Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Valentin Tomberg
Just as the plurality of the human soul's life of imagination, feeling, and will has a focus, a center, around which it orders and orientates itself, so also does the multiplicity of the appearances of the world have ONE center, which orders and holds everything together.
- Valentin Tomberg
Collection: Order
Image of Anatole France
Dictionary: The universe in alphabetical order.
- Anatole France
Collection: Order
Image of Lance Armstrong
If life gives you lemons, drink the juice in order to mask the presence of performing-enhancing drugs.
- Lance Armstrong
Collection: Order
Image of Nina Totenberg
Judges have no actual power of enforcement. They don't have troops to carry out orders. They have no power of the purse. Yet our system of laws depends on lowly citizens and presidents abiding by court rulings.
- Nina Totenberg
Collection: Order
Image of Chester A. Arthur
There are very many characteristics which go into making a model civil servant. Prominent among them are probity, industry, good sense, good habits, good temper, patience, order, courtesy, tact, self-reliance, many deference to superior officers, and many consideration for inferiors.
- Chester A. Arthur
Collection: Order
Image of Pawel Pawlikowski
From film to film, even documentaries, I was learning the medium and learning how to bring form into some kind of relationship with the content, how to work it, and above all, how to create some kind of order out of chaos.
- Pawel Pawlikowski
Collection: Order
Image of Marilyn French
Later, she would remember these years, and realize with astonishment that she had, by fifteen, decided on most of the assumptions she would carry for the rest of her life: that people were essentially not evil, that perfection was death, that life was better than order and a little chaos good for the soul. Most important, this life was all. Unfortunately, she forgot these things, and had to remember them the hard way.
- Marilyn French
Collection: Order
Image of Daniel Patterson
Perfect food is born of perfect order.
- Daniel Patterson
Collection: Order
Image of Helen Frankenthaler
I don't start with a color order, but find the colors as I go.
- Helen Frankenthaler
Collection: Order
Image of Andy Couturier
Why is it that so many people start to value money so much that they trade in most of the hours and years of their life in order to get it?
- Andy Couturier
Collection: Order
Image of William Greider
The great multinationals are unwilling to face the moral and economic contradictions of their own behavior - producing in low-wage dictatorships and selling to high-wage democracies. Indeed, the striking quality about global enterprises is how easily free-market capitalism puts aside its supposed values in order to do business. The conditions of human freedom do not matter to them so long as the market demand is robust. The absence of freedom, if anything, lends order and efficiency to their operations.
- William Greider
Collection: Order
Image of Robert David Steele
Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We've become a lunatic asylum.
- Robert David Steele
Collection: Order
Image of James C. Scott
The aspiration to such uniformity and order alerts us to the fact that modern statecraft is largely a project of internal colonization, often glossed, as it is in its imperial rhetoric, as a 'civilizing mission'.
- James C. Scott
Collection: Order
Image of Jill Soloway
You have to totally change the way that society's structured in order to being to heal.
- Jill Soloway
Collection: Order
Image of Lev Manovich
As a cultural form, database represents the world as a list of items and it refuses to order this list. In contrast, a narrative creates a cause-and-effect trajectory of seemingly unordered items (events). Therefore, database and narrative are natural enemies. Competing for the same territory of human culture, each claims an exclusive right to make meaning out of the world.
- Lev Manovich
Collection: Order
Image of Antonin Artaud
To break through language in order to touch life is to create or re-create the theater.
- Antonin Artaud
Collection: Order
Image of Richard Garriott
Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites. Chaos and Order combined equal balance.
- Richard Garriott
Collection: Order
Image of Richard Garriott
Chaos and Order combined equal Balance.
- Richard Garriott
Collection: Order
Image of Sizzla
I make a lot of music for different people. My audience is varied so I use different tempos for different music in order to satisfy my many fans.
- Sizzla
Collection: Order
Image of Richard Condon
Made by General Motors, on order from Sears Roebuck.
- Richard Condon
Collection: Order
Image of Bodhidharma
In order to see a fish you must watch the water
- Bodhidharma
Collection: Order
Image of Kathy Acker
But : We're still human. Human because we keep on battling against all these horrors, the horrors caused and not caused by us. We battle not in order to stay alive, that would be too materalistic, for we are body and spirit, but in order to love each other.
- Kathy Acker
Collection: Order
Image of Sri Aurobindo
In order to see, you have to stop being in the middle of the picture
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Order
Image of Nhat Hanh
There is the mud, and there is the lotus that grows out of the mud. We need the mud in order to make the lotus.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Order
Image of Victor Lewis-Smith
The Beatles are dying in the wrong order.
- Victor Lewis-Smith
Collection: Order
Image of Edgar Alwin Payne
To be original one needs to learn the ideas of other painters in order to be different from them.
- Edgar Alwin Payne
Collection: Order
Image of Dennis Dugan
In order to find the edge, you must risk going over the edge.
