Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 17

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 17 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Do you see law and order? There is nothing but disorder, and instead of law there is the illusion of security. It is an illusion because it is built on a long history of injustices: racism, criminality, and the genocide of millions. Many people say it is insane to resist the system, but actually, it is insane not to.
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
Collection: Order
Image of Derek Jeter
In order to lead people, you have to get to know them.
- Derek Jeter
Collection: Order
Image of Leslie Parrish
As sculptors chip away the stone in order to find the statue, writers chip away extraneous verbiage so readers can see the shape of an idea clearly. My gift is to see through the confusion, to bring order and simplicity to a story.
- Leslie Parrish
Collection: Order
Image of Susan Hale
... the fact that the idea don't come freshly on us makes it necessary for it to be better in order to be good at all. The first rose must have driven the first smeller perfectly wild, but every rose since has smelt just as well.
- Susan Hale
Collection: Order
Image of Jason Isaacs
In fact my favourite thing is the wig because I'm a very lazy actor so every time I put it on, in order to keep it straight, they kept on telling me to tip my head back because otherwise I was eating it all the time.
- Jason Isaacs
Collection: Order
Image of Hans Christian von Baeyer
In order to understand information, we must define it; bit in order to define it, we must first understand it. Where to start?
- Hans Christian von Baeyer
Collection: Order
Image of Alain Badiou
In order to improve democracy, then, it's necessary to change the people, as Brecht ironically proposed.
- Alain Badiou
Collection: Order
Image of Mart Laar
The effort of building an ideal society always leads to violence, often to very extensive violence. Because, whether we like it or not, it is not possible to create an ideal society with imperfect people. And this, unfortunately, we are. So the main purpose for Nazism as well as for Communism was to create a 'new person'. In order to make room for it, the world needed to be rid of its non-perfect models.
- Mart Laar
Collection: Order
Image of Otto Ohlendorf
Because to me it is inconceivable that a subordinate leader should not carry out orders given by the leaders of the State.
- Otto Ohlendorf
Collection: Order
Image of Orlan
I make myself into a new image in order to produce new images.
- Orlan
Collection: Order
Image of Wilfrid Sellars
To put the matter in Aristotelian terminology, visual impressions are prior in the order of being to concepts pertaining to physical color, whereas the latter are prior in the order of knowing to concepts pertaining to visual impressions.
- Wilfrid Sellars
Collection: Order
Image of Alicia Keys
Sometimes you need to start again, in order to fly
- Alicia Keys
Collection: Order
Image of Alicia Keys
With each new day, I'm learning how to take control in order to have balance in my life. I plan time for myself and my loved ones and take it.
- Alicia Keys
Collection: Order
Image of Paul A. Baran
But when reason and the study of history began revealing the irrationality, the limitations, and the merely transitory nature of the capitalist order, bourgeois ideology as a whole and with it bourgeois economics began abandoning both reason and history.
- Paul A. Baran
Collection: Order
Image of Claudia Llosa
There is a universal urge to rethink our spirituality in order to give us a new sense of security.
- Claudia Llosa
Collection: Order
Image of Julia McNair Wright
disorder is the slowest worker in the universe.
- Julia McNair Wright
Collection: Order
Image of Ace Hood
In order to perfect your craft, you've gotta go hard, you've gotta go overtime.
- Ace Hood
Collection: Order
Image of Ace Hood
I just wanted to let people know that, in any aspect in which you're getting' money, you've gotta go overtime in order to provide for your loved ones or those who are around you. So that was my state of mind.
- Ace Hood
Collection: Order
Image of Gunter Brus
Being covered in white paint, you demonstrate behaviour intended to create a public nuisance, which did in fact cause offence to members of the public, and created a breach of the peace and public order.
- Gunter Brus
Collection: Order
Image of Molly Ivins
On the whole, I prefer not to be lectured on patriotism by those who keep offshore maildrops in order to avoid paying their taxes.
- Molly Ivins
Collection: Order
Image of Lydia Hoyt Farmer
The largest business in American handled by a woman is the Money Order Department of the Pittsburgh Post-office; Mary Steel has it in charge.
- Lydia Hoyt Farmer
Collection: Order
Image of Christian Metz
The familiar photographs that many people carry with them always obviously belong to the order of fetishes in the ordinary sense of the word.
- Christian Metz
Collection: Order
Image of Alistair Brownlee
I train for about 25 to 30 hours a week so I need to eat a lot. You just need to have a generally healthy diet. You need to be eating foods with lots of vitamins and minerals. You need to make sure you eat properly in order to give yourself the best chance of performing and recovering from training and competing.
- Alistair Brownlee
Collection: Order
Image of William Morris Davis
The more clearly the immensely speculative nature of geological science is recognized, the easier it becomes to remodel our concepts of any inferred terrestrial conditions and processes in order to make outrages upon them not outrageous.
- William Morris Davis
Collection: Order
Image of Djemal Pasha
There is nothing in the world that could make me turn from the law. With a clear conscience, I am prepared to answer for each and every one of my political and administrative orders and actions, and to do so before the court of public opinion.
