Top Scientist Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Scientist quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Colonel Sanders
Scientists are a bunch of romantics.
- Colonel Sanders
Collection: Scientist
Image of John Lennox
Not every statement by a scientist is a statement of science.
- John Lennox
Collection: Scientist
Image of Theodore von Karman
A scientist describes what is. An engineer creates what never was.
- Theodore von Karman
Collection: Scientist
Image of Dennis Flanagan
Science is what scientists do.
- Dennis Flanagan
Collection: Scientist
Image of J. Allen Hynek
Science is not always what scientists do.
- J. Allen Hynek
Collection: Scientist
Image of Michael Crichton
The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Scientist
Image of Naomi Oreskes
Yet again, unscientific claims were being circulated broadly, but the scientists' refutation of them was published where only fellow scientists would see it.
- Naomi Oreskes
Collection: Scientist
Image of Lennart Bengtsson
I have never seen myself as an alarmist but rather as a scientist with a critical viewpoint, and in that sense I have always been a skeptic. I have devoted most of my career to developing models for predicting the weather, and in doing so I have learned the importance of validating forecasts against observed weather. As a result, that's an approach I strongly favor for "climate predictions." It's essential to validate model results, especially when dealing with complex systems such as the climate. It's essential do so properly if such predictions are to be considered credible.
- Lennart Bengtsson
Collection: Scientist
Image of Elliott Sober
Scientists often seek predictively accurate models, rather than models that are true.
- Elliott Sober
Collection: Scientist
Image of Donald A. Norman
Scientists are always skeptics.
- Donald A. Norman
Collection: Scientist
Image of Jon Stewart
Isn't it amazing what scientists can accomplish when no one makes them stop?
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Scientist
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
I thought scientists were going to find out exactly how everything worked, and then make it work better.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Scientist
Image of Walter Russell
Tilth is something every farmer can recognize but no scientist can measure.
- Walter Russell
Collection: Scientist
Image of Kenneth E. Boulding
Economists and technologists bring the "bits", but it requires the social scientists and humanists to bring the "wits.
- Kenneth E. Boulding
Collection: Scientist
Image of Jeff VanderMeer
It should be totally fine to question the objectivity of scientists and the power structures in scientific institutions. The physical laws of the universe are objective, but human beings in any context are not. That includes with regard to science. To some extent, the supposed objectivity of science has given a lot of extra cover to very subjective and eccentric approaches to exploring aspects of ourselves and the universe around us.
- Jeff VanderMeer
Collection: Scientist
Image of Anthony S. Fauci
What has happened over the years is that scientists have now developed AIDS therapeutic capabilities, as well as prevention, and we've linked prevention and treatment in a way that if you fast-forward 30 years form '88 to now, we can say without hyperbole that we have the tools, if implemented the way they could be implemented, to theoretically, essentially end the epidemic as we know it now.
- Anthony S. Fauci
Collection: Scientist
Image of Terrence Howard
I just wanted to be a scientist
- Terrence Howard
Collection: Scientist
Image of Isaac Asimov
Scientists expect to be improved on and corrected; they hope to be
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Scientist
Image of Tim Berners-Lee
Physicists analyse systems. Web scientists, however, can create the systems.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Collection: Scientist
Image of John Maeda
The best scientists that I've met are those that are humanists and scientists at the same time.
- John Maeda
Collection: Scientist