Rex Harrison

Image of Rex Harrison
I'm at the age where I've got to prove that I'm just as good as I never was.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Age
Image of Rex Harrison
Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a great idea hits you, and just before you realize what's wrong with it.
- Rex Harrison
Image of Rex Harrison
Tomorrow is a thief of pleasure.
- Rex Harrison
Image of Rex Harrison
Robert Morley is a legend in his own lunchtime.
- Rex Harrison
Image of Rex Harrison
There is always a struggle, a striving for something bigger than yourself in all forms of art. And even if you don't achieve greatness, even if you fail, which we all must, everything you do in your work is somehow connected with your attitude toward life, your deepest secret feelings.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Art
Image of Rex Harrison
I'm now at the age where I've got to prove that I'm just as good as I never was.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Age
Image of Rex Harrison
The important thing is to learn through experience. The more you do the more you learn. I don't think anyone can teach acting from a podium.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rex Harrison
Whatever it is that makes a person charming, it needs to remain a mystery .. once the charmer is aware of a mannerism or characteristic that others find charming, it ceases to be a mannerism and becomes an affectation.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Needs
Image of Rex Harrison
Higgins: I'm an ordinary man, who desires nothing more than just an ordinary chance, to live exactly as he likes, and do precisely what he wants. An average man am I, of no eccentric whim, Who likes to live his life, free of strife Doing whatever he thinks is best for him, Well, just an ordinary man
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Life
Image of Rex Harrison
Acting is bad acting if the actor himself gets emotional in the act of making the audience cry. The object is to make the audience cry, but not cry yourself. The emotion has to be inside the actor, not outside. If you stand there weeping and wailing, all your emotions will go down your shirt and nothing will go out to your audience. Audience control is really about the actor
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Emotional
Image of Rex Harrison
When you've always worked hard in the theatre, you find that, when you stop playing, at the end of a run, the evenings seem very long indeed. You have to find something to keep yourself occupied with because you're so used to gearing yourself up to that eight o'clock curtain, but to find any kind of real, absorbing alternative is impossible. Nobody is as interesting to spend an evening with as a really good part.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Running
Image of Rex Harrison
A woman who utters such disgusting and depressing noise has no right to be anywhere, no right to live. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech, that your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and The Bible. Don't sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Depressing
Image of Rex Harrison
Originally I had a block about appearing in a musical. I went to a voice teacher for a while, but that did no good. My range is about one and a half notes. I ended up talking the musical numbers, which was revolutionary at the time. The lyrics are extremely intricate. They move along like a precisely acted scene. If you miss a word - heaven help you - the orchestra rattles past like an express train, and you've got to run like the devil to catch up.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Running
Image of Rex Harrison
If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages, maybe take an animal degree.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Animal
Image of Rex Harrison
Because I love the taste of meat I am a reluctant but dedicated vegetarian.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Meat
Image of Rex Harrison
Having been challenged by Colonel Pickering, Higgins: You know, it's almost irresistible. She's so deliciously low. So horribly dirty.
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Dirty