Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 42

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 42 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Brad Warner
Now however, we have contraception and it's mostly reliable so you can have sex without that happening. So then you start vilifying the act of sex itself. I don't think Buddhism has ever done that necessarily, or at least I'm not aware of Buddhism taking the stance that Christianity often has which says that sex itself is a kind of evil act, which is a really weird idea.
- Brad Warner
Collection: Sex
Image of Brad Warner
Buddha was a responsible guy and believed in his monks being responsible, their responsibility would no longer be to their practice or to the sangha, but to their child because that's the only honest way to do it. You can't have it both ways. So anytime a monk would have sex, there was always that possibility and it was a very big deal.
- Brad Warner
Collection: Sex
Image of Brad Warner
They really make sex into such a horrible thing and how terrible anything related to sex is, but isn't that why we're all here? We wouldn't be here at all if two people in our past hadn't been horny for each other, that's how it works. So we can't continue unless people keep being horny for each other, that's just the way it is.
- Brad Warner
Collection: Sex
Image of Bill O'Reilly
Right now in Oregon anybody can open a saloon, and hire people to come in and have sex in front of their patrons.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Sex
Image of Walker Percy
I sometimes think novelists write about sex in order to avoid boring themselves to death.
- Walker Percy
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Miller
I don't know whether you've ever had a woman eat an apple while you were doing it. Well, you can imagine how that affects you.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Sex
Image of Samuel Richardson
A good man will extend his munificence to the industrious poor of all persuasions reduced by age, infirmity, or accident; to thosewho labour under incurable maladies; and to the youth of either sex, who are capable of beginning the world with advantage, but have not the means.
- Samuel Richardson
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael Sandel
I would include non-medical sex selection as one of those practices that I think is morally questionable and that can carry adverse social consequences.
- Michael Sandel
Collection: Sex
Image of Fulton J. Sheen
Sex has become one of the most discussed subjects of modern times. The Victorians pretended it did not exist; the moderns pretend nothing else exists.
- Fulton J. Sheen
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty White
Sex is pretty funny, let's face it. And the more seriously we take ourselves, the funnier sex gets, I think.
- Betty White
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
Many human beings enjoy sexual relations with their own sex; many don't; many respond to both. This plurality is part of our nature and not worth fretting about.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of D. A. Carson
Sex is about timing. The world says: any time, any place. God says: my time, my place.
- D. A. Carson
Collection: Sex
Image of David Sedaris
Kools and Newports were for black people and lower-class whites. Camels were for procrastinators, those who wrote bad poetry, and those who put off writing bad poetry. Merits were for sex addicts, Salems were for alcoholics, and Mores were for people who considered themselves to be outrageous but really weren't.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Sex
Image of Gene Wolfe
The same authorities who insist upon beginnings, middles, and ends, declare that Great Literature (by which they mean the stories they have been taught to admire) is about love and death, while mere popular fiction like this is about sex and violence. One reader's sex, alas, is another's love; and one's violence, another's death.
- Gene Wolfe
Collection: Sex
Image of Laura Schlessinger
I'm making an announcement: Not one penny will I give to AIDS anything as long as [public sex is allowed in gay bathhouses]. Not cent one. It's a preventable disease. If you don't want to prevent it, I don't want to pay for it.
- Laura Schlessinger
Collection: Sex
Image of Laura Schlessinger
If you're gay or lesbian, it's a biological error that inhibits you from relating normally to the opposite sex.
- Laura Schlessinger
Collection: Sex
Image of Eli Roth
The point of the first one was that it was about guys being lured by sex and the stereotypes... I always say it's like a horror version of Borat. Borat's not an accurate depiction of Khazakstan, it's an accurate depiction of America. That's what Hostel is.
- Eli Roth
Collection: Sex
Image of Joni Mitchell
Sex sells everything and sex kills.
- Joni Mitchell
Collection: Sex
Image of Clive Owen
I don’t mind looking like I need a good wash and a good meal... Any actor who starts taking ‘sex symbol’ seriously or thinks of themselves as a sex symbol has got some serious problems.
- Clive Owen
Collection: Sex
Image of Frances Wright
I dare say you marvel sometimes at my independent way of walking through the world just as if nature had made me of your sex instead of poor Eve's. Trust me, my beloved friend, the mind has no sex but what habit and education give it, and I who was thrown in infancy upon the world like a wreck upon the waters have learned, as well to struggle with the elements as any male child of Adam.
- Frances Wright
Collection: Sex
Image of Frances Wright
It has already been observed that women, wherever placed, however high or low in the scale of cultivation, hold the destinies of human kind. Men will ever rise or fall to the level of the other sex.
