Top war Quotes Collection - Page 153

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 153 provides more war quotes.

Image of Doris Kearns Goodwin
There is a sense of feeling larger than your own life when you're in some common mission together. You have to hope it's not going to take a war to bring that back to America again. I think another time when it seemed to be here was in the early 1960s.
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
Collection: War
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
War with all its glorification of brute force is essentially a degrading thing.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
India's freedom must revolutionize the world's outlook upon Peace and War.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of David Lloyd George
The nations slithered over the brink into the boiling cauldron of war without any trace of apprehension or dismay... The nations backed their machines over the precipice not one of them wanted war, certainly not on this scale
- David Lloyd George
Collection: War
Image of David Lloyd George
God has chosen little nations as the vessels by which He carries His choicest wines to the lips of humanity to rejoice their hearts, to exalt their vision, to strengthen their faith, and if we had stood by when two little nations [Belgium and Serbia] were being crushed and broken by the brutal hands of barbarians, our shame would have rung down the everlasting ages.
- David Lloyd George
Collection: War
Image of David Lloyd George
Independent thinking is not encouraged in a professional Army. It is a form of mutiny. Obedience is the supreme virtue.
- David Lloyd George
Collection: War
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I don't know a greater advantage, than to appreciate the worth of an enemy.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: War
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
As in laws or in war, the longest purse finally wins.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Neil Gaiman
The war had begun and nobody saw it. The storm was lowering and nobody knew it.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: War
Image of J. William Fulbright
The junior Senator from Wisconsin, by his reckless charges, has so preyed upon the fears and hatred of uninformed and credulous people that he has started a prairie fire, which neither he nor anyone else may be able to control.
- J. William Fulbright
Collection: War
Image of J. William Fulbright
With respect to the creation of the program, I introduced the bill in September 1945, immediately after the end of the war with Japan, in August of that year. A number of considerations, of course, entered into my decision to introduce the bill, growing from my own experience as a Rhodes scholar and the experiences our government had had with the first Word War debts, [Herbert] Hoover's efforts in establishing the Belgian-American Education Foundation after World War I, [and] the Boxer Rebellion indemnity.
- J. William Fulbright
Collection: War
Image of J. William Fulbright
To give [the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba] even covert support is on a par with the hypocrisy and cynicism for which the United States is constantly denouncing the Soviet Union in the United Nations and elsewhere. This point will not be lost on the rest of the world, nor on our own consciences.
- J. William Fulbright
Collection: War
Image of Robert Graves
To know only one thing well is to have a barbaric mind: civilization implies the graceful relation of all varieties of experience to a central humane system of thought. The present age is peculiarly barbaric: introduce, say, a Hebrew scholar to an ichthyologist or an authority on Danish place names and the pair of them would have no single topic in common but the weather or the war (if there happened to be a war in progress, which is usual in this barbaric age).
- Robert Graves
Collection: War
Image of Indira Gandhi
In India you don't find propaganda against Pakistan. During the war there was a little of it, naturally, but even during the war we were able to control it. In fact the Pakistanis were astonished by this. There were prisoners in the camp hospitals who exclaimed, 'What? You're a Hindu doctor and you want to cure me?'
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Indira Gandhi
India wants to avoid a war at all costs but it is not a one-sided affair, you cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Indira Gandhi
I would like to ask a question. Would this sort of war or savage bombing which has taken place in Vietnam have been tolerated for so long, had the people been European?
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Mel Gibson
Hey, I'm for love, not war. How about we have a beer?
- Mel Gibson
Collection: War
Image of Alan Greenspan
And whatever their publicized angst over Saddam Hussein's 'weapons of mass destruction,' American and British authorities were also concerned about violence in an area that harbors a resource indispensable for the functioning of the word economy. I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.
- Alan Greenspan
Collection: War
Image of Benjamin Franklin
There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: War
Image of Anne Frank
One must apply one's reason to everything here, learning to obey, to shut up, to help, to be good, to give in, and I don't know what else. I'm afraid I shall use up all my brains too quickly, and I haven't got so very many. Then I shall not have any left for when the war is over.
- Anne Frank
Collection: War
Image of Newt Gingrich
We've had an invented Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs, and were historically part of the Arab community. And they had a chance to go many places. And for a variety of political reasons we have sustained this war against Israel now since the 1940's, and I think it's tragic.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: War
Image of Boy George
In fact, he [George Michael] was loitering in public loos like some pre-war homosexual. It's one thing to keep quiet. It's another to pretend you're someone you're not.
- Boy George
Collection: War
Image of Al Gore
We the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency-a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential...the earth has a fever. And the fever is rising...Indeed, without realizing it, we have begun to wage war on earth itself.
- Al Gore
Collection: War
Image of Pope Francis
War destroys, kills, impoverishes. Lord, give us your peace!
