Top Swings Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Swings quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of O. J. Simpson
You don`t get mood swings from eating cornflakes
- O. J. Simpson
Collection: Swings
Image of Buddy Rich
You either swing a band or don't swing a band and that's what's lacking today.. There aren't any guys who get back there and play with any kind of guts.
- Buddy Rich
Collection: Swings
Image of Geoffrey Boycott
(James) Anderson has a gift from the gods: he could swing an orange.
- Geoffrey Boycott
Collection: Swings
Image of Pat Metheny
I have to admit that more and more lately, the whole idea of jazz as an idiom is one that I've completely rejected. I just don't see it as an idiomatic thing any more...To me, if jazz is anything, it's a process, and maybe a verb, but it's not a thing. It's a form that demands that you bring to it things athat are valuable to you, that are personal to you. That, for me, is a pretty serious distinction that doesn't have anything to do with blues, or swing, or any of these other things that tend to be listed as essentials in order for music to be jazz with a capital J.
- Pat Metheny
Collection: Swings
Image of Ruta Sepetys
I felt as if I were riding a pendulum. Just as I would swing into the abyss of hopelessness, the pendulum would swing back with some small goodness.
- Ruta Sepetys
Collection: Swings
Image of Diane di Prima
More or Less Love Poems #11: No babe We'd never Swing together but the syncopation would be something wild
- Diane di Prima
Collection: Swings
Image of Frederick W. Smith
I’m not afraid to take a swing and miss.
- Frederick W. Smith
Collection: Swings
Image of Grantland Rice
One might as well attempt to describe the smoothness of the wind as to paint a clear picture of his complete swing.
- Grantland Rice
Collection: Swings
Image of Barry Lyga
You don't swing at any pitch. You swing at the ones you can hit.
- Barry Lyga
Collection: Swings
Image of Angela Knight
Hey, I can cook." "How do you know? You haven't eaten anything since before the Norman Conquest." "I've never had any complaints." "Given the infants you date, I'm not surprised. You could serve them sawdust and they'd eat it with a smile, dazzled by the swing of your broadsword." "What do you know about the swing of my broadsword?" "More than I care to. Women talk." Which shut him up, as he started wondering who'd said what.
- Angela Knight
Collection: Swings
Image of Charlie Parker
I don't care who likes it or buys it. Because if you use that criterion, Mozart would never have written Don Giovanni, Charlie Parker would have never played anything but swing music.
- Charlie Parker
Collection: Swings
Image of Ivanka Trump
I set very bold goals. It's how I've always been. I'm definitely somebody who swings for the fences, and I expect very high performance.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Swings
Image of Janet Morris
One to a customer was the rule: one body; one mind; one swing through life. - Tempus
- Janet Morris
Collection: Swings
Image of Horace Silver
Basically my influences have been American influences. It's been blues, gospel, swing era music, bebop music, Broadway show music, classical music.
- Horace Silver
Collection: Swings
Image of George V. Higgins
What You Lose on the Swings You Make Up on the Merry-Go-Round.
- George V. Higgins
Collection: Swings
Image of Svetlana Alliluyeva
On, those ever-changing moods of Moscow! How swiftly they go from black to white, from one extreme to another, from friendship to accusations, from adoration to hatred, from the permissive 'da' to that annihilating 'nyet.' Those eternal swings from a thaw to a freeze, whims that disregard their own rules, norms, and regulations!
- Svetlana Alliluyeva
Collection: Swings
Image of Frankie Manning
Lindy Hoppers never die - they just swing out.
- Frankie Manning
Collection: Swings
Image of Stewart Cink
You have to just forget about the ball and swing the club. It's hard to see if you don't hit the green.
- Stewart Cink
Collection: Swings
Image of Bubba Watson
If I have a swing, I have a shot.
- Bubba Watson
Collection: Swings
Image of Dave Brubeck
I prefer no one to teach me. I prefer to swing on my own.
- Dave Brubeck
Collection: Swings
Image of Thomas Dolby
It isn't cool to abuse the ability to swing.
- Thomas Dolby
Collection: Swings
Image of Artie Shaw
'Swing' is an adjective or a verb, not a noun. All jazz musicians should swing. There is no such thing as a 'swing band' in music.
- Artie Shaw
Collection: Swings
Image of Artie Shaw
It ["Begin the Beguine"] became such a hit that it superseded anything that any band had ever had. It was the first time that a so-called swing band played something melodic and still gave it a beat.
- Artie Shaw
Collection: Swings
Image of Charles Webster Hawthorne
Swing a bigger brush - you don't know what you're missing.
- Charles Webster Hawthorne
Collection: Swings
Image of Stuart Chase
Your liberty to swing your arms ends where my nose begins.
- Stuart Chase
Collection: Swings
Image of John Fogerty
I loved Western Swing and Hank Williams' music, and I now know that it's a 6th tuning that gives you all of those classic licks.
- John Fogerty
Collection: Swings
Image of Miguel Cabrera
You have to concentrate on the swing.
