Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Sean O'Casey
You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea: you can not put an idea up against a barracks-square wall and riddle it with bullets: you cannot confine it in the strongest prison cell that your slaves could ever build.
- Sean O'Casey
Collection: Wall
Image of Virginia Euwer Wolff
A good book is never finished—-it goes on whispering to you from the wall.
- Virginia Euwer Wolff
Collection: Wall
Image of Leo Rosten
What's green, hangs on a wall and whistles? [A Herring]
- Leo Rosten
Collection: Wall
Image of Jessica Mitford
Prison walls are meant not only to keep convicts in, but to keep the would-be investigator out.
- Jessica Mitford
Collection: Wall
Image of Scarlett Thomas
Over to my left is the big grey wall in front of the church. Are we the Thoughts of God? a poster asks. No, I realise. It's the reverse.
- Scarlett Thomas
Collection: Wall
Image of Evelyn Underhill
My growth depends on my walls coming down.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Wall
Image of Tony Hoagland
What I thought was an end turned out to be a middle. What I thought was a brick wall turned out to be a tunnel. What I thought was an injustice turned out to be a color of the sky.
- Tony Hoagland
Collection: Wall
Image of Tony Hoagland
Peter Hyland's poems are both elegantly wrought and meditatively wild. They testify to an original, restless intelligence. He can cast his imagination into a woman's dress, the mind of a grasshopper, or into the glass eyeballs of a buffalo head mounted on the wall of a home in suburban Texas to contemplate 'man's tireless ingenuity.'
- Tony Hoagland
Collection: Wall
Image of John Bingham
As an athlete, when you least expect it, you may find yourself standing on the threshold of an accomplishment so monumental that it strikes fear into your soul. You must stand ready, at any moment, to face the unknown. You must be ready to walk boldly thru the wall of uncertainty.
- John Bingham
Collection: Wall
Image of Diana Palmer
Walls work both ways. They keep people out...but they keep people in, too.
- Diana Palmer
Collection: Wall
Image of Patrick Stewart
I know it feels like two steps forward and one step back, but we are making progress. In my lifetime, I have lived through one World War, I have lived through the end of Apartheid in South Africa, the pulling down of the Berlin Wall. I have experienced what I never thought I would have experienced, which is a pretty workable peace in Northern Ireland, and I experienced a unified Europe - until the Conservative government got its hands on the idea that in order to appease a few back-benchers they would hold a referendum, what a disastrous idea.
- Patrick Stewart
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Ondaatje
Everyone has to scratch on walls somewhere or they go crazy
- Michael Ondaatje
Collection: Wall
Image of Phyllis Bottome
Human beings don't show, any more than cities at dusk, their real necessities! And yet if you looked -- past the circle of outside lights, through the street walls still standing -- into the want and emptiness within!
- Phyllis Bottome
Collection: Wall
Image of Paul Begala
The media didn’t hand it to Obama; after all, the Number One cable news channel, Fox, is right-wing. The Number One newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, also has a right-wing editorial slant (and is owned by the same guy who owns Fox News). The Number One talk radio show is Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity is Number Two, and Glenn Beck is Number Three. When you control all the largest media outlets, it’s time to stop grousing about liberal media bias.
- Paul Begala
Collection: Wall
Image of Nas
Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined
- Nas
Collection: Wall
Image of Joshua Reynolds
What is a well-chosen collection of pictures, but walls hung round with thoughts?
- Joshua Reynolds
Collection: Wall
Image of Walter Ulbricht
Nobody has the intention of building a wall
- Walter Ulbricht
Collection: Wall
Image of Walter Ulbricht
Nobody intends to put up a wall!
- Walter Ulbricht
Collection: Wall
Image of Nalini Singh
What about your freedom?" he whispered in her ear over a minute later, bracing his hands palms down on the wall beside her head. He made no move to stop her as she stroked and petted every inch of that sinfully gorgeous chest, all hard muscle and gleaming skin overlaid with silky-rough strands of dark hair. "Idiot." She nipped his jaw with her teeth. "The only freedom I ever wanted was the right to love you.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Wall
Image of Ntozake Shange
I hit my head against the wall because I don't want to know all the terrible things that I know about. I don't want to feel all these wretched things, but they're in me already. If I don't get rid of them, I'm not ever going to feel anything else.
- Ntozake Shange
Collection: Wall
Image of Karin Slaughter
sexual predators were like cockroaches. For every one you saw, there were twenty more hiding behind the walls.
- Karin Slaughter
Collection: Wall
Image of M. Scott Peck
The overall purpose of human communication is - or should be - reconciliation. It should ultimately serve to lower or remove the walls of misunderstanding which unduly separate us human beings, one from another.
- M. Scott Peck
Collection: Wall
Image of Bruce Chatwin
I pictured a low timber house with a shingled roof, caulked against storms, with blazing log fires inside and the walls lined with all the best books, somewhere to live when the rest of the world blew up.
- Bruce Chatwin
Collection: Wall
Image of Mervyn Peake
Each day I live in a glass room unless I break it with the thrusting of my senses and pass through the splintered walls to the great landscape.
- Mervyn Peake
Collection: Wall
Image of Mervyn Peake
The crumbling castle, looming among the mists, exhaled the season, and every cold stone breathed it out. The tortured trees by the dark lake burned and dripped, their leaves snatched by the wind were whirled in wild circles through the towers. The clouds mouldered as they lay coiled, or shifted themselves uneasily upon the stone skyfield, sending up wreathes that drifted through the turrets and swarmed up hidden walls.
