Top Quilts Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Quilts quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Hanna Rosin
If men can quilt and take over the kitchen, then women can pick up a wrench and fix a leaky pipe.
- Hanna Rosin
Collection: Quilts
Image of Victoria Wood
I can remember when pants were pants. You wore them for twenty years, then you cut them down for pan scrubs. Or quilts.
- Victoria Wood
Collection: Quilts
Image of Rohinton Mistry
The whole quilt is much more important than any single square.
- Rohinton Mistry
Collection: Quilts
Image of Rohinton Mistry
…God is a giant quiltmaker. With an infinite variety of designs. And the quilt is grown so big and confusing, the pattern is impossible to see, the squares and diamonds and triangles don’t fit well together anymore, it’s all become meaningless. So He has abandoned it.
- Rohinton Mistry
Collection: Quilts
Image of Robin Sloan
You know, I'm really starting to think the whole world is just a patchwork quilt of crazy little cults, all with their own secret spaces, their own records, their own rules.
- Robin Sloan
Collection: Quilts
Image of Laini Taylor
It's all a quilt of fairy tales with a patch here and there of truth.
- Laini Taylor
Collection: Quilts
Image of Cicely Tyson
If each person in this world will simply take a small piece of this huge thing, this amazing quilt, and work it regardless of the color of the yarn, we will have harmony on this planet.
- Cicely Tyson
Collection: Quilts
Image of Abigail Scott Duniway
Any fool can make a quilt; and, after we had made a couple of dozen over twenty years ago, we quit the business with a conviction that nobody but a fool would spend so much time in cutting bits of dry goods into yet small bits and sewing them together again, just for the sake of making believe that they were busy at practical work.
- Abigail Scott Duniway
Collection: Quilts
Image of Natalie
To me, the beauty of a quilt or a dress lies within the stitches and the thought of the person who made them. When you spend time making something with your two hands, you impart love in a way that buying never can.
- Natalie
Collection: Quilts
Image of Julia Peterkin
Some women don't care how their quilts look. They piece the squares together any sort of way, but she couldn't stand careless sewing. She wanted her quilts, and Joy's, made right. Quilts stay a long time after people are gone from this world, and witness about them for good or bad. She wanted people to see, when she was gone, that she'd never been a shiftless or don't-care woman.
- Julia Peterkin
Collection: Quilts
Image of Jennifer Chiaverini
People who assume my books are only about quilts obviously haven't read them! I've always known that my books are about quilters - in other words, people - rather than quilts or quilting.
- Jennifer Chiaverini
Collection: Quilts
Image of Miriam Schapiro
Women have always collected things and saved and recycled them because leftovers yielded nourishment in new forms. The decorative functional objects women made often spoke in a secret language, bore a covert imagery. When we read these images in needlework, in paintings, in quilts, rugs and scrapbooks, we sometimes find a cry for help, sometimes an allusion to a secret political alignment, sometimes a moving symbol about the relationships between men and women.
- Miriam Schapiro
Collection: Quilts
Image of Keith Ferrazzi
Life is less a quest than a quilt. We find meaning, love, and prosperity through the process of stitching together our bold attempts to help others find their own way in their lives. The relationships we weave become an exquisite and endless pattern.
- Keith Ferrazzi
Collection: Quilts
Image of Joel Miller
Today, the law is a crazy quilt of provisions and clauses that very often have little to do with securing general happiness but instead are designed to secure the particular happiness of various advocacy groups, politicians and bureaucrats.
- Joel Miller
Collection: Quilts
Image of Robert Reynolds
Much like a patchwork quilt, inspiration that stirs and motivates me is made of many things.
- Robert Reynolds
Collection: Quilts
Image of Faith Ringgold
When they're looking at my work, they're looking at a painting and they're able to accept it better because it is also a quilt.
- Faith Ringgold
Collection: Quilts
Image of Elizabeth Barton
The quilt format is highly appropriate for repetition and serialization. Formal issues of balance and color, space and light in landscape are endlessly engaging. I try to use the medium to its maximum, pushing well beyond tradition.
- Elizabeth Barton
Collection: Quilts
Image of Nikki Giovanni
Style has a profound meaning to Black Americans. If we can’t drive, we will invent walks and the world will envy the dexterity of our feet. If we can’t have ham, we will boil chitterlings; if we are given rotten peaches, we will make cobblers; if given scraps, we will make quilts; take away our drums, and we will clap our hands. We prove the human spirit will prevail. We will take what we have to make what we need. We need confidence in our knowledge of who we are.
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Quilts
Image of Jesse Jackson
The white, the Hispanic, the black, the Arab, the Jew, the woman, the Native American, the small farmer, the businessperson, the environmentalist, the peace activist, the young, the old, the lesbian, the gay and the disabled make up the American quilt.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Quilts
Image of Anne Elizabeth Moore
Three days after my boyfriend left me, I discovered a closetful of his clothes. I thought of what I'd done in the past (bundling them up and sending them, COD: distributing them to my friends) even as I already had the scissors in hand and was cutting his shirts and a pair of pants into teeny pieces. When there was nothing left of his ghost except a large pile of cloth, I decided to learn how to quilt.
