Top Needs Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Needs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Needs quotes.

Image of Maurice Levy
When you are a startup you need to hire very fast, and sometimes you have to restructure very fast.
- Maurice Levy
Collection: Needs
Image of Glenda Jackson
Nobody really needs a mink coat... Except the mink.
- Glenda Jackson
Collection: Needs
Image of Debby Ryan
Every day is a reminder of what I need to do to be the best person; the best me.
- Debby Ryan
Collection: Needs
Image of John McAfee
Opinions need a willing ear.
- John McAfee
Collection: Needs
Image of James Bryce
The ordinary American voter does not object to mediocrity. He likes his candidate to be sensible, vigorous, and, above all, what he calls 'magnetic,' and does not value, because he sees no need for, originality or profundity, a fine culture or a wide knowledge.
- James Bryce
Collection: Needs
Image of Norman Lamm
Conventional dogmas, even if endowed with the authority of an Aristotle - ancient or modern - must be tested vigorously. If they are found wanting, we need not bother with them. But if they are found to be substantially correct, we may not overlook them.
- Norman Lamm
Collection: Needs
Image of Mika Brzezinski
Donald Trump needs mental-health help.
- Mika Brzezinski
Collection: Needs
Image of Robert M. Hensel
We, the one's who are challenged, need to be heard. To be seen not as a disability, but as a person who has, and will continue to bloom. To be seen not only as a handicap, but as a well intact human being.
- Robert M. Hensel
Collection: Needs
Image of George Arnold
The living need charity more than the dead.
- George Arnold
Collection: Needs
Image of Scott Hall
My message is, if you need help, ask for it.
- Scott Hall
Collection: Needs
Image of Carrie Brownstein
I need a template of a template
- Carrie Brownstein
Collection: Needs
Image of Coleman Barks
I had never heard of Rumi until Robert Bly handed me this book and he said, ah, “These poems need to be released from their cages.”
- Coleman Barks
Collection: Needs
Image of L. J. Smith
I don't need to kill goats to say things. I CAN talk.
- L. J. Smith
Collection: Needs
Image of John Wilkins
Science doesn't deliver even that much "truth"; it delivers empirically adequate generalisations, and that is all we need.
- John Wilkins
Collection: Needs
Image of William Herschel
We need not hesitate to admit that the Sun is richly stored with inhabitants.
- William Herschel
Collection: Needs
Image of Pierre-Auguste Renoir
I need to feel the excitement of life stirring around me, and I will always need to feel that.
- Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Collection: Needs
Image of John Knox
Live in Christ, die in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death.
- John Knox
Collection: Needs
Image of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
There is no thing to see: you simply need to see that.
- Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
Collection: Needs
Image of O. Carl Simonton
The question you need to ask yourself is not if you will heal, but how you will heal.
- O. Carl Simonton
Collection: Needs
Image of Eleanor Smeal
[We need to push] for what we want, not just what we can get.
- Eleanor Smeal
Collection: Needs
Image of Terry Fox
Even if I don't finish, we need others to continue. It's got to keep going.
- Terry Fox
Collection: Needs
Image of Rex Harrison
Whatever it is that makes a person charming, it needs to remain a mystery .. once the charmer is aware of a mannerism or characteristic that others find charming, it ceases to be a mannerism and becomes an affectation.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Needs
Image of Pierre-Simon Laplace
To Napoleon on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God: Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis.
- Pierre-Simon Laplace
Collection: Needs
Image of Mark Plaatjes
Occasionally pick up speed-for 2 minutes, tops-then settle back into your former pace. Sometimes this is all you need to snap out of a mental and physical funk. Pick a downhill stretch if you can, and really lengthen your stride.
- Mark Plaatjes
Collection: Needs
Image of Savielly Tartakower
The tactician must know what to do whenever something needs doing; the strategist must know what to do when nothing needs doing
- Savielly Tartakower
Collection: Needs
Image of Marc Benioff
You need to get to the future, ahead of your customers, and be ready to greet them when they arrive.
- Marc Benioff
Collection: Needs
Image of Rebecca Goldstein
We need science. We need empirical evidence. We can't just use mathematical reasoning to deduce the nature of the world.
