Top respect Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of respect quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more respect quotes.

Image of Thucydides
Men naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give way to them.
- Thucydides
Collection: Respect
Image of Big Freedia
I mean you have to work hard to earn respect and make people respect you. When I come to the presence of any room or any place, people give me the most high respects and I'm gracious and appreciative of that.
- Big Freedia
Collection: Respect
Image of Lil B
When I was growing up, man, I didn't know myself. I was striving for respect. Trying to be cool for the girls. I wasn't the biggest dude and I'm a nice guy.
- Lil B
Collection: Respect
Image of Maya Angelou
I respect myself and insist upon it from everybody. And because I do it, I then respect everybody, too.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Respect
Image of John Kennedy
With all due respect, I am against dumb.
- John Kennedy
Collection: Respect
Image of Dan Rosensweig
I like being surrounded by people who have very little fear and very little respect for the past - not in a negative way, but in a positive way. They appreciate everything that's been done, but they constantly look for how to do it better.
- Dan Rosensweig
Collection: Respect
Image of Andy Grove
I really don't have much respect for the people who live their lives motivated by an exit strategy existing, being performed. There was no option that we were trained in that says, 'If it gets too hard, get up and leave.'
- Andy Grove
Collection: Respect
Image of Frank Sinatra
Throughout my career, if I have done anything, I have paid attention to every note and every word I sing - if I respect the song. If I cannot project this to a listener, I fail.
- Frank Sinatra
Collection: Respect
Image of Amos Oz
And in this respect, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a tragedy, a clash between one very powerful, very convincing, very painful claim over this land and another no less powerful, no less convincing claim.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Respect
Image of Winston Churchill
We do not covet anything from any nation except their respect.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Respect
Image of Samuel Eto'o
If the Ballon d'Or was fair, Xavi would have won five or six. He deserves all the respect in the world.
- Samuel Eto'o
Collection: Respect
Image of Dominique Jackson
You will not tell me that you accept me. You will not tell me that you tolerate me. That is not your power. I take that from you. You will respect me for who I am.
- Dominique Jackson
Collection: Respect
Image of Steph McGovern
If someone chooses a vocational route, why do they not get the same respect in society as someone who just does a pure academic route?
- Steph McGovern
Collection: Respect
Image of Barry Keoghan
I'm good to women. I treat women with a lot of respect.
- Barry Keoghan
Collection: Respect
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
Our parents deserve our honor and respect for giving us life itself. Beyond this they almost always made countless sacrifices as they cared for and nurtured us through our infancy and childhood, provided us with the necessities of life, and nursed us through physical illnesses and the emotional stresses of growing up.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Respect
Image of Sergio Ramos
We will respect all our opponents, as we always do.
- Sergio Ramos
Collection: Respect
Image of Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I'm not here to judge Mike Tyson. I'm not here to judge nobody. I'm not here to monitor no other fighters. I respect him for what he did in the sport of boxing. He was an entertainer.
- Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Collection: Respect
Image of Thomas Becket
Between the uprightness of my conscience and the hardness of my lot, I know not how either to show respect to my feelings or to the times. The bitterness of my mind urges me at all hazards to speak what I think, whereas the necessity of the times prompts me, however unbecomingly, to keep silence. Good God! Which way shall I turn myself?
- Thomas Becket
Collection: Respect
Image of Madeleine Stowe
I genuinely liked all of the cast members very much. Steve had a wicked sense of humor. I remember Russell coming to my rescue, once. I watched Eric evolve before everyone's eyes. Maurice loved what he did, so. He treated his character with respect, down to the costuming.
- Madeleine Stowe
Collection: Respect
Image of Isaac Newton
'God' is a relative word and has a respect to servants, and 'Deity' is the dominion of God, not over his own body, as those imagine who fancy God to be the soul of the world, but over servants.
- Isaac Newton
Collection: Respect
Image of Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
'Separate but unequal' didn't work in respect to race, it doesn't work in respect to gender, and it especially doesn't work when looking at the intersection of race and gender.
- Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Collection: Respect
Image of Tim Kennedy
I was deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq with British Special Forces Units. I have great respect for the British military and the country as a whole, so I don't have anything negative to say about that.
- Tim Kennedy
Collection: Respect
Image of Zachary Taylor
The confidence and respect shown by my countrymen in calling me to be the Chief Magistrate of a Republic holding a high rank among the nations of the earth have inspired me with feelings of the most profound gratitude.
- Zachary Taylor
Collection: Respect
Image of Brandon Moreno
I have too much respect for Cain Velasquez. He was the heavyweight champion and he did so much work for this sport. Cain Velasquez brought the UFC to Mexico in 2014. That was amazing. That put MMA in Mexico to another level.
