Top smart Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of smart quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more smart quotes.

Image of Samuel L. Jackson
Michelle Obama is Superwoman. What can't she do? That's why people love her. She can be on the Supreme Court and anywhere else she wants. She can be the president. She's history and she'll stay history because she is so amazingly smart and together.
- Samuel L. Jackson
Collection: Smart
Image of Sheena Iyengar
And guys will say looks matter, but they'll also say things like "Well, she should be smart and kind." And you know those are... so the typical responses and if you give them just a few options, like five or six, then they will rate them on the very characteristics that they said were really important to them.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Smart
Image of Sheena Iyengar
I've done a number of studies with speed dating and and what's interesting is that you know we still walk into a speed dating event, you know, thinking about what it is we're looking for in a mate and so you ask people, like women will say "I'm looking for somebody who is really kind and sincere and smart and funny."
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Smart
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Stop a minute and listen. I know I'm asking the impossible from you, but for once in your life, shut your mouth and open your ears." "I'm not the one talking." Kyrian snarled at him. "Don't get smart with me." "You want me stupid?" "Nick...
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Smart
Image of Diane Keaton
Topher Grace is a really smart guy, and he really thinks about [acting].
- Diane Keaton
Collection: Smart
Image of John F. Kerry
You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.
- John F. Kerry
Collection: Smart
Image of Eric Idle
I got used to dealing with groups of boys and getting on with life in unpleasant circumstances and being smart and funny and subversive at the expense of authority.
- Eric Idle
Collection: Smart
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I’m too young, too smart, and too good-looking to die. Yeah, and then some. The world needed him to improve the gene pool. Not to mention, at fourteen he hadn’t even had his first date yet. He’d only just, this night, had his first kiss. He should have recognized that alone as a sign that the apocalypse was coming and that his death was imminent.’ – Nick
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Smart
Image of Mindy Kaling
Haley and I would talk for hours about which member of 'N Sync we'd want to marry. After long deliberation, the answer was always J. C. Chasez. Joey Fatone's last name was going to be “Fat One” no matter how great he was, and even though they didn't know at their age that Lance Bass was gay outright, they sensed he'd make a better good friend and confidante. As for Justin Timberlake, well, JT was the coolest and hottest, but too flashy, so we couldn't trust him to be faithful. J. C. Chasez was the smart compromise.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Smart
Image of Lilly Singh
This idea of having back-up plans is ingrained into us to make us believe that that's the smart thing to do.
- Lilly Singh
Collection: Smart
Image of Curtis Jackson
You gotta be smart enough to pick up the information as you go.
- Curtis Jackson
Collection: Smart
Image of Garrison Keillor
...opening up a newspaper is the key to looking classy and smart. Never mind the bronze-plated stuff about the role of the press in a democracy - a newspaper, kiddo, is about Style.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Smart
Image of Edward Kennedy
I don't think America can just drill itself out of its current energy situation. We don't need to destroy the environment to meet our energy needs. We need smart, comprehensive, common-sense approaches that balance the need to increase domestic energy supplies with the need to maximize energy efficiency.
- Edward Kennedy
Collection: Smart
Image of Doug Liman
At the end of the day, I like the spy genre, as opposed to the action movie genre, because spies are smart. The successful spies are the smarter spies.
- Doug Liman
Collection: Smart
Image of Michael Lewis
My characters are actually usually pretty smart and admirable.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Smart
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Donald Trump said that his plan now is to just let Obamacare fail. He's not gonna own it. He's just gonna let it fail. Which he's been saying for months. He said, you know, the smart thing politically for him to do is to let it fail and let the Democrats absorb all the blame.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Smart
Image of Stephen King
No one can be as intellectually slothful as a really smart person
- Stephen King
Collection: Smart
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I have never believed the manmade global warming allegation, but I fully understand however the people who do. All it takes is a 105-degree day in July, and the normal reaction is, "Man, it's getting hotter! I wonder if we're getting hotter?" When I was a kid, everybody wondered, "Are we on getting closer to the sun?" This is a natural thing. This is really where the left is really smart. They have the ability to tap into what people of their own volition are already concerned about, and then they give 'em a reason, and they give 'em substantiation for it.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Smart
Image of Eric Liu
Many smart folks seem to think that if you just get your metaphors and messages right, you'll win. That if you start describing what you favor as a 'moral value' - 'affordable health care is a moral value' etc., - then you'll appeal to red-state voters.