- Dennis Dugan
Collection: Order
Image of Epicharmus of Kos
It is the understanding that sees and hears; it is the understanding that improves everything, that orders everything, and that acts, rules, and reigns.
- Epicharmus of Kos
Collection: Order
Image of Andrew Hawkins
I was willing to put it at risk in order for someone to gain, in order for the situation to get better.
- Andrew Hawkins
Collection: Order
Image of Jon Elster
The investigation of this problem - How is spontaneous order possible? - is sometimes referred to as the 'Hayek programme'.
- Jon Elster
Collection: Order
Image of Marc-Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Praxiteles borrowed the better elements of a hundred imperfect models in order to create a masterpiece.
- Marc-Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Collection: Order
Image of Alva Noe
Perceiving how things are is a mode of exploring how things appear. How they appear is, however, an aspect of how they are. To explore appearance is thus to explore the environment, the world. To discover how things are, from how they appear, is to discover an order or pattern in their appearance. The process of perceiving, of finding out how things are, is a process of meeting the world; it is an activity of skillful exploration.
- Alva Noe
Collection: Order
Image of Paul Stookey
You have to put your body on the line from time to time in order to make a statement or change a law.
- Paul Stookey
Collection: Order
Image of A. C. Cuza
The science of anti-Semitism finally comes to explain this phenomenon, enlightening further the consciousness of people, fully satisfying their instinct and its violent eruptions thus legitimized by revealing their cause - the parasitism of the Jews. Thus it gives us the formula of the scientific solution for the problem of Judaism, which in order to realize we have only to apply.
- A. C. Cuza
Collection: Order
Image of Gudrun Ensslin
Wonderful, I like cars, too, I like all the great things you can buy in a department store. But when you have to buy them in order to stay unaware, comatose, then the price you pay is too high.
- Gudrun Ensslin
Collection: Order
Image of Karen Kingston
The reason why clutter clearing is effective is that while you are putting your external world in order there are corresponding changes going on internally too.
- Karen Kingston
Collection: Order
Image of Jurgen Habermas
As medium for reaching understanding, speech acts serve: a) to establish and renew interpersonal relations, whereby the speaker takes up a relation to something in the world of legitimate social orders; b) to represent states and events, whereby the speaker takes up a relation to something in the world of existing states of affairs; c) to manifest experiences that is, to represent oneself- whereby the speaker takes up a relation to something in the subjective world to which he has privileged access.
- Jurgen Habermas
Collection: Order
Image of Roni Horn
The social order of things has demanded an emphasis on the differences between gender that do not in my opinion in fact exist. I’m not going to go around putting pronouns on everything. Things are often deeply compromised by the set of assumptions you bring to the world, which is this black or white, this male or female.
- Roni Horn
Collection: Order
Image of Margo Timmins
It's not that we don't want to be all over the radio. I'd love to have a hit single. However, I also want to be in the business a long time and longevity is something that we all wanted. In order to have that, you have to be true to what you do and to each other.
- Margo Timmins
Collection: Order
Image of Jeffrey Pierce
I've kind of had to make a career of playing villains. In order to stay employed, I had to figure out how to play bad guys.
- Jeffrey Pierce
Collection: Order
Image of William Bratton
We are increasingly blind for terrorism purposes and for general law enforcement purposes with the new devices and the continuing effort to make them even more secure against even court orders authorising law enforcement to have access.
- William Bratton
Collection: Order
Image of Paul Solman
One of our needs in a very complex society, where we encounter more people every day than probably our ancestors encountered over their whole lifetime, is our need to very rapidly evaluate other people. And one of the most potent ways of doing that is through our automobiles. So, a car isn't just a thing. It's a set of symbols and associations that we have to figure out in order to understand how we navigate our social worlds with that car.
- Paul Solman
Collection: Order
Image of Nathan Hale
It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief.
- Nathan Hale
Collection: Order
Image of Jascha Heifetz
If the Almighty himself played the violin, the credits would still read 'Rubinstein, God, and Piatigorsky', in that order.
- Jascha Heifetz
Collection: Order
Image of John Beresford Fowler
Today there are hundreds of millions of mobile devices, but you do have to know a bit about what each device is capable of doing in order to approach it as a developer.
- John Beresford Fowler
Collection: Order
Image of Jason Jones
I look for three things. Number One is does the film promote the beauty and dignity of the human person? Number Two is does this film promote the transcendent moral order? And three, does it promote natural affection?
- Jason Jones
Collection: Order
Image of Jeroen Dijsselbloem
What can you do in order to save your own banks?
- Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas Chandler Haliburton
There is music wherever there is harmony, order, or proportion.
- Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Collection: Order
Image of Kathleen Hall Jamieson
The weakness in a model in which one assumes that the electorate gets what it needs from Bill Clinton is that our system doesn't institutionalize the oppositional voice, and one needs to be able to hear the exchange of the debate in order to create an informed electorate.
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Collection: Order