- Brandon Moreno
Collection: Respect
Image of Obiageli Ezekwesili
China, frankly, can be an opportunity for Africa based on the huge infrastructure deficit on the continent, but what needs to happen is that governments and citizens have to build internal ownership of the need of good governance, transparency, accountability, for respect for the environment.
- Obiageli Ezekwesili
Collection: Respect
Image of Roger Goodell
No one is above the game or the rules that govern it. Respect for the game and the people who participate in it will not be compromised.
- Roger Goodell
Collection: Respect
Image of R. Lee Ermey
I don't have any respect at all for the scum-bags who went to Canada to avoid the draft or to avoid doing their fair share.
- R. Lee Ermey
Collection: Respect
Image of Ausonius
When about to commit a base deed, respect thyself, though there is no witness.
- Ausonius
Collection: Respect
Image of Penn Jillette
The highest ideals are human intelligence, creativity and love. Respect these above all.
- Penn Jillette
Collection: Respect
Image of Zaza Pachulia
I have a lot of respect for Kawhi.
- Zaza Pachulia
Collection: Respect
Image of David Lammy
People who have no stake in society are the least likely to have respect for it.
- David Lammy
Collection: Respect
Image of Vivienne Westwood
When I first saw a picture of the crucifixion, I lost respect for my parents. I suddenly realised that this is what the adult world is like - full of cruelty and hypocrisy.
- Vivienne Westwood
Collection: Respect
Image of Isaac Newton
The ancients considered mechanics in a twofold respect: as rational, which proceeds accurately by demonstration, and practical. To practical mechanics all the manual arts belong, from which mechanics took its name.
- Isaac Newton
Collection: Respect
Image of Garth Ennis
There's immense fun to be had as long as you can sort of sneak it past DC. I have been told on occasion that I need to have more respect for these characters.
- Garth Ennis
Collection: Respect
Image of Jean Piaget
All morality consists in a system of rules, and the essence of all morality is to be sought for in the respect which the individual acquires for these rules.
- Jean Piaget
Collection: Respect
Image of Elena Kagan
If I am confirmed, I will commit to show Heller and the principles articulated in it the full measure of respect that is due to all constitution decisions of the court.
- Elena Kagan
Collection: Respect
Image of Ban Ki-moon
Freedom is a timeless value. The United Nations Charter calls for encouraging respect for fundamental freedoms. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights mentions freedom more than twenty times. All countries have committed to protecting individual freedoms on paper - but in practice, too many break their pledge.
- Ban Ki-moon
Collection: Respect
Image of Yo Yo Honey Singh
I respect women, and I have not and will never sing anything that will upset my fans.
- Yo Yo Honey Singh
Collection: Respect
Image of Miguel
I could speak Spanish fluently growing up, but I'm so out of practice, and I have such a tremendous respect for songwriting in the Spanish language.
- Miguel
Collection: Respect
Image of Billie Jean King
If your partner wants to be private, you have to respect that.
- Billie Jean King
Collection: Respect
Image of Marco Pierre White
Generally, I respect critics; they have their job to do.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Respect
Image of Andreja Pejic
To all trans youth out there, I would like to say respect yourself and be proud of who you are.
- Andreja Pejic
Collection: Respect
Image of Chrissy Teigen
I tend to treat everyone like equals. That is my downfall, though, because Oprah is Oprah, and Barack is Barack, and you've gotta come in with a certain level of respect and admiration and love while still having that respect. Look at them - these people are, at this point, royalty. I think I get a little too chummy.
- Chrissy Teigen
Collection: Respect
Image of Tulsi Gabbard
Finding common ground means reaching out with respect and aloha - despite the issues that divide us, despite the hurt, despite the fear - and recognize what unites us as human beings.
- Tulsi Gabbard
Collection: Respect
Image of Antony Beevor
Teaching the history of the British Empire links in with that of the world: for better and for worse, the Empire made us what we are, forming our national identity. A country that does not understand its own history is unlikely to respect that of others.
- Antony Beevor
Collection: Respect
Image of Condoleezza Rice
I've been in enough positions to respect people with different views.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Respect
Image of Brian Lee
This is my advice to entrepreneurs. It's easy to give up, but believe in your ideas. Surround yourself with people you respect and are smarter than you.
- Brian Lee
Collection: Respect
Image of Ryan Sheckler
It's not that I don't respect my parents' authority or appreciate all that they did for me, but when I was 18 I was able to move out, and I was out. I feel like a different person since then; I mean, it's obviously a big turning point in life. I feel like I've established myself, and I'm a smarter and more mature for it.
- Ryan Sheckler
Collection: Respect
Image of Michael Leunig
I've learned to respect the whimsical.
- Michael Leunig
Collection: Respect