Top Scripture Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Scripture quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of John Wycliffe
Holy Scripture is the highest authority for every believer, the standard of faith and the foundation for reform.
- John Wycliffe
Collection: Scripture
Image of John Newton
Though troubles assail And dangers affright, Though friends should all fail And foes all unite; Yet one thing secures us, Whatever betide, The scripture assures us, The Lord will provide.
- John Newton
Collection: Scripture
Image of William Tyndale
The Scriptures sprang out of God.
- William Tyndale
Collection: Scripture
Image of John Owen
If private revelations agree with Scripture, they are needless, and if they disagree, they are false.
- John Owen
Collection: Scripture
Image of Brother Yun
You can never really know the scriptures until you're willing to be changed by them.
- Brother Yun
Collection: Scripture
Image of Alistair Begg
We find Christ in all the Scriptures. In the Old Testament He is predicted, in the Gospels He is revealed, in Acts He is preached, in the epistles He is explained, and in Revelation He is expected.
- Alistair Begg
Collection: Scripture
Image of George Muller
Intimate knowledge of God is possible if we habitually search His Holy Scriptures & translate what we find into obedience.
- George Muller
Collection: Scripture
Image of Irenaeus of Lyons
We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation, than from those through whom the Gospel has come down to us, which they did at one time proclaim in public, and, at a later period, by the will of God, handed down to us in the Scriptures, to be the ground and pillar of our faith
- Irenaeus of Lyons
Collection: Scripture
Image of Matthew Kelly
If you don't have time to pray and read the scriptures, you are busier than God ever intended you to be.
- Matthew Kelly
Collection: Scripture
Image of Clement of Alexandria
Explain the Scriptures by the Scriptures.
- Clement of Alexandria
Collection: Scripture
Image of Tertullian
Arguments about Scripture achieve nothing but a stomachache and a headache.
- Tertullian
Collection: Scripture
Image of Matt Papa
If there's no Scripture in the worship set, then it's not really a worship set.
- Matt Papa
Collection: Scripture
Image of Tony Campolo
There are 2,000 verses of Scripture that tell us we must be committed to protecting the poor and the oppressed... There is no concern of Scripture that is addressed so often and so powerfully as reaching out to the poor.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Scripture
Image of Thomas Campbell
Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent.
- Thomas Campbell
Collection: Scripture
Image of John Calvin
The Scriptures should be read with the aim of finding Christ in them. Whoever turns aside from this object, even though he wears himself out all his life in learning, he will never reach the knowledge of the truth.
- John Calvin
Collection: Scripture
Image of Adam Clarke
Deeply consider that it is your duty and interest to read the Holy Scriptures.
- Adam Clarke
Collection: Scripture
Image of Athanasius of Alexandria
The Holy and Inspired Scriptures are sufficient of themselves for the preaching of the Truth.
- Athanasius of Alexandria
Collection: Scripture
Image of Howard G. Hendricks
The moment you come to a passage of scripture and say, "Oh, I know this one already," you're in deep trouble.
- Howard G. Hendricks
Collection: Scripture
Image of Gail Buckley
I could never lead a Bible study; I don't know Scripture that well.
- Gail Buckley
Collection: Scripture
Image of Henry Blackaby
Scripture is not a concept; scripture is a person (John 1:1,14). When you stand before the Word of God, you are not merely encountering a concept; you are standing face-to-face with God.
- Henry Blackaby
Collection: Scripture
Image of Austin Farrer
The crucial revelatory images that express 'the thought of Christ' are present in scripture and reinforced in worship.
- Austin Farrer
Collection: Scripture
Image of Stuart Scott
All of Scripture is for us but not all of Scripture is to us.
- Stuart Scott
Collection: Scripture
Image of Craig A. Evans
Archaeological evidence provides significant help in interpreting the Gospels. In a sense, archaeology is an exegetical tool. To ignore the evidence of archaeology would be almost as irresponsible as making no appeal to the original text. The archaeological evidence is a vital component in the context of Scripture.
- Craig A. Evans
Collection: Scripture
Image of Mike Cooley
Live it like its gospel , quote it like its scripture.
- Mike Cooley
Collection: Scripture
Image of Gloria Copeland
God's will concerning financial prosperity and abundance is clearly revealed in the Scriptures.
- Gloria Copeland
Collection: Scripture
Image of Mike Glenn
You don't read scripture, scripture reads you.
- Mike Glenn
Collection: Scripture
Image of G. C. Berkouwer
Scripture ... does not derive its authority from the fact that we use it, not even when we use Scripture in faith.
- G. C. Berkouwer
Collection: Scripture
Image of Steven J Lawson
We do not sit in authority over the Scripture, the Scripture sits in authority over us.
- Steven J Lawson
Collection: Scripture
Image of Spencer W. Kimball
I am convinced that each of us, at some time in our lives, must discover the scriptures for ourselves—and not just discover them once, but rediscover them again and again.
- Spencer W. Kimball
Collection: Scripture
Image of Randall Terry
A Christianity that is in conflict with the Scriptures isn't Christianity at all.
- Randall Terry
Collection: Scripture
Image of Isaac Newton
Yet one thing secures us what ever betide, the scriptures assures us that the Lord will provide.
- Isaac Newton
Collection: Scripture
Image of Mark Driscoll
A pacifist has a lot of difficulty reconciling pacifism with scripture.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Scripture
Image of Mark Batterson
The primary reason we lose faith is because we forget the faithfulness of God. Maybe that's why the word 'remember' is repeated 250 times in Scripture.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Scripture
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
We discover the will of God by a sensitive application of Scripture to our own lives.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Scripture
Image of R. C. Sproul
The truth of Scripture is meant not only to be studied-it’s meant also to be sung.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Scripture
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The scriptures are in print what Christ is in person.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Scripture
Image of Phillips Brooks
Every sermon must have a solid rest in Scripture, and the pointedness which comes of a clear subject, and the conviction which belongs to well-thought argument, and the warmth that proceeds from earnest appeal.
- Phillips Brooks
Collection: Scripture
Image of N. T. Wright
Traditions tell us where we have come from. Scripture itself is a better guide as to where we should now be going.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Scripture
Image of Timothy Keller
We should let Scripture interpret us more than we interpret Scripture.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Scripture
Image of David Wilkerson
The cry for peace will increase according to scripture.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Scripture
Image of John Owen
If Scripture has more than one meaning, it has no meaning at all.
- John Owen
Collection: Scripture
Image of Benjamin Rush
Now if the study of the Scriptures be necessary to our happiness at any time in our life, the sooner we begin to read them, the more we shall be attached to them.
- Benjamin Rush
Collection: Scripture
Image of Francis Chan
Refusing to teach a passage of Scripture is just as wrong as abusing it
- Francis Chan
Collection: Scripture
Image of John Calvin
Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the holy scriptures have delivered.
- John Calvin
Collection: Scripture
Image of Ambrose
For how can we adopt those things which we do not find in the holy Scriptures?
- Ambrose
Collection: Scripture
Image of Sam Storms
All prophecy is based on a revelation from God, but always operates at a lower level of authority than that of inspired Scripture.
- Sam Storms
Collection: Scripture
Image of Saint John Chrysostom
The Holy Scriptures do not know any distinctions. They enjoin that all lead the life of monks.
- Saint John Chrysostom
Collection: Scripture
Image of Bill Bright
When you study in the Scripture, the Scripture clearly teaches we're not our own.
- Bill Bright
Collection: Scripture
Image of Mark Dever
Unbelief is like gravity, it's always pulling down on the authority of Scripture.
- Mark Dever
Collection: Scripture