- Pope Francis
Collection: War
Image of Emma Goldman
In the face of this approaching disaster, it behooves men and women not yet overcome by war madness to raise their voice of protest, to call the attention of the people to the crime and outrage which are about to be perpetrated on them.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: War
Image of Mikhail Gorbachev
The world's deteriorating ecology poses as great a danger to mankind today as did the nuclear standoff between the superpowers at the height of the Cold War.
- Mikhail Gorbachev
Collection: War
Image of Mikhail Gorbachev
The threat of a world war is no more.
- Mikhail Gorbachev
Collection: War
Image of Al Gore
The heart of the security agenda is protecting lives, and we now know that the number of people who will die of AIDS in the first decade of the 21st Century will rival the number that died in all the wars in all the decades of the 20th century.
- Al Gore
Collection: War
Image of Anne Frank
I don't believe the war is simply the work of politicians and capitalists. Oh no, the common man is every bit as guilty; otherwise, people and nations would have rebelled long ago!.
- Anne Frank
Collection: War
Image of Anne Frank
I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and capitalists alone, are guilty of war. Oh no, the little man is just as guilty, otherwise the peoples of the world would have risen in revolt long ago!
- Anne Frank
Collection: War
Image of Newt Gingrich
We should end the Environmental Protection Agency's war against American oil and gas.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: War
Image of Newt Gingrich
Book cover, 'Reefer Club' Totalitarianism is when people believe they can punish their way to perfection.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: War
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
When two nations are fighting, the duty of a votary of ahimsa is to stop the war.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Indira Gandhi
When you look at the beginning of the actual war, it's not hard to recognize that the Pakistanis were the ones to attack.
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Robert Graves
We once discussed which were the cleanest troops in the trenches, taken by nationalities. We agreed on a descending-order like this: English and German Protestants; Northern Irish, Welsh and Canadians; Irish and German Catholics; Scots; Mohammedan Indians; Algerians; Portugese; Belgians; French. We put the Belgians and French there for spite; they could not have been dirtier than the Algerians and the Portugese.
- Robert Graves
Collection: War
Image of Robert Graves
Before an attack, the platoon pools all its available cash and the survivors divide it up afterwards. Those who are killed can't complain, the wounded would have given far more than that to escape as they have, and the unwounded regard the money as a consolation prize for still being here.
- Robert Graves
Collection: War
Image of Horace Greeley
We hope never to live in a Republic where one section is pinned to the other section by bayonets.
- Horace Greeley
Collection: War
Image of Felix Frankfurter
Lincoln's appeal to "the better angels of our nature" failed to avert a fratricidal war. But the compassionate wisdom of Lincoln's first and second inaugurals bequeathed to the Union, cemented with blood, a moral heritage which, when drawn upon in times of stress and strife, is sure to find specific ways and means to surmount difficulties that may appear to be insurmountable.
- Felix Frankfurter
Collection: War
Image of Allen Ginsberg
They [Nicaragua] haven't had elections because they are in a state of seige by the United States. They would have had elections if the U.S. had left them alone. But the U.S. has mounted a full scale war against them. So how can you ask them to behave normally?
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: War
Image of David Lloyd George
The home front is always underrated by Generals in the field. And yet that is where the Great War was won and lost. The Russian, Bulgarian, Austrian and German home fronts fell to pieces before their armies collapsed.
- David Lloyd George
Collection: War
Image of Erich Fromm
I feel worried, deeply worried, only about one thing - the possibility that we fall... that we cannot avoid an atomic war.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: War
Image of Erich Fromm
We are confronted with the possibility of a war of such destruction that the whole existence of our nation and of the whole world is at stake. And yet, people know it - people read it in the newspapers, people read that at the first attack, a hundred million Americans might be killed. And yet, they talk about it as if they were talking about something being wrong with the carburetor of their car, perhaps.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: War
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
I appeal for cessation of hostilities, not because you are too exhausted to fight, but because war is bad in essence. You want to kill Nazism. You will never kill it by its indifferent adoption.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Jim Gaffigan
It really never came up, but I think that in present-day America, they're - you know, and I touched on it in the initial clip - is that we are in the middle of this culture war.
- Jim Gaffigan
Collection: War
Image of John Green
Almost everyone is obsessed with leaving a mark upon the world. Bequeathing a legacy. Outlasting death. We all want to be remembered. I do, too. That’s what bothers me most, is being another unremembered casualty in the ancient and inglorious war against disease.
- John Green
Collection: War
Image of Benjamin Franklin
I have been apt to think that there has never been, nor ever will be, any such thing as a good war, or a bad peace.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: War
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Will Great Britain have an unwilling India dragged into war or a willing ally co-operating with her in the prosecution of a defence of true democracy?
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: War
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
The beauty and variety of the natural world are merely the visible legacies of endless war.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: War
Image of Edward Gibbon
[Every] hour of delay abates the fame and force of the invader, and multiplies the resources of defensive war.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: War