- Eric Liu
Collection: Smart
Image of Eric Bana
I loved working with him [Justin Chadwick]. He was very smart in how he assembled the people around him and had a crew that he knew very well. He was very comfortable on the set and I never felt that I was working with a first-time filmmaker.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Smart
Image of Tim Berners-Lee
It was the academic community who wired up their universities so it was put together by smart, well-meaning people who thought it was a good idea.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Collection: Smart
Image of Beyonce Knowles
I'm very proud of my sister and protective of her. Solange is the one person I will fight for. Don't talk about my sister; don't play with me about my sister. If you do, you'll see another side of me. I admire her, and though she's five years younger than me, I strive to be like her. She's so smart and secure. She's sensitive to people's feelings, but not afraid of what they think.
- Beyonce Knowles
Collection: Smart
Image of Rush Limbaugh
She comes to me when she wants to be fed. And after I feed her -- guess what -- she's off to wherever she wants to be in the house, until the next time she gets hungry. She's smart enough to know she can't feed herself. She's actually a very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn't have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat's taught me more about women, than anything my whole life.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Smart
Image of Ann Landers
Assume nothing. Inside every dumb blond there may be a very smart brunette.
- Ann Landers
Collection: Smart
Image of Jay Leno
As you may have heard, the U.S. is putting together a constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? Think about it - it was written by very smart people, it's served us well for over two hundred years, and besides, we're not using it anymore.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Smart
Image of Laura Lippman
it's smarter to be lucky than it's lucky to be smart.
- Laura Lippman
Collection: Smart
Image of George Matthew Adams
It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives us character and prestige.
- George Matthew Adams
Collection: Smart
Image of Robert Kiyosaki
The world is full of smart, poor people.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Collection: Smart
Image of Stephin Merritt
I can imagine lyrics becoming better written by smart machines rather than stupid musicians. Songwriters generally have nothing to say. They may as well be replaced by machines.
- Stephin Merritt
Collection: Smart
Image of Stan Lee
You remember when Tobey Maguire was first selected, most of the fans were angry. They felt, what kind of a guy is that for a superhero? Nobody thought it was a good idea. Yet he turned out to be great. The people at Marvel who do these things are really pretty smart. If they chose this guy, he'll probably be terrific.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Smart
Image of John P. Kotter
In terms of getting people to experiment more and take more risk, there are at least three things that immediately come to my mind. Number one, of course, is role-modeling it yourself. Number two is when people take intelligent, smart risks and yet it doesn't work out, not shooting them. And number three, being honest with yourself. If the culture you have is radically different from an experiment and take-risk culture, then you have a big change you going to have to make—and no little gimmicks are going to do it for you.
- John P. Kotter
Collection: Smart
Image of Christian Bale
If you're smart you're just gonna be all about the work. But as a young person, you want to going out to clubs and doing all the stuff. I'm just glad I survived it.
- Christian Bale
Collection: Smart
Image of Johann Kaspar Lavater
Beware of biting jests; the more truth they carry with them, the greater wounds they give, the greater smarts they cause, and the greater scars they leave behind them.
- Johann Kaspar Lavater
Collection: Smart
Image of Fran Lebowitz
We live in a culture where everyone is perfectly willing to do this [to make a lot of money], and they're just looking for the opportunity. Obviously, a person who is really dumb is not gonna make a zillion dollars. But for a person who is really smart, really smart, it's a boring pursuit. It's not endlessly fascinating.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Smart
Image of Fran Lebowitz
The truth is that most families have no smart ones and no pretty ones. Most families are a bunch of unattractive dopes. And it turns out that the Bush family, like most families, has no smart ones. I was not surprised to see this.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Smart
Image of Kellyanne Conway
My colleagues across the aisle in Brooklyn and team Clinton are very smart people. I respect them very much. But they misread America. They, they did not have her in red states. They, they were pretending that they were going to turn red blue.
