few thairout Quhome ye may traist to haue trew lufe agane.
- Robert Henryson
Collection: War
Image of Alexander Herzen
I have served one idea, marched under one banner - war against all imposed authority - against every kind of deprivation of freedom, in the name of the absolute independence of the individual.
- Alexander Herzen
Collection: War
Image of Roy Wilkins
President Eisenhower was a fine general and a good, decent man, but if he had fought World War II the way he fought for civil rights, we would all be speaking German now.
- Roy Wilkins
Collection: War
Image of Daniel Benjamin
What's going on in Syria is the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II. And we are punishing those who are suffering most in this circumstance, in this condition. We vet refugees from Syria for a period of 18 to 24 months before they're allowed to come to the United States. And, you know, if you will permit me, I think we know more about them by the time they get here than we know about the president's finances.
- Daniel Benjamin
Collection: War
Image of Mary Barnett Gilson
During the first World War women in the United States had a chance to try their capacities in wider fields of executive leadershipin industry. Must we always wait for war to give us opportunity? And must the pendulum always swing back in the busy world of work and workers during times of peace?
- Mary Barnett Gilson
Collection: War
Image of Ami Ayalon
We don't realize that we face a frustrating situation in which we win every battle, but we lose the war.
- Ami Ayalon
Collection: War
Image of Matt Reeves
That movie [War for the Planet of the Apes] is incredibly engaging; it's what drives the emotion of all these films. So tonight, we're going to show a long sequence that's actually going to be.
- Matt Reeves
Collection: War
Image of Nels Fredrick Solomon Ferre
A man who experiences no genuine satisfaction in life does not want peace. Men court war to escape meaninglessness and boredom, to be relieved of fear and frustration.
- Nels Fredrick Solomon Ferre
Collection: War
Image of Vaclav Havel
Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to prosecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.
- Vaclav Havel
Collection: War
Image of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
We are made for action, and activity is the sovereign remedy for all physical ills.
- Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Collection: War
Image of Douglas Southall Freeman
The man who wins is the man who hangs on just five minutes longer after everyone else has quit.
- Douglas Southall Freeman
Collection: War
Image of Leon Golub
Monsters exist because we create them, through war and violence, and distortion, and the way we handle people and so on.
- Leon Golub
Collection: War
Image of Charles Foster Johnson
I seem to vaguely remember a time when America had confidence. And guts. And soldiers fighting a war didn't need to be given "permission" to defend themselves from enemies trying to kill them.
- Charles Foster Johnson
Collection: War
Image of Ishmael
We’re destroying the world because we are, in a very literal and deliberate way, at war with it.
- Ishmael
Collection: War
Image of John Bayley
Vermeer's woman reading a letter is as full of latent or subliminal kitsch as Tolstoy's War and Peace.
- John Bayley
Collection: War
Image of Michael Walzer
We don't call war hell because it is fought without restraint. It is more nearly right to say that, when certain restraints are passed, the hellishness of war drives us to break with every remaining restraint in order to win. Here is the ultimate tyranny: those who resist aggression are forced to imitate, and perhaps even to exceed, the brutality of the aggressor.
- Michael Walzer
Collection: War
Image of Michael Walzer
For as long as men and women have talked about war, they have talked about it in terms of right and wrong. And for almost as long, some among them have derided such talk, called it a charade, insisted that war lies beyond (or beneath) moral judgment. War is a world apart, where life itself is at stake, where human nature is reduced to its elemental forms, where self-interest and necessity prevail. Here men and women do what they must to save themselves and their communities, and morality and law have no place. Inter arma silent leges: in time of war the law is silent.
- Michael Walzer
Collection: War
Image of Edward Jay Epstein
Louis B. Mayer is one of those with a claim to posessing the equation... he began to buy up nickelodeon arcades in the years before the First World War in and around Boston. He had noticed that people liked going into the dark to see the light... the appeal of the movies is beyond the sensible, rational or the hard-working. Going into the dark, afte centuries of progress in which mankind has staggered toward artificial light, smacks of delicious perversity.
- Edward Jay Epstein
Collection: War
Image of Giles Duley
War is not something that can be won. Everybody loses at war.
- Giles Duley
Collection: War
Image of Tom Hiddleston
Make love, not war. Unless you’re Loki, in which case: do what you want.
- Tom Hiddleston
Collection: War
Image of Marvin Hagler
When a man goes into the ring, he's going to war.
- Marvin Hagler
Collection: War
Image of Richard Pascale
Explicit knowledge, conventionally delivered like pizza (neat boxes with toppings of concepts, theories, best practices and war stories), is consumed by the brain but not metabolized into action. The learning we call intuition, know-how and common sense gets into the blood stream through osmosis. It is shaped by social context.
- Richard Pascale
Collection: War
Image of Bill Ayers
The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war.
- Bill Ayers
Collection: War
Image of Bill Ayers
I'm not so much against the war as I am for a Vietnamese victory. I'm not so much for peace as for a U.S. defeat.
- Bill Ayers
Collection: War
Image of Anthony Hopkins
Israel means war and destruction and we Americans are behind this war and I am ashamed of being American.
- Anthony Hopkins
Collection: War
Image of Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild
He [John Hampden] knew that the essence of war is violence, and that moderation in war is imbecility.
- Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild
Collection: War
Image of Amy Walter
Most important, you can have a war room, you can have a war plan, but if your general - in this case, it's Donald Trump - isn't following the plan and is tweeting or is going and giving interviews that contradict the plan, then none of this really matters.
- Amy Walter
Collection: War
Image of Tony Hillerman
Having grown up in Oklahoma when it was one of the last states which prohibited liquor, I grew up with War On Drugs, where every teenager knew who the bootleggers were
- Tony Hillerman
Collection: War
Image of Andrew Tudor
Like the panic stricken populace of 'The War of the Worlds' and countless other 1950s invasion movies, the victims are there to provide the human ground over which monster and expert, threat and defender, disordering and ordering impulses can battle it out. Second-class citizens of the genre, they are narratively indispensable because physically entirely disposable. We are only really involved with them in the momentary tension of their capture or demise.
- Andrew Tudor
Collection: War
Image of David Hackworth
What we need to do is follow the axiom of World War II which was 'Loose Lips Sink Ships' and the media has really got to follow that.
- David Hackworth
Collection: War
Image of Manfred Rommel
I remember when I was in the prisoner camp, I was a French prisoner. And I saw the first photograph from the concentration camps, and we discussed it with other prisoners. And our feeling was we did not only lose the war, we lost also our honor.
- Manfred Rommel
Collection: War
Image of Manfred Rommel
It may be that [Erwin Rommel] believed it to be possible to convince [Adolf] Hitler to go away and to end the war, but Hitler never dreamed of doing something like that.
- Manfred Rommel
Collection: War