- Frances Wright
Collection: Sex
Image of John Piper
Marriage is not mainly about prospering economically; it is mainly about displaying the covenant-keepin g love between Christ and his church. Knowing Christ is more important than making a living. Treasuring Christ is more important than bearing children. Being united to Christ by faith is a greater source of marital success than perfect sex and double-income prosperity.
- John Piper
Collection: Sex
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
Sex is the mysticism of a materialistic society - in the beginning was the Flesh, and the Flesh became Word... [it has] its own mysteries - this is my birth [control] pill; swallow it in remembrance of me!
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
Sex is the mysticism of materialism.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Rivers
Two is company; three is fifty bucks.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Sex
Image of Joyce Carol Oates
Adriana loved even the rank animal smell of the man's body, her sweat-slicked breasts and belly flattened beneath him, and her arms and legs clutching him as a drowning woman might clutch another person to save her life. Don't don't don't don't leave me. DON'T LEAVE ME. As in animal copulation the frenzy is to be locked together not out of sentiment or choice but physical compulsion. As if bolts of electric current ran through both their bodies and would only release them from each other when it ceased.
- Joyce Carol Oates
Collection: Sex
Image of Meg Wolitzer
I've been waiting for someone to sign the permission slip for me to write about sex. In the meantime, I've written about sex in all my books anyway.
- Meg Wolitzer
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
To have an interest in both sexes is equally normal. Whether it's practiced or not is something else. Some do. Some don't.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of Virginia Woolf
Inevitably we look upon society, so kind to you, so harsh to us, as an ill-fitting form that distorts the truth; deforms the mind; fetters the will.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Sex
Image of Virginia Woolf
It would be a thousand pities if women wrote like men, or lived like men, or looked like men, for if two sexes are quite inadequate, considering the vastness and variety of the world, how should we manage with one only? Ought not education to bring out and fortify the differences rather than the similarities?
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Watts
The world is filled with love-play, from animal lust to sublime compassion.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Watts
Sex is no longer a serious taboo. Teenagers sometimes know more about it than adults.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Sex
Image of Vita Sackville-West
that pathetic short-cut suggested by Nature the supreme joker as a remedy for our loneliness, that ephemeral communion which we persuade ourselves to be of the spirit when it is in fact only of the body - durable not even in memory!
- Vita Sackville-West
Collection: Sex
Image of George Michael
Sex is natural, sex is good/Not everybody does it, but everybody should
- George Michael
Collection: Sex
Image of Virginia Woolf
All this pitting of sex against sex, of quality against quality; all this claiming of superiority and imputing of inferiority belong to the private-school stage of human existence where there are sides, and it is necessary for one side to beat another side.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
As one gets older, litigation replaces sex.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of John Waters
God knows if you could start a new sex act that's more important than making a good movie.
- John Waters
Collection: Sex
Image of Christian Nestell Bovee
It is indeed a misfortune for a woman to be without beauty, as with men the eye is the chief arbiter of qualities in the sex. Her beauty is her capital--her worth in the market matrimonial depends upon it. With her the Virtues are less reverenced when unaccompanied by the Graces. The sex understand this very well; and hence they seek mainly to make captive the eye, knowing the mind and heart will follow as a matter of course.
- Christian Nestell Bovee
Collection: Sex
Image of Gregory Bateson
Desired substance, things, patterns, or sequences of experience that are in some sense "good" for the organism - items of diet, conditions of life, temperature, entertainment, sex, and so forth - are never such that more of the something is always better than less of the something. Rather, for all objects and experiences, there is a quantity that has optimum value. Above that quantity, the variable becomes toxic. To fall below that value is to be deprived.
- Gregory Bateson
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry David Thoreau
I lose my respect for the man who can make the mystery of sex the subject of a coarse jest, yet when you speak earnestly and seriously on the subject, is silent.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Sex
Image of Laozi
Because every portion of the body, mind, and spirit yearns for the integration of yin and yang, angelic intercourse is led by the spirit rather than the sexual organs. . . . Where ordinary intercourse unites sex organs with sex organs, angelic cultivation unites spirit with spirit, mind with mind, and every cell of one body with every cell of the other body.
- Laozi
Collection: Sex
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
The most terrible thing about materialism, even more terrible than its proneness to violence, is its boredom, from which sex alcohol, drugs, all devices for putting out the accusing light of reason and suppressing the unrealizable aspirations of love, offer a prospect of deliverance.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
Sex on the brain is the wrong place to have it.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
Its avowed purpose is to excite sexual desire, which, I should have thought, is unnecessary in the case of the young, inconvenient in the case of the middle aged, and unseemly in the old.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Bob Saget
It think acceptance levels sort of swings back and forth. Like in the 60's there was a lot more freedom with sex that doesn't exist today. Language has gotten pushed a bit farther and violence is way far out.
- Bob Saget
Collection: Sex
Image of Jeanette Winterson
What a strange world this is when you can have as much sex as you like but love is taboo.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Sex