Top war Quotes Collection - Page 130

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 130 provides more war quotes.

Image of Hillary Clinton
I don't think we're at war with Islam. I don't think we're at war with all Muslims. I think we're at war with jihadists.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: War
Image of Fidel Castro
I don't think that the contradictions between capitalism and socialism can be resolved by war. This is no longer the age of the bow and arrow. It's the nuclear age, and war can annihilate us all. The only way to achieve solutions seems to be for the different social systems to coexist.
- Fidel Castro
Collection: War
Image of Hippocrates
War is the only proper school of the surgeon.
- Hippocrates
Collection: War
Image of Clement Attlee
The Peace Treaties must be scrapped ... I stand for no more war and no more secret diplomacy.
- Clement Attlee
Collection: War
Image of Warren Buffett
The smartest side to take in a bidding war is the losing side.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: War
Image of Zbigniew Brzezinski
The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border of Afghanistan, I wrote to President Jimmy Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
Collection: War
Image of Zbigniew Brzezinski
Iraq may have been a preview of that, but it's still redeemable if we get out fast. In a war with Iran, we'll get dragged down for 20 or 30 years. The world will condemn us. We will lose our position in the world.
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
Collection: War
Image of Zbigniew Brzezinski
I'm perfectly willing to say no more Iraqs, which means no more unilateral starting of the war on false claims, false information, and a complete misunderstanding of the nature of the situation in the region.
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
Collection: War
Image of Muhammad Ali
We black people, as a whole, are at war we'll say with the white power structure. Not physically, but we have definite protests to win the battle.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: War
Image of Jeb Bush
This president and this is what the focus ought to be, it's not the differences between us, it's Barack Obama does not believe America's leadership in the world is a force for good. He does not believe that our strength is a place where security can take place. He leads from behind. He creates an environment that now we're creating the most unstable situation we've had since the World War II era.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: War
Image of Judith Butler
The pleasurable part of public mourning can also lead to a sense of self-sanctification that justifies in advance any war effort, whether or not the target and destruction are in any way related to the initial event.
- Judith Butler
Collection: War
Image of Judith Butler
I am not sure that I know enough about the pre-history of 9/11 to agree or disagree. But I did think at the time that the [George W.] Bush administration took a number of cues from the Israeli government, not only by drawing on and intensifying anti-Arab racism, but by insisting that the attack on US government and financial buildings was an attack on "democracy" and by invoking "security at all costs" to wage war without a clear focus (why the Taliban?), and by suspending both constitutional rights and the regular protocol for congressional approval for declaring war.
- Judith Butler
Collection: War
Image of Judith Butler
The Gulf War was a clear precedent as well, and it let us begin to understand how the US government would go to war to secure strategic oil reserves and potential markets.
- Judith Butler
Collection: War
Image of Judith Butler
I think that many of the mobilizations against the wars waged by the US and its allies since 2001 have been non-violent and massive. We have seen them throughout European capitals and in the US, and in many other parts of the world as well. So it is not only imaginable, but already actual.
- Judith Butler
Collection: War
Image of Jerry Brown
The drug war isn't what purports to be. If you look at the whole operation and the tie-in between the American intelligence agencies, these so-called "assets", the spies on the payroll of the CIA, and drug dealers. Don't let members of Congress and the media get away with this complacency and distortion!
- Jerry Brown
Collection: War
Image of Jerry Brown
The war on drugs is really no war at all - it's a business!
- Jerry Brown
Collection: War
Image of Lois McMaster Bujold
The Imperial Service could win a war without coffee, but would prefer not to have to.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
Collection: War
Image of Meg Cabot
Maybe nobody has a right to tell anybody to shut up. Maybe this is how wars get started, because someone tells someone else to shut up, and then no one will apologize.
- Meg Cabot
Collection: War
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
The more truly we can see life as a fairytale, the more clearly the tale resolves itself into war with the dragon who is wasting fairyland.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: War
Image of Cassandra Clare
You're a disaster for us, Clary! You're a mundane, you'll always be one, you'll never be a Shadowhunter! You don't know how to think like we do, think about what's best for everyone-- all you think about is yourself! But there's a war now, or there will be, and I don't have time or the inclination to follow around after you, trying to make sure you don't get us killed! Go home, Clary. Go home!
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
When I warned them [the French] that Britain would fight on alone whatever they did, their generals told their Prime Minister and his divided Cabinet, In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken. Some chicken! Some neck!
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
In time of war, soldiers, however sensible, care a great deal more on some occasions about slaking their thirst than about the danger of enteric fever. Better known as typhoid, the disease is often spread by drinking contaminated water.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Tucker Carlson
The war on Christmas. This is the most ridiculous right wing talking point I have ever lived through.The idea is that liberals want to get rid of Christmas.