- Kellyanne Conway
Collection: Smart
Image of Stephen King
I think there ought to be some serious discussion by smart people, really smart people, about whether or not proliferation of things like The Smoking Gun and TMZ and YouTube and the whole celebrity culture is healthy. We've switched from a culture that was interested in manufacturing, economics, politics - trying to play a serious part in the world - to a culture that's really entertainment-based. I mean, I know people who can tell you who won the last four seasons on American Idol and they don't know who their [bleeping] Representatives are.
- Stephen King
Collection: Smart
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The New York Times is filled with Ivy League graduates and so is the Washington Post. I mean, it's all the same club. They may be Ivy League educated, but they're not smart. Their minds are closed. They actually are mind-numbed robots. They have been programmed all their lives. They're not even thinkers. These are people who have been programmed to believe what they believe. They are committed believers, not thinkers.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Smart
Image of Rush Limbaugh
In Obama's world, it's Fox News and me that are the reason the Republican base doesn't like him. It can't possibly be that those people actually pay attention, are actually intelligent, informed, and they actually disagree with what he's doing. It can't be that because you are not that smart and independently thinkable. You're like the Democrat base. You're bunch of idiots who only know and do and believe what you're told. There may be a degree of exaggeration in there, but that is exactly how the left looks at their voters, and that's how they look at the whole population.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Smart
Image of Jaron Lanier
People degrade themselves in order to make machines seem smart all the time.
- Jaron Lanier
Collection: Smart
Image of Lenny Kravitz
I was watching an interview with Martin Scorcese concerning Raging Bull, which is one of my favorite films, and he was talking about how he'd worked with a lot of guys who weren't quote-unquote "actors," like Joe Pesce and Frank Vincent. Scorcese was very smart in the way that he cast, because you don't know where you're going to find the right person who can carry a role and summon that emotion you're looking for.
- Lenny Kravitz
Collection: Smart
Image of Caroline Knapp
Was he smart enough? Introspective enough? Was it just enough to love him, or should I attach myself to someone who seemed farther ahead of me, someone smarter and more ambitious than me, who'd be sure to carry me along into the version of adulthood I thought I should be striving for?
- Caroline Knapp
Collection: Smart
Image of John P. Kotter
This is true even in organizations that are very focused on analysis and quantitative measurement, even among people who think of themselves as smart in an MBA sense. In highly successful change efforts, people find ways to help others see the problems or solutions in ways that influence emotions, not just thought.
- John P. Kotter
Collection: Smart
Image of Lisa Kleypas
Maybe he's not college-smart, but he's smart in a way they can't teach.
- Lisa Kleypas
Collection: Smart
Image of Rush Limbaugh
At what point in human history, when was the last time it was possible for any human being to know everything that was known at that time? For example, it is humanly impossible for any human being to know everything now. So how are we gonna define smart?
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Smart
Image of Anne Lamott
I very rarely read the responses to my Salon pieces, because (as you may have noticed) the trolls can be SO evil. So violent in their hostility to me and my work. OK, wait, wait, wait. That's a lie. I do read the responses--and get mesmerized, like cobra hypnosis. But I laugh (mostly) at the trolls, and think about what tiny little weenies they must have. (They seem to be mostly men.) And then ALL these smart, funny people leap to my defense, which is medicine, and fills me with love and thankfulness.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Smart
Image of Larry King
Those of us forced to read the London papers sometimes speculate about which is greater: the average British hack's sloth, mendacity, ignorance, obsequiousness, capacity for drink, or aversion to paying for that drink. Smart money tends to split between the latter two.
- Larry King
Collection: Smart
Image of Masashi Kishimoto
If being smart is what you say it is, I will remain a fool my entire life.
- Masashi Kishimoto
Collection: Smart