- Mervyn Peake
Collection: Wall
Image of Mervyn Peake
Countless candles dribbled with hot wax, and their flames, like little flags, fluttered in the unchartered currents of air. Thousands of lamps, naked, or shuttered behind coloured glass, burned with their glows of purple, amber, grass-green, blue, blood red and even grey. The walls of Gormenghast were like the walls of paradise or like the walls of an inferno. The colours were devilish or angelical according to the colour of the mind that watched them. They swam, those walls, with the hues of hell, with the tints of Zion. The breasts of the plumaged seraphim; the scales of Satan.
- Mervyn Peake
Collection: Wall
Image of Richard Siken
Eventually something you love is going to be taken away. And then you will fall to the floor crying. And then, however much later, it is finally happening to you: you’re falling to the floor crying thinking, “I am falling to the floor crying,” but there’s an element of the ridiculous to it — you knew it would happen and, even worse, while you’re on the floor crying you look at the place where the wall meets the floor and you realize you didn’t paint it very well.
- Richard Siken
Collection: Wall
Image of Frank Zappa
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Wall
Image of Pablo Neruda
Our love was born outside the walls, in the wind, in the night, in the earth, and that's why the clay and the flower, the mud and the roots know your name.
- Pablo Neruda
Collection: Wall
Image of Nancy Pelosi
We have a responsibility to control our borders. Building a wall is not an answer, not here in America or any place.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Wall
Image of Conrad Aiken
The days, the nights, flow one by one above us. The hours go silently over our lifted faces. We are like dreamers who walk beneath a sea. Beneath high walls we flow in the sun together. We sleep, we wake, we laugh, we pursue, we flee.
- Conrad Aiken
Collection: Wall
Image of Louise Penny
No good ever comes from putting up walls. What people mistake for safety is in fact captivity. And few things thrive in captivity.
- Louise Penny
Collection: Wall
Image of Miriam Toews
It bothered me in a kind of Charles Manson way to have a brown smear of blood on my wall but I also liked it because every time I looked at it I was reminded that I was, at that very moment, not bleeding from my face. And those are powerful words of hope, really.
- Miriam Toews
Collection: Wall
Image of Eric Linklater
It is notorious that we speak no more than half-truths in our ordinary conversation, and even a soliloquy is likely to be affected by the apprehension that walls have ears.
- Eric Linklater
Collection: Wall
Image of Randy Travis
They took your commandments off the schoolhouse walls, they say it's a crime to pray.
- Randy Travis
Collection: Wall
Image of L.A. Meyer
I can smell the smoke now. I can see tendrils of it comin' up between the cracks in the shrikin' floorboards. There she is, calmly taking down the framed examples of fine embroideries, samplers, and needlework from teh hallway wall and tucking them under her arm. "Mistress! Come on! You've got to leave!" She calmly turns and faces me. "Why?" she asks. "The British are coming?" "Only one, Mistress," I say
- L.A. Meyer
Collection: Wall
Image of Cecelia Ahern
The more you try to simplify things the more you complicate them. You create rules, build walls, push people away, lie to yourself and ignore true feelings. That is not simplifying things.
- Cecelia Ahern
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Pollan
Were the walls of our meat industry to become transparent, literally or even figuratively, we would not long continue to raise, kill, and eat animals the way we do.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Wall
Image of Baal Shem Tov
Fear builds walls to bar the light.
- Baal Shem Tov
Collection: Wall
Image of Saint Patrick
Before I was humiliated I was like a stone that lies in deep mud, and he who is mighty came and in his compassion raised me up and exalted me very high and placed me on the top of the wall.
- Saint Patrick
Collection: Wall
Image of Hugh Howey
My life is too tight, he wanted to say. My skin is too tight. The walls are too tight.
- Hugh Howey
Collection: Wall
Image of Buddy Wakefield
Stop inviting walls into wide open spaces.
- Buddy Wakefield
Collection: Wall
Image of Lewis Black
See... What I felt they should have done, for our first public works project, is build a giant wall... across the entire border of Canada. Because that's where the cold air comes from.
- Lewis Black
Collection: Wall
Image of Shaun Alexander
The contract stuff just happens to be a coincidence to me. I always play every game as if my back is against the wall. That's always something that has been good to me since high school. A lot of people believe the grass is greener on the other side, but I'm not one of those people. It wouldn't be my choice to leave, but the Seahawks know that.
- Shaun Alexander
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Walser
Every sensitive person carries in himself old cities enclosed by ancient walls
- Robert Walser
Collection: Wall
Image of Maurice Sendak
And the walls became the world all around.
- Maurice Sendak
Collection: Wall
Image of Dan Wells
The monster behind the wall stirred. I'd come to think of it as a monster, but it was just me. Or the darker part of me, at least. You probably think it would be creepy to have a real monster hiding inside of you, but trust me - it's far, far worse when the monster is really just your own mind. Calling it a monster seemed to distance it a little, which made me feel better about it. Not much better, but I take what I can get.
- Dan Wells
Collection: Wall
Image of Harry A. Blackmun
Over our history there are always those who want to take this wall of separation and remove a brick here or there or damage it more than that. I think one has to be vigilant and constantly on the alert.
- Harry A. Blackmun
Collection: Wall
Image of Cathleen Schine
All these years I've had a story in my mind, the story about us that never really existed. And because of that story, I've kept you framed up on the wall in a little box of nostalgic moonlight.
- Cathleen Schine
Collection: Wall