- Tucker Carlson
Collection: War
Image of Tucker Carlson
Honestly, a lot of liberals are foot soldiers in the war on Christmas.
- Tucker Carlson
Collection: War
Image of Julius Streicher
It was the same in World War I, when Woodrow Wilson, also a tool of the Jews, maneuvered it into the war.
- Julius Streicher
Collection: War
Image of Julius Streicher
The family ties between hundreds of thousands of German families and their American relatives led many to think that America would never join a second war against Germany.
- Julius Streicher
Collection: War
Image of Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
I detest war; it ruins conversation
- Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
Collection: War
Image of Grace Lee Boggs
We're in a very, very profound crisis. It's so obvious that no one in the power structure, either the corporate power structure or the political power structure, knows what to do or is willing to do what's necessary in relationship both to global war and global warming. It's so obvious that conditions are getting worse for the great majority of Americans. It's so obvious also that we face a very serious danger from people who feel, see themselves only as victims. And we have to somehow, in a very loving way, help the American people to recover the best that is in our traditions.
- Grace Lee Boggs
Collection: War
Image of Grace Lee Boggs
I think of what's happening in Detroit as part of something that's much bigger. Most people think of the decline of the city as having to do with African-Americans and being in debt, and all the issues like crime and bad housing. But what happened is that when globalization took place, following World War II, Detroit's role as the center and the symbol of industrialization was destroyed. It wasn't because we had black citizens mainly or a black mayor; it was because the world was changing.
- Grace Lee Boggs
Collection: War
Image of George W. Bush
[Saddam] built up a massive war machine while neglecting the basic needs of his own people.
- George W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Wars, therefore, are to be undertaken for this end, that we may live in peace, without being injured; but when we obtain the victory, we must preserve those enemies who behaved without cruelty or inhumanity during the war.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
Air superiority is the ultimate expression of military power.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
Science unfolded her treasures and her secrets to the desperate demands of men, and placed in their hands agencies and apparatus almost decisive in their character. Reflecting on the outcome of World War I, and an ominous future.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
Singapore could only be taken after a siege by an army of at least 50,000 men. It is not considered possible that the Japanese would embark on such a mad enterprise.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
We have taken a grave and hazardous decision to sustain the Greeks and try to make a Balkan Front.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
Those good at war aren't good at peace, and those good at peace aren't good at war.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Orson Scott Card
In war, everyone has their chance to bleed.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: War
Image of Rita Mae Brown
...funny how people want a return to the good ole days. Of coarse the good ole days of being a rich white plantation owner. Everyone seems to forget the poor white farmer.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Carlyle
And there are Ben [Jonson] and William Shakespeare in wit-combat, sure enough; Ben bearing down like a mighty Spanish war-ship, fraught with all learning and artillery; Shakespeare whisking away from him - whisking right through him, athwart the big bulk and timbers of him; like a miraculous Celestial Light-ship, woven all of sheet-lightning and sunbeams!
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Carlyle
A battle is a terrible conjugation of the verb to kill: I kill, thou killest, he kills, we kill, they kill, all kill.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: War
Image of Benny Hinn
We are on God's side. This is not a war between Arabs and Jews. It's a war between God and the devil.
- Benny Hinn
Collection: War
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm kind of a weirdo; I love prison movies and war movies.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: War
Image of George W. Bush
Some call this civil war; others call it emergency -- I call it pure evil.
- George W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of George H. W. Bush
Let's forgive the Nazi war criminals.
- George H. W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of Fanny Burney
While all the pomp and circumstance of war animated others, it only saddened me; and all of past reflection, all of future dread, made the whole grandeur of the martial scene, and all the delusive seduction of martial music, fill my eyes frequently with tears.
- Fanny Burney
Collection: War
Image of Dick Cheney
After 9/11, it became clear that we [the United States] had to do several things to have a successful strategy to win the global war on terror, specifically that we had to go after the terrorists wherever we might find them, that we also had to go after state sponsors of terror, those who might provide sanctuary or safe harbor for terror.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: War
Image of Russ Feingold
The Democrats were in the majority in the U.S. Senate when we voted for the Iraq war and passed the U.S. Patriot Act. It's not enough to be in the majority, you have to stand for something.
- Russ Feingold
Collection: War
Image of George W. Bush
On 9-11, we discovered that we cannot escape from the world. To me personally, this was a life-changing experience, and I realized, as did all Americans, in a way that is impossible to describe, that we were not protected by the two oceans. It was necessary to eliminate threats before they showed up on our doorstep. I agree that we should not be getting caught up in far away wars. But I believe Iraq was central to our war on terrorism.
- George W. Bush
Collection: War