Top Telephones Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Telephones quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Suzanne Pleshette
Telephone operators have called me sir since I was 6.
- Suzanne Pleshette
Collection: Telephones
Image of Lady Violet
First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I'm living in an H.G. Wells novel.
- Lady Violet
Collection: Telephones
Image of Ithiel de Sola Pool
The Telephone will democratize hierarchic relations.
- Ithiel de Sola Pool
Collection: Telephones
Image of Dorothy Parker
Excuse me, everybody, I have to go to the bathroom. I really have to telephone, but I'm too embarrassed to say so.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Telephones
Image of Dorothy Parker
[On the ringing of her doorbell or telephone:] What fresh hell is this?
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Telephones
Image of Vladimir Putin
I only had a telephone conversation with [Donald Trump], whereas [Shinzō ] Abe met with him in person.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Telephones
Image of Julie James
Ever hear of a telephone, asshole?
- Julie James
Collection: Telephones
Image of Lenny Bruce
Communism is just one big telephone company.
- Lenny Bruce
Collection: Telephones
Image of Brian Eno
Saying that cultural objects have value is like saying that telephones have conversations.
- Brian Eno
Collection: Telephones
Image of Ernest Hemingway
The telephone and visitors are the work destroyers.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Telephones