Top people Quotes Collection - Page 3

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Image of Aristotle Onassis
I consider a good reputation is a great part of the human happiness. Some people, if they are very, very rich can permit themselves certain negligence to their reputations.
- Aristotle Onassis
Collection: People
Image of Don Roff
Always work with/surround yourself with people who help make you a better version of you. Kindly avoid those who don't.
- Don Roff
Collection: People
Image of Sonny Bono
No matter how revolutionary something is, if you keep doing it over and over and over then it does loses it's excitement and it's high dynamics and people get used to ... get used to it like anything else you know um and then it just becomes a normal deal and then it becomes not very interesting at all.
- Sonny Bono
Collection: People
Image of Jacqueline Woodson
People are going to judge you all the time no matter what you do...Don't worry about other people. Worry about you.
- Jacqueline Woodson
Collection: People
Image of Elie Wiesel
People become the stories they hear and the stories they tell.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: People
Image of Giambattista Vico
People first feel things without noticing them, then notice them with inner distress and disturbance, and finally reflect on them with a clear mind.
- Giambattista Vico
Collection: People
Image of Fred Wilson
Not acknowledging that beauty is complex-that's the problem. I enjoy making it complex for people, because that's my world.
- Fred Wilson
Collection: People
Image of Bobby Sands
I may die, but the Republic of 1916 will never die. Onward to the Republic and liberation of our people.
- Bobby Sands
Collection: People
Image of Luke Davies
Love could be fractured and serve different purposes, and that intense love could be divided, between people just as easily as between moments of time.
- Luke Davies
Collection: People
Image of Donny Osmond
Always surround yourself with people who are better than you. If you're hanging around bad people, they're going to start bringing you down . . . But, if you surround yourself with good people, they're going to be pulling you up.
- Donny Osmond
Collection: People
Image of Tony Bennett
I have been very fortunate to have been able to make a living from what I love to do best - performing and singing for people.
- Tony Bennett
Collection: People
Image of Beatrice Wood
Hardships and handicaps can...stimulate our energy to survive them. You'll find if you study the lives of people who've accomplished things, it's often been done with the help of great willpower in overcoming this and that.
- Beatrice Wood
Collection: People
Image of Natalie Portman
Grab the good people around you. Don't let them go.
- Natalie Portman
Collection: People
Image of Natalie Portman
Sometimes people's reactions tell more about themselves.
- Natalie Portman
Collection: People
Image of Natalie Portman
We live in a violent world, but since the success of films like Pulp Fiction, it seems every movie has some violence in it, and it's now being used as a form of comedy: audiences are now being encouraged to laugh when people get their heads blown off. I just don't like hearing people laugh at violence.
- Natalie Portman
Collection: People
Image of George Lois
Nothing great can come of more than three people in a room.
- George Lois
Collection: People
Image of George Lois
Never, ever, work for bad people
- George Lois
Collection: People
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
When people feel that they have failed, it's usually because somebody or something caused them to feel that way and taste defeat. I refuse to dwell on that. Yes, it sucks at first, and the feeling is valid, but it all happens for a reason.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: People
Image of Ruby Wax
Why is that when people become ill and have something wrong with any of their organs, they get sympathy from other people - except when that organ is their brain?
- Ruby Wax
Collection: People
Image of Conrad Black
[Canada's social welfare system is] an overgenerous reinsurance policy for an underachieving people.
- Conrad Black
Collection: People
Image of Barry Sonnenfeld
There is something about being a director where, for me personally, I get to . . . it's the closest I'll ever come to being able to be a stand up. And to use my particular sense of humor, and hear people laughing, without me having to stand up in front of an audience and tell jokes.
- Barry Sonnenfeld
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Moon
Sometimes I wonder how normal normal people are, and I wonder that most in the grocery store.
- Elizabeth Moon
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Moon
People are people, messy and mutable, combining differently with one another from day to day - even hour to hour.
- Elizabeth Moon
Collection: People
Image of Malcolm Turnbull
People learn from failure or from lack of success.
- Malcolm Turnbull
Collection: People
Image of Walter Mosley
Young people live exactly today... and they live in the immediacy of their world. And it's important for us, people from older generations to realize that a lot of our values, a lot of our truths are no longer truths, are no longer valuable.
- Walter Mosley
Collection: People
Image of Barry Sanders
To me, he has his own style. He doesnt remind me any more of myself than I did (other tailbacks). I did things to remind people of Tony Dorsett, but it was a different style. Hes a guy who can catch balls like Marshall Faulk or somebody like that.