- Rebecca Goldstein
Collection: Needs
Image of Thomas Dewar, 1st Baron Dewar
Sometimes a step forward needs a step back.
- Thomas Dewar, 1st Baron Dewar
Collection: Needs
Image of Arthur Leonard Schawlow
To do suc cessful research, you don't need to know everything, you just, need to know one thing that isn't known.
- Arthur Leonard Schawlow
Collection: Needs
Image of Henry Ford II
Profits are the ultimate measure of how efficiently we provide customers with the best products for their needs. Profits are required to survive and grow.
- Henry Ford II
Collection: Needs
Image of Charles Handy
We need to have faith in the future to make sense of the present.
- Charles Handy
Collection: Needs
Image of Victor Wooten
In some instances, music is actually better than the spoken word, because it doesn't need to be understood.
- Victor Wooten
Collection: Needs
Image of Philip Arthur Fisher
One, which I mention several times elsewhere, is the need for patience if big profits are to be made from investment. Put another way, it is often easier to tell what will happen to the price of a stock than how much time will elapse before it happens. The other is the inherently deceptive nature of the stock market. Doing what everybody else is doing at the moment, and therefore what you have an almost irresistible urge to do, is often the wrong thing to do at all.
- Philip Arthur Fisher
Collection: Needs
Image of Philip Arthur Fisher
Of one thing the investor can be certain: A large company's need to bring in a new chief executive from the outside is a damning sign of something basically wrong with the existing management - no matter how good the surface signs may have been as indicated by the most recent earnings statement.
- Philip Arthur Fisher
Collection: Needs
Image of Annie Leonard
Recycling is what we do when we're out of options to avoid, repair, or reuse the product first. Firstly: Reduce. Don't buy what we don't need. Repair: Fix stuff that still has life in it. Reuse: Share. Then, only when you've exhausted those options, recycle.
- Annie Leonard
Collection: Needs
Image of Annie Leonard
Solid information is necessary, but insufficient. We also need to present that information in ways that are inspiring and accessible. That's where stories come in.
- Annie Leonard
Collection: Needs
Image of Regina E. Dugan
Failure isn't a problem. It's the fear of failure that's the limiting factor. You can't lose your nerve for the big failure, because it's the exact same nerve you need for the big success.
- Regina E. Dugan
Collection: Needs
Image of Heinz von Foerster
What we need now is the description of the "describer" or, in other words, we need a theory of the observer.
- Heinz von Foerster
Collection: Needs
Image of Rod Parsley
To reap a perpetual harvest you need to sow a perpetual seed. I got a need for seed.
- Rod Parsley
Collection: Needs
Image of John Brown
...what we need is action - action!
- John Brown
Collection: Needs
Image of John Goddard
You need a plan for everything, whether it's building a cathedral or a chicken coop. Without a plan, you'll postpone living until you're dead.
- John Goddard
Collection: Needs
Image of Ava DuVernay
Figure out what you need to do to be the heroine of your own story.
- Ava DuVernay
Collection: Needs
Image of Walter Darby Bannard
Talent is like a seed which needs fertile soil. There is no less talent now, there is less fertile soil to nourish it.
- Walter Darby Bannard
Collection: Needs
Image of Edna Buchanan
Where I come from these days, anybody who isn't seeing a therapist needs to.
- Edna Buchanan
Collection: Needs
Image of Jimmy Hoffa
I don't need a bodyguard.
- Jimmy Hoffa
Collection: Needs
Image of Mooji
You need nothing to be happy - you need something to be sad.
- Mooji
Collection: Needs
Image of Robert Breault
It is when there is nothing you can say or do to help that a friend needs you the most.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Needs
Image of Marion G. Romney
No, the Lord doesn't really need us to take care of the poor, but we need this experience; for it is only through our learning how to take care of each other that we develop within us the Christlike love and disposition necessary to qualify us to return to his presence.
- Marion G. Romney
Collection: Needs
Image of Richard N. Haass
Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty...needs to become weaker.
- Richard N. Haass
Collection: Needs