- Miguel Cabrera
Collection: Swings
Image of Chuck Israels
One of the most obvious aspects of the music to people who know jazz is: How does it feel in the swing? These are things that are very subtle and that jazz musician appreciate in a particular way. I appreciate the way Tommy Flanagan swings, the way that Barry Harris swings, the great pulse that Hank Jones and Bill Evans have - end every one of them is different.
- Chuck Israels
Collection: Swings
Image of Davis Love III
I used to get out there and have a thousand swing thoughts. Now I try not to have any.
- Davis Love III
Collection: Swings
Image of Branford Marsalis
I don't care who likes it or buys it. Because if you use that criterion, Mozart would have never written Don Giovanni, Charlie Parker never would have played anything but swing music. There comes a point at which you have to stand up and say, this is what I have to do.
- Branford Marsalis
Collection: Swings
Image of Suzy Bogguss
Ive been playing swing chords for a long time.
- Suzy Bogguss
Collection: Swings
Image of Gian-Carlo Rota
The pendulum of mathematics swings back and forth towards abstraction and away from it with a timing that remains to be estimated.
- Gian-Carlo Rota
Collection: Swings
Image of Jeanette Lee
Make sure you put quality into every practice swing.
- Jeanette Lee
Collection: Swings
Image of Ty Cobb
The longer I live, the longer I realize that batting is more a mental matter than it is physical. The ability to grasp the bat, swing at the proper time, take a proper stance; all these are elemental. Batting is rather a study in psychology, a sizing up of a pitcher and catcher and observing little details that are of immense importance. It's like the study of crime, the work of a detective as he picks up clues.
- Ty Cobb
Collection: Swings
Image of Frank Stallone
If you hear Bing Crosby trying to swing, it doesn't work. He swings like a rusty gate.
- Frank Stallone
Collection: Swings
Image of Matt Damon
Some people get into this business and they're so afraid to lose anything. They try to protect their position like clinging to a beachhead. These Actor s end up making really safe choices. I never wanted to go that route. If I go down, I'm going down swinging. I know that's the way Heath Ledger feels and Ben Affleck feels the same way, too. We want to take the big swings.
- Matt Damon
Collection: Swings
Image of Rene Crevel
Symbols need not limit their scope to this pendulum swing of images.
- Rene Crevel
Collection: Swings
Image of James Hunt
Your luck goes up and down like swings and roundabouts
- James Hunt
Collection: Swings
Image of John Mulaney
I kind of thought, wouldn't it be funny to take a swing at being on the weird side of mainstream?
- John Mulaney
Collection: Swings
Image of Alicia Witt
I don't know that I'm actually bipolar, but I definitely have huge mood swings, and I'm definitely passionate about the way I feel. I'm not really lukewarm one way or the other.
- Alicia Witt
Collection: Swings
Image of Edd Roush
Place hitting is, in a sense, glorified bunting. I only take a half swing at the ball, and the weight of the bat rather than my swing is what drives it.
- Edd Roush
Collection: Swings
Image of Carlos Beltran
I like to be aggressive. I like to swing the bat.
- Carlos Beltran
Collection: Swings
Image of Nick Swisher
I'm being a lot more consistent, trying to make every swing look the same. I'm doing what the situation calls for and trying not to do too much.
- Nick Swisher
Collection: Swings
Image of Andrew Lam
I am hopeful that the pendulum swings toward seeing immigrants in favorable terms once more.
- Andrew Lam
Collection: Swings
Image of Craig McDonald
Judges in Texas swing the gavel with one hand and take money with the other.
- Craig McDonald
Collection: Swings
Image of Zechariah Chafee
We have the right to swing our arm until it hits the other fellow's nose.
- Zechariah Chafee
Collection: Swings
Image of Allison Joseph
I switch between fixed forms and free verse often, and enjoy being a poet who can "swing both ways," so to speak.
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Swings
Image of Gary Gulman
Do you know what Bill Gates has to pull out of an old coat, to feel like I did with a $20 bill? First of all, the idea that Bill Gates has an old coat is preposterous. If he has an old coat, it's the coat Abe Lincoln was shot in and he wears it as a bathrobe - no underwear by the way. He lets his billionaire balls swing willy-nilly beneath the death cloak of the great emancipator. That's your 1%.
- Gary Gulman
Collection: Swings
Image of Ray LaHood
Portal Bridge is based on a design from the 1840s and was already obsolete shortly after it was completed in 1910. It's a swing bridge that needs to be opened several times a week so barges can pass up and down the river. It takes about a half an hour. The problem is it fails to lock back into place on a regular basis.
- Ray LaHood
Collection: Swings
Image of Tom Basso
When your account has these massive swings up and down, there's a tendency to feel a rush when the market is going your way and devastation when it's going against you. These emotions do absolutely nothing to make you a good trader. It's far better to keep the equity swings manageable and strive for a sense of balance each day, no matter what happens.
- Tom Basso
Collection: Swings