- Djemal Pasha
Collection: Order
Image of Shunroku Hata
Asia, in cooperation with Europe, is about to take simultaneous action towards realization of a New World Order.
- Shunroku Hata
Collection: Order
Image of Bill Burton
You look at the states [Barack] Obama won and wonder, well, where would Hillary Clinton have a problem and where does Donald Trump have problems? And the truth is, Donald Trump is not showing strength in any of the big states that he would need in order to actually get to 270. And Hillary Clinton is showing herself to be remarkably stable in all the states that she needs.
- Bill Burton
Collection: Order
Image of Sydney Samuelson
Nulle cre ature humaine ne peut commander a' l'amour. No human being can give orders to love.
- Sydney Samuelson
Collection: Order
Image of Juvenal
It is sheer madness to live in want in order to be wealthy when you die.
- Juvenal
Collection: Order
Image of Michael Ignatieff
A liberal society cannot be defended by herbivores. We need carnivores to save us, but we had better make sure the meat-eaters hunt only on our orders.
- Michael Ignatieff
Collection: Order
Image of Lynn Shelton
I always wanted the actors to feel really free to leave the words behind if they weren't working, reword lines, if they felt like there was impulse they wanted to follow, if it was taking the scene out of order or adding something, that you should always feel free to do that.
- Lynn Shelton
Collection: Order
Image of Jason Flemyng
I do six or seven films a year in order to sustain my lifestyle.
- Jason Flemyng
Collection: Order
Image of Ella Baker
In order to see where we are going, we not only must remember where we have been, but we must understand where we have been.
- Ella Baker
Collection: Order
Image of David B. Rivkin
The fact that some former national security officials challenge the policy wisdom of the order, while other national security officials - most notably those of this [Donald Trump's] administration - support it, merely demonstrates that these are policy disputes that the judiciary is both ill-equipped and constitutionally barred from arbitrating.
- David B. Rivkin
Collection: Order
Image of Li Cunxin
In order to fly, you have to be free.
- Li Cunxin
Collection: Order
Image of Johan Huizinga
Play: It is an an activity which proceeds within certain limits of time and space, in a visible order, according to rules freely accepted, and outside the sphere of necessity or material utility. The play-mood is one of rapture and enthusiasm, and is sacred or festive in accordance with the occasion. A feeling of exaltation and tension accompanies the action.
- Johan Huizinga
Collection: Order
Image of Elena Kagan
Perhaps most important, judges will have goals. And because this is so, judges will often try to mold and steer the law in order to promote certain ethical values and achieve certain social ends. Such activity is not necessarily wrong or invalid.
- Elena Kagan
Collection: Order
Image of Len Elmore
I knew, despite playing in the NBA, that I would have to prepare for another career or vocation for when my playing days were over, in order to maintain relevancy. I didn't want to become known for what I used to do.
- Len Elmore
Collection: Order
Image of Paul Lafargue
Work, work, proletarians, to increase social wealth and your individual poverty; work, work, in order that becoming poorer, you may have more reason to work and become miserable. Such is the inexorable law of capitalist production.
- Paul Lafargue
Collection: Order
Image of Samuel Homola
Obviously, anyone in contradiction with authority must possess equivalent knowledge and additional fact in order to sustain his argument.
- Samuel Homola
Collection: Order
Image of Kathy Change
Our fears and taboos are largely social conditions imposed upon us by the ruling powers in order to keep us opressed. They manipulate us with our fears. Now let us be fearless.
- Kathy Change
Collection: Order
Image of George F. Kennan
A political society does not live to conduct foreign policy; it would be more correct to say that it conducts foreign policy in order to live.
- George F. Kennan
Collection: Order
Image of Alison Pill
You only live once. Trying to do the right thing for other people often doesnt work out, and you have to follow your own path in order to make things work out best for everyone.
- Alison Pill
Collection: Order
Image of Mike Svob
A painting with a message does not happen by accident. It happens when you place elements in their order of importance.
- Mike Svob
Collection: Order
Image of Arne Jacobsen
Clearly, if a building is not functionally and technically in order, then it isn't architecture either, it's just a building.
- Arne Jacobsen
Collection: Order
Image of Virgil Miller Newton
Second, I use inference from technical studies and theories in order to provide practical information for therapists. Those thoughts are several steps removed from scientific validity.
- Virgil Miller Newton
Collection: Order
Image of Oswald Pohl
I can only be responsible for my orders. I cannot be responsible for all the acts of Himmler.
- Oswald Pohl
Collection: Order
Image of Chokwe Lumumba
In order to create a permanent atmosphere of change, that's where the solidarity economy of change comes in. You don't want to simply invest in what exists already hoping that the next group of entrepreneurs are not as greedy as the last one.
- Chokwe Lumumba
Collection: Order
Image of Jerome Liebling
My photographs tried to find the politicians at their most wary, most vulnerable, and perhaps most truthful moments. I wanted the photographs to reveal the person through stance and stare, when he or she was most reflective or off guard, in order to measure the person and event unfolding.
- Jerome Liebling
Collection: Order