- Barry Sanders
Collection: People
Image of Ilona Andrews
Humans tend to segregate the world: enemies on one side, friends on the other. Friends are the people we know. Enemies are the Other. You can do just about anything to the Other. It doesn't matter if this Other is actually guilty of any crimes, because it is a matter of emotion, not logic. You see angry people aren't interested in justice, they just want an excuse to vent their rage.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: People
Image of Pierre Trudeau
I've been called worse things by better people.
- Pierre Trudeau
Collection: People
Image of Richard Stallman
People said I should accept the world. Bullshit! I don't accept the world.
- Richard Stallman
Collection: People
Image of Marianne Williamson
Happiness is the choice I make today. It does not rest on my circumstances, but on my frame of mind...In cultivating the habits of happiness, I attract the people and situations that match its frequency. I smile more often, give praise more often, give thanks more often, and am glad more often. For such is my choice today.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: People
Image of Jennifer Worth
Was it love of people?' I asked her. 'Of course no,' she snapped sharply. 'How can you love ignorant, brutish people whom you don't even know? Can anyone love filth and squalor? Or lice and rats? Who can love aching weariness, and carry on working, in spite of it? One cannot love these things. One can only love God, and through His grace come to love His people.
- Jennifer Worth
Collection: People
Image of Anna Deavere Smith
Hope is when you look out the window and you go, 'It doesn't look good at all, but I'm going to go beyond what I see to give people visions of what could be.'
- Anna Deavere Smith
Collection: People
Image of Bruce Nauman
My work is basically an outgrowth of the anger I feel about the human condition. The aspects of it that make me angry are our capacity for cruelty and the ability people have to ignore situations they don't like.
- Bruce Nauman
Collection: People
Image of Eric Schlosser
Most fast food is fried. Fried food tastes great, and people dont seem to care about the fat aspect.
- Eric Schlosser
Collection: People
Image of Mary Wesley
Unimaginative people are spared quite a lot.
- Mary Wesley
Collection: People
Image of George Ayittey
African history is filled with experiences of people shooting their way to power and then splintering into factions, like in Somalia and Liberia.
- George Ayittey
Collection: People
Image of George Ayittey
You have to separate the humanitarian impulse from the record of aid itself. We all want to help. Many people would say that it's the moral impulse of the rich to help the poor, but the record of aid has been terrible.
- George Ayittey
Collection: People
Image of Ho Chi Minh
If you do not condemn colonialism, if you do not side with the colonial people, what kind of revolution are you waging?
- Ho Chi Minh
Collection: People
Image of Harold Ramis
Ive never been a big believer in ghosts or the spirit world, and for me, that was part of the point of the movie, ... What the Ghostbusters represented was the triumph of human courage and human ingenuity. People create their own monsters. Our fears come from within us, not outside.
- Harold Ramis
Collection: People
Image of Harold Ramis
Most people live somewhere on the spectrum of anxiety and depression.
- Harold Ramis
Collection: People
Image of Steve McCurry
We photographers say that we take a picture, and in a certain sense, that is true. We take something from people's lives, but in doing so we tell their story.
- Steve McCurry
Collection: People
Image of Steven Soderbergh
We [people] are a species that's wired to tell stories. We need stories. It's how we make sense of things. It's how we learn.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: People
Image of Steven Soderbergh
What are the stories you want people to tell about you?
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: People
Image of Eileen Wilks
People always wanted someone to blame, didn't they?
- Eileen Wilks
Collection: People
Image of Moby
People don't truly respond to something until they see the direct consequences.
- Moby
Collection: People
Image of Kwame Nkrumah
Africa is one continent, one people and one nation
- Kwame Nkrumah
Collection: People
Image of Alexander Skarsgard
It was such an amazing experience to be able to spend nine days on a boat with these Greenpeace people. Some of them were scientists and some were crew members working on the ship. Just to hear their stories, like what drew them to Greenpeace in the first place and what they've been through. Every single second of the day they work to save the planet, which makes me as an actor feel quite insignificant.
- Alexander Skarsgard
Collection: People
Image of Victoria Beckham
Most famous people get younger and younger. I sometimes ask myself that question: 'How come I'm the only person who's getting older?'
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: People
Image of Clay Aiken
I never knew that people made a club for me!
- Clay Aiken
Collection: People