- Anne Elizabeth Moore
Collection: Quilts
Image of Toni Morrison
Each member of the family in his own cell of consciousness, each making his own patchwork quilt of reality - collecting fragments of experience here, pieces of information there. From the tiny impressions gleaned from one another, they created a sense of belonging and tried to make do with the way they found each other.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Quilts
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
Lying on a feather mattress or quilt will not bring you renown.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Quilts
Image of Dennis Miller
Pat Buchanan is so homo-phobic, he blames global warming on the AIDS quilt.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Quilts
Image of Georgia O'Keeffe
My first memory is of the brightness of light ... light all around. I was sitting among pillows on a quilt on the ground ... very large white pillows.
- Georgia O'Keeffe
Collection: Quilts
Image of Alice Sebold
So there are cakes and pillows and colors galore, but underneath this more obvious patchwork quilt are places like a quiet room where you can go and hold someone's hand and not have to say anything.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Quilts
Image of Stephenie Meyer
The kiss began much the same as usual--Edward was as careful as ever, and my heart began to overreact like it always did. And then something seemed to change. Suddenly his lips became much more urgent, his free hand twisted into my hair and held my face securely to his. And though I was clearly beginning to cross his cautious lines, for once he didn't stop me. His body was cold through the thin quilt, but I crushed myself against him eagerly.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Quilts
Image of Alice Sebold
Now I am in the place I call this wide wide Heaven because it includes all my simplest desires but also the most humble and grand. The word my grandfather uses is comfort. So there are cakes and pillows and colors galore, but underneath this more obvious patchwork quilt are places like a quiet room where you can go and hold someone's hand and not have to say anything. Give no story. Make no claim. Where you can live at the edge of your skin for as long as you wish.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Quilts
Image of Georgia O'Keeffe
My first memory is of the brightness of light — light all around.
- Georgia O'Keeffe
Collection: Quilts
Image of Jesse Owens
The lives of most men are patchwork quilts. Or at best one matching outfit with a closet and laundry bag full of incongruous accumulations. A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.
- Jesse Owens
Collection: Quilts
Image of Dante Alighieri
Lying in a featherbed will bring you no fame, nor staying beneath the quilt, and he who uses up his life without achieving fame leaves no more vestige of himself on Earth than smoke in the air or foam upon the water.
- Dante Alighieri
Collection: Quilts
Image of Charles Bukowski
I read my books at night, like that, under the quilt with the overheated reading lamp. Reading all those good lines while suffocating. It was magic.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Quilts
Image of Hanshan
I settled at Cold Mountain long ago Already it seems like ages Wandering free I roam the woods and streams Lingering to watch things be themselves Men don't come this far into the mountains Where white clouds gather and billow Dry grass makes a comfortable mattress The blue sky is a fine quilt Happy to pillow my head on the rock I leave heaven and earth to endless change
- Hanshan
Collection: Quilts
Image of Nikki Giovanni
I grow old though pleased with my memories The tasks I can no longer complete Are balanced by the love of the tasks gone past I offer no apology only this plea: When I am frayed and strained and drizzle at the end Please someone cut a square and put me in a quilt That I might keep some child warm And some old person with no one else to talk to Will hear my whispers And cuddle near
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Quilts
Image of Jesse Jackson
When I was a boy we were poor and we had to make do with what we had. So my grandma used to make us quits that we used for blankets. She couldn't afford to go to the store and buy a blanket -- so she'd take scraps of cloth and sew them together. there'd be different colors and different patterns and different types of cloth -- but they all went together to make that big quilt to keep us warm.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Quilts
Image of Zora Neale Hurston
Now they got to look into me loving Tea Cake and see whether it was done right or not! They don't know if life is a mess of corn-meal dumplings, and if love is a bed-quilt!
- Zora Neale Hurston
Collection: Quilts
Image of Jesse Jackson
America is not like a blanket- one piece of unbroken cloth. America is more like a quilt- many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven together by a common thread.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Quilts
Image of Rose Wilder Lane
Our quilts were more than useful, they had the faint sentimentality of a pressed flower. And no more beauty. We did not value them for their appearance, but for the memories in them, for their good wearing qualities and the thrift they represented.
- Rose Wilder Lane
Collection: Quilts
Image of Stephen King
He remembered waking up once, listening to the wind, thinking of all the dark and rushing cold outside and all the warmth of this bed, filled with their peaceful heat under two quilts, and wishing it could be like this forever.
- Stephen King
Collection: Quilts
Image of Lisa Kleypas
I-I’m not making advances,” she told him as she flattened herself against his chest. “You’re just an available s-source of heat.” “So you say,” St. Vincent replied lazily, tucking the quilt more tightly around them both. “However, during the past quarter hour you’ve been fondling parts of my anatomy that no one’s ever dared to touch before.” “I v-very much doubt that.” She burrowed even further into the depths of his coat, and added in a muffled voice, “You’ve probably been h-handled more than a hamper at Fortnum and Mason.
- Lisa Kleypas
Collection: Quilts